The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 847: 847

Then, a man in blue fairy clothes fell down from the sky and landed steadily in front of the people.

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Seeing the man's arrival, the whole scene became more quiet.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am the examiner of Lingkong Academy. My name is yunkong. I am also the chief examiner responsible for testing you. You can enter Lingkong academy only if you pass the test here!" Yunkong looked at all the people in front of him.

With that, yunkong waved his hand, and in an instant there was an air wave all around, and two huge test stands appeared in front of everyone.

"There are two competition platforms, one for men and one for women. All of them stand in line to fight with the examiners sent out by our academy one by one."

"Those who can stand three moves can enter the elite class of the academy!"

"Those who can stand two moves can enter the inner class of the academy!"

"If you can stand a move, you can only enter the entrance class of the academy!"

"If you can't stand a move, please leave consciously!"

It can be said that the selection is very simple and fast.

And let Chen Ge feel that there is no difficulty at all.

"Brother Chen, are you confident?"

At this time, Lin Zilan looked at Chen Ge and asked.

Chen Ge showed a confident smile and responded to Lin Zilan: "of course, what about you, brother Lin?"

"Same, which class do you want to go to?"

Lin Zilan asked Chen Ge again.

"Elite class!"

Chen Ge blurted out immediately.

Since you want to enter Lingkong academy, you must go to the best class. Otherwise, what's the point.

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Hearing Chen GE's words, Lin Zilan also nodded. Now he is more and more interested in Chen Ge. He thinks Chen Ge is not talking big, but has real strength.

"Chen Ge, I'll go to the women's side first, and then we'll meet again after that!"

At this time, Zhou Nuo suggested to Chen Ge that she was a girl, so she could only go to the women's competition platform for testing, and certainly could not stay with Chen Ge on the men's side.

"Well, you go."

Chen Ge smiles and nods to respond to Zhou Nuo.

After saying that, they waved goodbye, Zhou Nuo and Chen Ge went to their own line.

Chen GE's team here can only be described as an idiom, a long line.

Compared with Zhou Nuo, there are more people coming to the selection, and many of them have failed in the past, so they will come to participate in the selection again this time.

"Get out of here

Just then, an angry voice sounded from behind.

Then I saw a young man wearing blue brocade clothes with a tag on his waist and two of his subordinates stormed over.

Along the way, the two men behind him pushed and pushed the people around one after another. As long as the people in the way were beaten and scolded, no one dared to stand up and resist.

Seeing this man, Chen Ge frowned.

What he hated the most was such an arrogant childe.

At this time, standing at a distance of two people from Chen Ge, a little fat man was directly pushed to the ground by the two men.

"Fatso, who let you get in the way!"

The blue brocade man glared angrily at the little fat man and roared.

The little fat man subconsciously shrunk his head, patted the dust on his buttocks and stood up and retreated to one side.

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"Hum, you're a loser. I dare to block my young master's way. I'll teach you a good lesson!"

The blue brocade man seems to see that this little fat man is very easy to bully, and he is suddenly excited. }

"come on, call me!"

Then, the blue brocade man ordered to the two men behind him.


The two men immediately responded.

With that, the two men were ready to punch the little fat man.

At this time, a figure quickly flashed by, directly in front of the little fat man.

"Bang bang!"

The shadow of the two feet quickly out, directly to the two men to kick fly out.

Seeing this scene, the man in blue brocade was also shocked. He didn't expect that someone would dare to stand up and fight his own people.

Yes, this person is not others, it is Chen Ge.

"Three people bully one, what kind of a hero!"

Chen Ge stares at the blue brocade man, the tone is icy hums a way.


"Who are you? If you dare to take care of my young master's affairs, I don't think you are tired of living a crooked life! "

The blue brocade man stares at Chen Ge fiercely to ask a way.

Chen Ge is not afraid of these people.

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"Passers-by, I can't get used to people like you!"

Chen Ge is very insipid reply way.

"Boy, do you know who I am? This young master is the boundary area Jingzhou Zhao house Zhao Yan big young, discerning quickly kneels down to this young master apology, this matter even, otherwise.. Oh, my young master, you can't bear to eatZhao Yan reported his family, full of arrogant head, Chen Ge warning.

"I care who you are. Everyone is human. Why can you bully others?"

Chen Ge looked at Zhao Yan with disdain and snorted.

"Hey, boy, you are really tired of life. Don't blame me for teaching you a lesson. Let you know what kind of end it is to offend me!"

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhao Yan immediately sneered.

The voice falls, Zhao Yan is brandishing fist to fight toward Chen Ge.

Zhao Yan is also a practitioner. It seems that he has learned martial arts. You can see it from the attack posture.

However, compared with Chen Ge, he is not at the same level.

Not waiting for Zhao Yan's fist to arrive in front of Chen Ge, Chen Ge directly kicked it to fly out.

Chen Ge this foot speed is extremely fast, completely not Zhao Yan can react to come over.


Zhao Yan fell heavily on the ground, estimated that the butt really fell not light.

People around are also surprised to see Chen Ge.

They didn't expect that Chen GE's skill was so strong. At that moment, it was too fast.

"You.".. If you dare to hit me, I will tell you that I will not let you go! "

Zhao Yan is still stiff headed toward Chen GE's angry roar way.

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After listening to Chen Ge, this also wanted to continue to teach Zhao Yan, but was held by a hand.

I saw a beautiful young man coming out from behind Chen Ge.

"Brother is good at skill, such a person will not pay attention to him!"

The youth smiles at Chen Ge and tells.

"Are you?"

Chen Ge looked suspiciously at the youth and asked.

"In the lower boundary area, yulinwu mansion, Gaozi city!"

The youth immediately told Chen Ge his identity and name.

After hearing the name, it immediately shocked everyone around.

"Yu Lin Wu Fu, my God!"

"I didn't expect that it was the tall and small of Yu Lin Wu's house!"

"I can't believe that Gao Da Shao has come to participate in the selection this time!"

"Yes, it's incredible!"

For a time, people around have been talking.

Hearing this, Zhao Yan's eyes immediately widened.

In the face of Gaozi City, his identity is nothing at all. It is the rhythm of the sorcerer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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