The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 856: 856

The tower door falls, Chen Ge subconsciously turns around to have a look.

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At this time, the whole Tianfan tower was dark and there was no light at all.

Just when Chen Ge is in doubt, a flash of fire burns from the tower, gradually becoming more and more bright, just like a burning fire.

Under the fire, an old man in white came out.

"May I ask you?"

Seeing the arrival of the old man, Chen Ge asked curiously.

"I am a wandering God in the sky. This is my last soul in Tianfan tower. It is your coming that will call me out! "

the yuan soul of the wandering God in the star world stares at Chen Ge and tells the story.

"Are you a celestial wanderer? Why do you want to say that it is my coming that calls out your soul? "

Chen Ge was surprised and asked in surprise.

He didn't expect that the man in front of him was the legendary ancient celestial God.

"Ha ha!"

The astral God chuckles and reaches out his hand to snap his finger.

"Bang Dang!"

In an instant, the scene inside the tower becomes a vast universe of stars.

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With a wave of a big hand, the wandering God of the star world presented a scene in front of Chen Ge.

The picture is full of chaos and ruins, countless skeletons fall on the ground, the sky is covered by heavy black fog, looks incomparably terrible.

What's going on here?

Chen Ge couldn't help thinking.

"Wandering God, what's going on in this picture?" Chen Ge asked the wandering God of the star world in a hurry.

As soon as Chen GE's voice fell, a number appeared in the picture.

The number is 300.

What is the secret behind it? What does the number 300 represent? One doubt after another, floating in Chen GE's mind.

"This is the world after three hundred days!"

After a pause, the wandering God of the star world began to speak to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was shocked, his expression became extremely incredible, and his eyes were slightly enlarged.

"Three hundred days later?" Chen Ge is suspicious.

"That's right. What you see now is all the situation in the world after 300 days. After 300 days, the ancient demons will wake up and rule the whole world thoroughly. At that time, not only the land will soar, but also the boundary and other continents will not be able to escape the rule of demons."

The spirit of the astral world spoke with a heavy tone.

Chen Ge felt that she was listening to a story and felt that it was too much like a myth.

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But Chen Ge knows that the astral God is absolutely not a lie, and all this must be true.

"What does that have to do with me? Can I have a way to save the world Chen GE's reaction is very quick, immediately toward the astral world God asked.

Since the astral God showed him this thing, it must have something to do with him. Is it possible that he will become the Savior of a new generation?

But all this is exactly what Chen Ge thought.

"You are right. You will become the Savior of the whole world. Only you have the ability to resist the ancient demons!"

The wandering God of the star world stares at Chen Ge and replies.

Chen Ge was very surprised to hear that, thinking about how he became a savior?

And he didn't know what it had to do with him.

"Why me?"

Chen Ge continues to ask, do not ask a clear understanding that he will not give up.

"Because there is an ancient will hidden in your body. This will can help you resist the ancient demons. As long as you can develop this will, you can save the whole world!" The astral God patiently explained.

"How to develop it?" Chen Ge immediately asked.

With that, the star world God of wandering spread out his hand, and a scroll appeared in his hand and handed it to Chen Ge.

There is a depression on the scroll, which should be something missing to open it.

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"This is the sky star scroll. You must get the Xuanling gem and put it here before you can open it. However, Xuanling gem is a thing of ages, and no one has ever found it. If you can find the Xuanling gem, you can open the star scroll and develop the will in your body."

The wandering God of the star world looked at Chen Ge and explained.

Chen Ge took the scroll, took a meaningful look, and then put it into his own storage ring.

"What was the trial of the Vatican that day?"

After that, he asked again.

I didn't come in to take part in the trial. How can I feel like I'm here to take the task now.

"The reason why I founded Tianfan pagoda for trial is to find the arrival of the man of destiny. Now that you are here, you naturally don't need to try, because all the trials in this are useless to you. I will send you directly to the top of the tower!"The celestial spirit answered Chen GE's question immediately.

Voice down, Chen Ge instantly moved to the top of Tianfan tower.

At this point, everyone outside.

"It seems that there is a light on the top of the tower!"

At this time, some people found the light on the top of Tianfan pagoda for the first time.

Seeing this, Xu MI and the four great masters expressed their surprise. They didn't expect Chen Ge to go to the top.

It was only after climbing to the top that the light appeared.

For hundreds of years, Tianfan pagoda has never reached the top, and Chen Ge is the first person.

Inside the tower, Chen Ge comes to the top of the tower.

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On the top of the tower stood a sword with white light. With the arrival of Chen Ge, the body of the sword began to vibrate continuously, as if there was telepathy.

"Chen Ge, this is the Xingyuan sword. From now on, it is your exclusive weapon. There is a Xingyuan sword manual beside it. I hope you can learn all the skills in the sword spectrum, and your strength will go up to a higher level."

The celestial God appeared again in front of Chen Ge.

After listening to this, Chen Ge thought it was incredible, so he walked forward slowly.

"Hold out your hand and put it on the hilt!"

The star world you Shen Chao Chen Ge instructs.

Chen Ge Leng for a moment, stretched out his hand and put his hand on the handle of Xingyuan sword according to the command of the wandering God of the star world.

The next second, Chen GE's palm suddenly pricked a little, his palm immediately appeared a tiny wound, a drop of blood in the wound fell, dripping on the hilt.


In an instant, the Xingyuan sword emitted a light sound, and the whole sword began to rotate rapidly.

After spinning for a few seconds, Xingyuan sword broke free from the shackles, jumped out directly and entered Chen GE's hands.

Chen Ge tightly held the star Yuan sword, and felt a strong force from the palm of his hand to his Dantian position.

This feeling is.. Will break through soon!!!! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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