The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 848: 848

"My name is Chen Ge!"

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Chen Ge is also a polite way to introduce himself to Lin Zilan.

"Brother Chen, just now you are good at it!"

Gaozi city is another praise of Chen Song.

"Ha ha, where, just see the injustice on the road!"

Chen Ge is also a light smile in response to the way, said is very understatement.

Looking at Zhao Yan again, I found that Zhao Yan did not know when to leave quietly.

However, Chen Ge didn't take charge of Zhao Yan any more. Anyway, there were so many people like Zhao Yan, and he couldn't teach all of them.

"Brother Chen, would you like to be a friend?"

Later, gaozicheng proposed to Chen Ge that he wanted to get to know Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, of course, without any comments, he nodded and agreed.

Soon, the selection competition officially began.

Chen Ge and Lin Zilan and gaozicheng are not in a hurry to compete, but first watch from the bottom.

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will be invincible in a hundred battles.

Standing at the bottom, Chen Ge can take a look at the strength of the people sent by the Academy, and can also make a good analysis of how to deal with them.

Chen GE's inner thought is not to accept three moves, his idea is to defeat the other side, this is what the strong should do.

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Three moves, simply too despise people.

At this time, a young man in a blue robe walked up, holding a folding fan in his hand, and looked like a posture.

After watching Chen Ge, he couldn't help laughing. Who are these people? How can all kinds of cats and dogs come to participate in the selection? It's too hot.


With the sound of gongs, the first competition officially began.

The young man in blue immediately rushed to the experimenter in front of him and spread out his folding fan.


The next second, the blue robed youth is directly kicked by the experimenter, and falls directly under the stage.

"Failure, next one!"

Yunkong didn't take a look at it and immediately began to shout.

See this scene, the people below also have one after another to discuss, who did not expect the strength of the tester on stage so strong.

However, in Chen GE's opinion, it's nothing. It's just that the young man in blue is too weak, so he will be killed by one move.

Even a move can not bear, that is really no play.

However, most of the people who continued to go up for selection were put down by one move.

Half an hour later, only one person took a move to get into the entry class. The others were beaten down by one move. It was a terrible rhythm.

Sitting on the seat of yunkong is also leisurely and complacent, can not help but shake his head, feel very disappointed with this selection.

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Then, it again impatiently said.

"Brother Chen, go up and try it?"

At this time, Lin Zilan looked at Chen Ge and asked with interest.

After hearing this, Chen Ge also nodded his head, then raised his hand and called out, "I will come!"

All of a sudden, all of us cast their eyes on Chen Ge.

After seeing Chen GE's physical fitness, people around him also thought that Chen Ge must be beaten to the ground.

In full view of the public, Chen Ge stepped on the test platform and stood in front of the tester.

"There's no difference between you and those people. I suggest you'd better give up, so as not to be beaten on the ground like those people!"

Standing in front of Chen Ge, the experimenter stares at Chen GE's scorn.

Chen frowned when he heard it.

Niang, dare to underestimate himself, then Chen Ge will certainly not let him succeed.

"Yes? You haven't even played with me. How do you know I'm not your opponent? Maybe you will be beaten by me? "

In front of everyone, Chen Ge retorted to the experimenter with great momentum.

"Boy, everyone will say big words. It seems that you really want to die. Don't blame me for being rude. Give your name to me!"

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After hearing this, the experimenter also glared at Chen Ge and roared.

"Chen Ge, what about you? Let me know your name. If I beat you down, I'm afraid I will not know you next time I meet you in the Academy. "

Chen Ge also asked the same question from the experimenter.

"Well, listen up. I'm the monitor of the fifth level elite class of Lingkong Academy. My name is Ge Yunfeng."

The experimenter immediately told Chen Ge his name.

With that, a gong sounded, and the contest began.


Ge Yunfeng suddenly snatched himself out of the body and quickly rushed to Chen Ge.

Ge Yunfeng's speed is not slow. At least he has reached the third level of real life state. It can be said that he is not weak.However, Chen Ge is still a little weak.

Of course, Chen Ge won't give full play to his real strength. He only needs to use the second level soul cultivation strength of human realm to defeat Ge Yunfeng.

Ge Yunfeng hit Chen Ge in the face with a heavy blow.

People around also seem to have seen Chen Ge was a punch prone end.

Unfortunately, this picture will not appear.

Chen Ge dodged Ge Yunfeng's fist and let it fall.

"My God, he escaped the first move!"

The people at the bottom immediately exclaimed.

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When GE Yunfeng heard these voices, he was even more upset. He felt that he was disgraced. It was his own shame that he could not beat Chen Ge with one punch.

It seems that GE Lifeng's actions to kill Chen's body are all his own.

But Ge Yunfeng really underestimated Chen GE's strength.

This leg failed again, not hitting Chen GE's body.

"Second move!"

There was another cry from below.

At this time, even the face of yunkong sitting in the position also showed a surprise and unexpected expression. He did not expect Chen Ge to be able to carry the second move in Ge Yunfeng's hand.

"Ha ha, there's one last move left. It's up to you to defeat me!"

At this time, Chen Ge stares at GE Yunfeng with a very strange smile and sneers.

After hearing this, Ge Yunfeng became more angry. He felt that Chen Ge was humiliating himself.

But in fact, he is not Chen GE's opponent at all, which he has already seen for a long time. But he can't just admit defeat like this, or he will lose face. So Ge Yunfeng decides to use his own strength to deal with Chen Ge.


Ge Yunfeng gave a cold smile.

"I will defeat you completely with this move Ge Yunfeng's face was gloomy and he preached confidently.

Chen Ge is standing still, a face of calm, staring at GE Yunfeng, he thinks Ge Yunfeng is talking big words, his strength to beat himself is simply a dream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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