The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 851: 851

Master yunkong also smiles.

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Now he has a lot of affection for Chen Ge. After all, he is a student of the Dean, but his identity is different.

"Master yunkong, it's boring for me to live here alone. Can I find some people to live with me? Because I still have a few friends in the academy! "

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ge proposed to master yunkong.

"Well.. This one. "

Master yunkong suddenly showed a difficult look.

This has not happened in the Academy, after all, Chen GE's identity is different from those people.

Chen Ge immediately took out a Tianling fruit from his own storage ring and handed it to master yunkong.

"Master yunkong, this is my little wish. Please help me!" Chen Gechao pleaded.

See Chen Ge take out the spirit of heaven fruit, immediately let yunkong dumb big surprise.

He didn't expect Chen Ge to have tianlingguo.

"Tianlingguo, you.. Where did you get it? " Master yunkong looked at Chen Ge in surprise and asked.

The only place on the whole land with tianlingguo is there. Yunkong is also aware of it. However, Chen GE's possession of tianlingguo really surprised him.

"Oh, someone gave it to me!"

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Chen Ge chuckled indifferently and explained briefly.

But yunkong can hear that Chen Ge must be hiding something, but he does not want to ask.

Since Chen Ge is so sincere, of course, he is also willing to help. He quickly takes over the tianlingguo from Chen Ge.

Tianlingguo is such a good and precious thing, which can not be obtained by everyone. Of course, yunkong will accept it.

"Chen Ge, you can tell me which people you want to live here with you. I'll arrange it!"

Then, yunkong agreed to come down.

Chen Ge was close to yunkong's ear and said the names of Lin Zilan.

"OK, no problem. I'll arrange it right away. But Chen Ge, this is a matter between us. We can't let others know. Otherwise, the dean and the master will blame me!"

Yunkong also did not forget to remind Chen Ge.

Chen Ge naturally understands this. He knows this kind of thing is disgraceful, but he doesn't want to live alone in this place.

Moreover, Lin Zilan, Zhou Nuo and gaozicheng are all his friends. Of course, we should share the good things together. Chen Ge doesn't want the three of them to have a bad life.

"That's good, then you wait here for a while, I'll arrange for the three of them to come with you!"

Cloud Kong Dynasty Chen Ge ordered a word and then turned to leave.

Chen Ge sat alone outside the pavilion waiting.

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After about ten minutes, yunkong and Zhou Nuo came to Dongyuan Pavilion together.

"Chen Ge!"

Seeing Chen Ge, Zhou Nuo couldn't help shouting, and immediately jumped forward happily.

"Chen Ge, then I won't disturb the three of you. You can clean up by yourself and tell me if you have any need!" So I don't want to leave Chen Kongge.

Looking at yunkong's respect for Chen Ge, Zhou Nuo three people are really surprised.

"Chen Ge, what have you done to make master yunkong respect you so much? And why are you here? What did you call us for? "

Zhou Nuo immediately asked three questions to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge raised a smile and looked at Zhou Nuo and said, "from now on, this is where we four live. I am the dean's sitting student now."

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhou Nuo three people showed more incredible look.

"Brother Chen, are you kidding us again? Is it true that the dean's students are sitting down? " Gaozicheng looked at Chen Ge and asked.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't believe it. Nuo, let's show you what this is. This is the exclusive token given to me by the Dean himself. If you don't believe it, you can ask Master yunkong!"

Chen Ge quickly took out Xumi's exclusive token to himself and handed it to Zhou Nuo, three of whom said triumphantly.

This week, Nuo San believed it. No wonder master yunkong showed such respect for Chen Ge. It's for such a reason.

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"Chen Ge, you are so good. You can be a student of the dean and live in such a good place alone!" Zhou Nuo looked at Chen Ge and praised.

"Ha ha!"

Chen Ge also chuckled.

"But now you can live with me, so that I won't be alone!"

Heard Chen GE's words, Zhou Nuo three people a surprise, did not expect Chen Ge will let them live together.

Soon, the four simply cleaned up and went to the dining hall for dinner.

Lingkong academy has a special dining place, just like universities on earth, but this is another continent.Four people came to the dining hall, each meal, sat down to eat and chat.

"Get out of the way, get out of here. Next is the elite class. Get out of here!"

At that moment, an angry and cold voice began to ring.

These people are elite class people, it seems that people feel very arrogant and domineering.

Around some of the students see the situation also have to leave quickly, no one dare to provoke these elite class people.

"Chen Ge, those people are a little unfriendly. What shall we do?" Zhou Nuo then looked at Chen Ge and asked.

Chen Ge is not afraid of those who are afraid of the elite class. After all, Chen Ge is the dean's sitting student, whose identity is higher than those of the elite class. What's more, why should Chen Ge be afraid of these people?

"No matter what they are, we will continue to eat!"

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Chen Ge light said a sentence, and then with Zhou Nuo three people continue to manage their own eating up.

Seeing that the four of Chen Ge are still sitting in their seats, those from the elite class immediately came over and surrounded them.

"Well, you four, you don't understand us, do you? Now it's our elite class. If you know how to eat, you'll get out of here, or we won't be so polite! "

A man with an inch in his head glared at Chen Ge in a gloomy tone and said angrily.

The strength of these elite classes is almost all in the realm of real life, three or four levels of soul cultivation, or some strength.


As soon as the cuntou man finished speaking, the whole man was directly shocked by a force.

It was Chen Ge who made the move.

"Where's the wild dog? This is the public dining area, not the territory of your elite class!"

Chen Ge directly squeezed out a sentence from his mouth.

In an instant, several other elite class students around have made preparations to start.

For a time, the two sides were at war, and there was a strong smell of gunpowder on both sides. There was a possibility of a big war at any time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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