The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 852: 852

"Boy, I think you are tired of living

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Cuntou man's tone is Yin Li's angry way.

The voice falls, the cuntou man hits Chen GE's front with a fist.


Don't wait for him to touch Chen Ge, Chen Ge a slap quickly draw out, directly will inch head man to fly out.

The man with inch head fell heavily on the table, which broke into two.

"Stop it all!"

At this moment, a gloomy voice sounded.

The master of the voice is not others, but master yunkong.

Master yunkong came in from the dining hall door and walked quickly to Chen Ge and others.

Seeing the arrival of master yunkong, all the people were quiet and did not dare to mess around again. The students of the elite class bowed their heads.

"Master yunkong!"

All the people present yelled to master chaoyunkong.

Yunkong went to Chen Ge and other people in front of him and asked, "what's going on? Who made you fight in the dining hall? "

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Although Chen GE's identity is special, yunkong still wants to show serious appearance in front of outsiders.

"Master yunkong, it's the people of these elite classes who choose the first thing. We have a good meal here. When they come in, they say they want to drive us out. They say it's time for the elite class to eat!"

Chen Ge stands in the same place calmly, and chaoyunkong tells the story.

After listening to this, master yunkong frowned even harder. He immediately turned around and looked at the students of the elite class.

"What's the public dining room for you Master Yun Kong asked in a cold voice.

Several elite class students are afraid to respond. Although they are elite class students, they certainly dare not provoke master yunkong.

"Sorry, master yunkong, we are wrong!"

The cuntou man then got up and carefully opened his mouth to admit his mistake to master yunkong.

But his heart is extremely angry, and he feels that he has lost a lot of shame. His heart is full of resentment against Chen Ge, and he wants to find a chance to get it back.

"Let's break up. Don't do it again!"

Master yunkong said in a deep voice.

With that, the cuntou man quickly left the dining room with several other people.

After these people left, master yunkong turned to look at the four Chen Ge.

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"Zhao Zong Li is a bully in the Academy, but you have to be careful. You have to be careful of the way you bully Chen Zong Li." Master yunkong reminds Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded slightly and replied: "don't worry, master yunkong. I'm not afraid of these people. Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth."

"Oh, by the way, Chen Ge, there will be a competition of academies next. You should be prepared!"

Before leaving, master yunkong did not forget to remind Chen Ge.


Chen Ge nodded and said.

None of them expected that they would meet the competition of Lingkong academy just after they joined Lingkong Academy.

But this competition is not so simple.

The competition of Lingkong academy is held every year when new students enter the college. It is also a competition to test the real level of each student, from the entry class to the elite class.

Soon, two days passed.

This day is the day of Lingkong academy martial arts competition.

All the people of the Academy gathered in the square, with the entry class sitting in the east position, the inner door class sitting in the West position, and the elite class sitting in the South position.

As for Chen Ge, Chen Ge sat beside the Dean Xu MI.

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Seeing Chen Ge sitting by Xu Mi's side really shocked everyone at the bottom. Thinking about Chen GE's identity, he could have such treatment.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today is the day of martial arts competition for new students in our college every year after they are admitted to the hospital. As before, the students from the entry-level class to the elite class will have a competition respectively!"

Then, just listening to master yunkong, he came out and told all the students.

"Next, I'd like to introduce another person to you. He is Chen Ge, a student of the dean. He also took part in the martial arts competition this time. You will have a fight with him!" Then master yunkong introduced Chen Ge.


All of a sudden, the whole scene was a sensation, and many people were talking about it.

Who would have thought that Chen Ge would be the dean's sitting down student. We should know that no one has ever been the dean's sitting down student over the years. Chen Ge is the first one. What strength does this person have.

"Master yunkong, if we defeat him, can we become the Dean sitting students?"

Just then, a student of the elite class stood up and asked master yunkong.

After hearing this, master yunkong was stunned for a moment and turned to look at the Dean Xu MI.After pondering for a while, Xu Mi stood up and began to say, "fellow students, if anyone can beat him, he can become my sitting student."

Once this was said, all the students were shocked again. This is a rare opportunity for all of us.

I think that as long as you beat Chen Ge, you can become the dean's sitting student. Everyone is willing to do this.

But all this is not so simple, because Chen Ge is not something they can beat.

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"OK, the next scene will be the first competition between the students of the entrance class and the students of the inner class. Please send students from both sides to enter the center of the square." Then master yunkong said to all the students.

After that, one student was sent to enter the center of the square.

The first scene is the entry class against the inner door class.

In fact, it seems that this competition is not fair, but it is not. The distribution of various strengths in the three classes are different, and there will be more powerful people in the entry class.

Soon the competition between the two began in the center of the square.

It has to be said that the strength of the students in the inner class is still good, whether in terms of attack or speed, they are much higher than those of the entry-level class.

But this entry-level student was not a fuel-efficient lamp, and was not defeated quickly.

In the end, the students from both sides of the class won the first round.

However, in fact, this entry class students have also performed very well, but there are still some small gaps in strength.

"Well, the first game is the victory of the inner class students, and then the second game is the competition between the entry class students and the elite class students!"

With the end of the first scene, master yunkong immediately announced the second scene.

The second scene was actually the entry-level battle elites, which was quite a leap forward. In a moment, no one dared to stand up for the entry class. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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