The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 858: 858

"Chen Ge, no matter where you go, I will go with you!"

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The next second, just listen to Zhou Nuo on looking at Chen Ge said.

"Yes, brother Chen, I'll be with you too!"

"We all want to be with you!"

With Zhou Nuo's statement, linzilan, gaozicheng and leilie also immediately expressed their willingness to follow Chen Ge to find Xuanling gem.

Hearing the four people's reply, Chen Ge felt warm in his heart.

In fact, Chen Ge also thought that they would not follow him. After all, they had just known each other for a short time, so they let others go out with them to take risks. It was really unreasonable.

But now, Zhou Nuo's four people agreed so readily, which shows that they really regard Chen Ge as a friend and show their strong trust in Chen Ge.

"Well, I thank you here, Chen Ge. Let's all pack up. We'll leave in an hour."

Chen Ge Chao Zhou Nuo four people were grateful for some advice.

Since Zhou Nuo four people are willing to follow their own to go, then of course is to quickly prepare to start.

Treasure one more minute, then the distance to find Xuanling gem is further.

Despite the fact that there are still 300 days to go, Chen Ge knows that he has to seize the time. After all, he has no clue at all, and he doesn't know where to start to find the trace of Xuanling gem.

After hearing Chen GE's instructions, Zhou Nuo four people immediately scattered to prepare for packing.

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An hour later, Chen GE's five people had already prepared, and then they went to the hall to say goodbye to Xumi and the four great masters, and then left Lingkong Academy.

After leaving Lingkong academy, Chen Ge and his five people went to buy a lot of food and drink to prepare for the next journey.

After buying everything available, Chen GE's five men set sail.

"Where are we going first?"

Zhou Nuo looked at Chen Ge and asked.

Chen Ge didn't tell them where to look, so they were confused.

After listening to Chen Ge, he opened the map and looked at it.

After watching for a while, Chen Ge pointed to a location on the map and said, "here, we will start to search from here! The wilderness of the south

The southern wasteland is a barren place located in the southern part of the soaring continent. It can be said that there is no rhythm of any human population, and few people dare to enter it to take risks.

However, since Chen GE has made a choice, Zhou Nuo's four people naturally have no opinion, they all agree.

As soon as the decision was made, the five men immediately headed for the southern wilderness.

It takes half a day to get on the way.

It was not until dusk that the five men of Chen Ge arrived at the boundary between the land of the South and the mainland.

When you come to the border, there is no building or human habitation in the whole boundary. It is a desolate and desolate feeling. In addition, at dusk, it highlights the most sombre, which makes people feel a sense of fear.

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But in spite of this, they could not stop Chen GE's progress.

Chen Ge is not afraid of this.

Five people directly entered the southern wasteland.

After walking for a while, until the sky was completely dark, the five people stopped under a loess stone wall for a rest.

"Look, the moon can't shine on the southern wasteland at all, it just stays on the other side of the land in the sky!"

At this time, Zhou Nuo immediately exclaimed and pointed to the bright moon hanging in the sky in the distance.

See this scene, Chen Ge several people also feel very magical and strange.

It seems that this southern wasteland is indeed extraordinary. It has such a mysterious spectacle that the moon can not enter without the moon shining. Chen GE's five people can only sit in the southern wilderness and look at the bright moon.

"Brother Chen, come and see. There is a stone tablet here!"

Immediately after that, there was a call from Lei lie.

Chen Ge four people heard, immediately walked quickly in the past, came to Lei lie's side.

I only saw a stone tablet standing in front of me, with several large characters carved on it.

"The wild animal in the south!"

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Chen Ge reached out his hand to dust the stone tablet and read out the large characters engraved on it.


The next second, when Chen Ge Gang finished reading, a loud and angry roar came from the top of their heads. The roar broke through the sky and resounded through the whole southern wasteland. The idiom "earth shaking" can be used to describe it.


When the roar fell, a huge black shadow jumped from the stone wall and fell heavily in front of Chen GE's five people.

The ground around Chen GE's five people was shaken, which almost made them not stand firm. Such a strong force is really a bit terrifying.

"This.. What is this? "

Zhou Nuo stares at big beautiful Mou, some frighten toward Chen Ge to ask a way.Chen Ge stares at the huge black figure in front of him. It looks like a lion and is bigger than all the five of them.

"This should be the beast of Nanhuang!"

Chen Ge explained.

Unexpectedly, the five of them unexpectedly came to the place where the wild animal was.

It must have been their voice that disturbed the beast of the southern wilderness just now, which led to the awakening of the beast, which made him so angry.

"It's too dark to see what it looks like!" Lin Zi Lan tightly frowned and said.

Without the moonlight, the five of them could not see anything around them. They could only see things within one meter in front of them.

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"Don't be afraid, I have a way!"

Chen Gechao's four people appeased.

With that, Chen Ge immediately took out the rune paper and ink pen from his storage space, quickly described it, and then threw out the described talisman.

The rune paper fell into the air, instantly lit up a raging fire, the fire light lit up the whole surrounding.

In the light of the fire, the huge black shadow in front of him finally revealed his real face, which was a lion covered with golden hair. The lion opened his big mouth, exposed his sharp teeth, and his eyes were full of anger, staring at Chen Ge five people.

However, the lion did not directly attack Chen GE's five men, as if he had been waiting for something.

"It. Why doesn't it attack us? "

Seeing this, Lin Zilan asked in a puzzled way.

As Lin Zilan's voice just fell, the lion suddenly rushed to Chen GE's five people.

"I'll go, brother Lin. there's no one left with your crow mouth!"

Gaozi city on one side of the city immediately glared big eyes, angry toward linzilan complain way, is really Lin Zilan to say, just finished the male lion immediately launched the attack.

"Break up, I'll deal with him!"

Chen Ge shouts to Zhou Nuo four people in a hurry, and then he strides in and rushes towards the lion. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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