The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 857: 857

The powerful energy is constantly impacting on Chen GE's elixir field.

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Chen Ge immediately sat down with his eyes closed, feeling the restless energy in his body, trying to subdue it with his own strength.

But even so, Chen Ge couldn't do it.

"By the way, I don't have heavenly fruit!"

In a hurry, Chen Ge suddenly thought of a thing.

After thinking about it, Chen Ge immediately took out a Tianling fruit from his own storage ring and ate it decisively.

After eating a Tianling fruit, Chen Ge immediately felt a cool and comfortable feeling in his body, and the energy seemed to be eliminated.

Yes, under the influence of the heavenly spirit fruit, Chen GE has successfully broken through the Ninth level soul cultivation of the human realm and entered the first level strength of the true God realm.

At this moment, Chen Ge felt that he was full of strength, much stronger than before.

"Congratulations, Chen Ge. Congratulations on breaking through the real world and entering the true God realm. You now have the ability to transform God. After you enter into the God transforming state, your strength will soar several times. However, the ability to transform God can only be used in the most extreme circumstances, which is regarded as the last life saving skill!"

One side of the existence of Yuanhun Xingjie God watching Chen Ge He Xi Dao.

Transforming God is a unique ability that can only be possessed after entering the realm of true God.

To put it bluntly, it is the final self-protection, which can rapidly increase its own strength several times in an instant, and is used for the last fight with the enemy.

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Of course, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Although the ability to transform God is powerful, it will lead to a state of extreme weakness after using it, and it will take a long time to recover. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

"Thank you for reminding me. I will not let you down!"

Then Chen Ge immediately made a deep thanks to the wandering God of the star world and bowed.

"Ha ha!"

"Chen Ge, remember, after 300 days, everything in the world depends on you!"

Only listen to the star world travel God Chen Ge left a word of advice, and then its yuan soul disappeared in front of Chen Ge.

The final mission of the astral spirit has been achieved, so he can finally step into the dust.

Now all the burden falls on Chen Ge. Chen Ge is the Savior of the whole world. Of course, only Chen Ge knows all this.

At this time, the gate of Tianfan tower has been opened.

Chen Ge slowly came out of the tower, nameless, emitting a strong breath, came out of the moment, around the dust swept. Towards all the people around. [

when Xu MI, sitting in a high position, saw this scene, he could not help but lift a satisfied smile. He knew that Chen Ge had succeeded.

Time has come for the afternoon.

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In the hall of Lingkong academy, Chen Ge stands in the hall, with Xu Mi sitting on the top and the four great masters sitting on the side.

"Chen Ge, Congratulations! You are the first person to successfully climb the top of Tianfan pagoda. You must have known everything!"

Xu Mi said with a kind smile at Chen Ge.

"Master, four great masters, you must know about what happened after 300 days."

Chen Ge took a look at the four great masters sitting around him, and then he looked at Xu MI and responded.

Hearing Chen GE's words, the four great masters also turned their eyes to Xu MI.

"Yes, you really know all this. You are the man of destiny, so are you ready for Chen Ge?" Xu MI can't deny nodding and staring at Chen Ge tightly.

"Master Xuanbao, I'm ready to go first, master Xuan!"

Chen GE's expression is firm, the tone is resolute reply way.

Xuanling gem, which is the most important thing Chen Ge is looking for.

As long as you find the Xuanling gem, you can open the star scroll, and then you can develop the hidden will in your body, so that he can resist the ancient demons 300 days later.

"Well, Chen Ge, go ahead, but remember that you only have 300 days. If you can't find Xuanling gem after 300 days, the whole world will be destroyed indeed!"

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Xu Mi didn't refuse, his expression was dignified, and he looked at Chen Ge and told him.

"Master, I understand, but I don't want to go alone. I want to take some people to look for it with me!" Then Chen Ge proposed to Xu MI.

It's really lonely to go alone, so Chen ge of course wants to take the four Nuo people of last week to follow him to find Xuanling gem.

"Well, no problem. You can choose the right person for yourself."

Xu Mi readily agreed.

After saying goodbye to Xu MI and the four great masters, Chen Ge left the hall to prepare.

After Chen Ge leaves.

"Dean, do you think he really can?" Dizang looked at Xu MI and asked.

Such a heavy burden on Chen Ge is really too heavy."We must trust him and give him all the support, otherwise the world will really end!"

Xu Mi didn't answer dizang's words, but reminded him deeply.

The four masters nodded their heads one after another, and did not ask any more questions.

At this time, Chen Ge returns to Dongyuan Pavilion.

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Zhou Nuo four people are sitting in it to rest and chat.

Seeing Chen GE's return, the four immediately laughed and praised Chen Ge: "Chen Ge, you are really so powerful that you can climb to the top. Now you are famous in the whole Lingkong academy, and many people worship you!"

Chen Ge heard these words but did not agree, because now there are more important things waiting for them to do, rather than to care about these small things.

"Listen to me, I need your help. I am going to leave Lingkong academy to look for something called Xuanling gem. I have obtained the permission of the dean and the four great masters to take several people with me. I wonder if you would like to go with me?"

Chen Ge immediately stares at Zhou Nuo's four people and proposes a way.

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhou Nuo four people immediately froze in place, they did not expect this thing to come so suddenly.

"Xuanling gem? What is that? Why should I leave the academy and look for it all of a sudden? " Lin Zilan asked in surprise.

"I can't tell you about this for the time being, but I will explain it to you one day. I just want to ask you, would you like to go with me Chen Ge? Maybe there will be a lot of difficulties and dangers along the way. If you don't want to, I won't be forced. I can go alone! " Chen Ge did not explain, but continued to look serious.

Chen Ge didn't dare to laugh at such an important matter.

Listen to Chen GE's words, Zhou Nuo four people are you see me I see you. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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