The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 850: 850

Hearing the president's words, Chen Ge looked at the four masters sitting around.

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The four masters are also upright, sitting their own posture, looking forward to Chen GE's choice.

After watching for a while, Chen Ge did not make a choice.

This makes Xumi and the four masters show their doubts.

"Chen Ge, can't you make a choice?" Xu Mi asked Chen Ge.

Chen Ge raised an unpredictable smile, looked at Xu MI and replied, "Dean, do you have no choice but these four masters?"


"Boy, do you despise our four great masters?"

Chen GE's words made the master of dizang angry, and he stared at Chen Ge and asked.

In fact, Chen Ge didn't have that idea.

"Master dizang, you have misunderstood me. I am not looking down on your four masters, but I hope to have a better choice." Chen Ge calmly stood in his place and explained to master dizang.

"Oh? What other options do you want? "

Xu Mi looked at Chen Ge with interest and asked. He thought the young man in front of him was really special.

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"I don't know if the Dean has the idea of accepting the students sitting down?"

Later, Chen Ge immediately proposed to Xu MI.

"You boy, the dean is the head of Lingkong Academy. How can you be so presumptuous?" Master dizang was angry at Chen Ge again.

Master yunkong on one side had already changed his face and became frightened. He did not expect Chen Ge to dare to say such a thing.

Who is Xumi? The head of Lingkong academy, which is the supreme status, can not easily accept students.

However, Xu MI did not get angry at Chen GE's words, but showed a satisfied smile.

"Chen Ge, you are really brave. You are the first person who dare to put forward such a request in front of me. It's good. It's really good." Xu Mi's words are not to blame Chen Ge, but to praise Chen Ge.

Hearing Xu Mi's words, the four masters and master yunkong were all shocked and surprised.

It was the first time that they saw Xumi so interested in a student.

"Well, I haven't received any sit down students in my life, so today I will make an exception and accept you as the only student for me to sit down!"

Then Xu Mi stares at Chen Ge and agrees to accept Chen Ge as his sitting student.


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The faces of the four masters changed greatly.

The result was totally unexpected to the four of them.

I didn't expect that Xu Mi would really like to make an exception for Chen Ge.

"Thank you, Dean.. No, thank you very much Chen Ge also hastened to address Xu MI with respect.

Now that he has entered Lingkong academy, of course, he wants to be the most powerful one. It is not Chen GE's wish to let the four great masters become their own tutors. Of course, he is the only student sitting down as the dean.

In this way, Chen GE's status and identity in Lingkong Academy was extremely high.

With that, Xu Mi flew out a gold token from his sleeve and landed in front of Chen Ge.

"This is your exclusive token, and also your identity symbol in Lingkong Academy. You are the only sitting student of Xumi, who can have all the learning resources of the whole academy!" Xu Mi directly gave Chen Ge the identity symbol and rights.

The dean's students, how noble their status is, of course, in the academy can be said to be walking horizontally.

The most important thing is that Chen Ge can enjoy all the learning resources of the Academy at will. In this way, Chen Ge can learn a lot of skills and secrets, so as to improve his own strength faster.

"Yunkong, you should sort out the Dongyuan Pavilion. From now on, that is Chen GE's private residence!"

Then he said to him.

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"Yes, Dean. I'll take Chen Ge with me right away." Cloud Kong didn't even think about it, so he agreed.

With that, yunkong left the hall with Chen Ge.

After they left, the four great masters looked at Xu Mi one after another, and they were obviously quite displeased.

"Dean, why do you want to take Chen Ge as your sitting student?" Di Zang was puzzled and asked Xu MI.

Lingkong academy has never set such a precedent, but this time it was made an exception because of a Chen Song. Moreover, it was the dean who spoke in person, which really made their four masters not understand.

"Ha ha!"

"Don't you see that? In fact, the boy's strength is not in the realm of real life, but deliberately conceals his own strength

With a light smile, Xu Mi explained to the four great masters.

On hearing this, the four great masters began to doubt each other.

"You mean that the boy is deliberately hiding his strength. How about his real strength?" The master continued to ask in a little surprise."At least it has reached the Ninth level of soul cultivation strength, and there are even signs of breaking through the realm of true God!"

Xu Mi spoke directly.

This is enough to shock the four great masters. We should know that there are almost no students in Lingkong Academy who can reach the Ninth level of the real person realm. All of them are from level 7 to level 8. If Chen Ge really has the strength to reach the Ninth level of human spirit cultivation, then he is indeed qualified to be a student of Xumi.

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"If this is the case, this boy will be one of the most gifted students in the history of Lingkong academy, not one of them!" Master dizang finally did not doubt, and changed his attitude.

It is a pity that such a student is not his own, but a sitting student of the dean. Otherwise, he must have more status and show off capital in the Academy.

However, master dizang had already thought that he must have a good relationship with Chen Ge.

At this point, this side.

Under the leadership of master yunkong, Chen Ge went to the Dongyuan Pavilion of Lingkong Academy.

Dongyuan pavilion has always been used as an empty room to put some sundries. But now Chen GE has become Xu Mi's sitting student. Of course, he should have an identity symbol residence. Chen Ge can't live with the students in the entrance classes. It's really a bit of a reduction.

"Master yunkong, are there no people who have lived here?"

Looking at the dusty Pavilion in front of him, Chen Ge asked master yunkong.

Master yunkong immediately nodded his head and replied to Chen Ge, "yes, don't call me a master. You are a student of the Dean, but you have different identities!"

"Ha ha, master yunkong is very serious. Although I am a student of the Dean, I am still a student of Lingkong Academy. My identity is the same, and you are also a tutor. Of course, I want to respect you!"

Chen Ge is also very modest chaoyunkong master response. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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