The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 869: 869

"Run after me, catch up and kill him!" Strong tiger gnashing teeth command way.

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After that, liehu and a dozen honglietang chased Chen Ge in the direction of escape.

You should know that Hong lietang's pursuit speed is extremely fast, and soon they have caught up with Chen GE's pace.

At this time, Chen GE has no way out, he was forced to a cliff by liehu and others, the bottom is the abyss.

"Well, boy, where are you going this time?"

The fierce tiger immediately one face sneers the hum way.

Chen Ge frowns and stares at the fierce tiger with a dignified expression. He didn't expect the fierce tiger and others to catch up with him so soon.

"Do you think you can kill me?"

Chen Ge mouth a Yang, showing a strange arc to see the fierce tiger suspicious way.

Strong tiger is also slightly a Leng after listening to, he does not understand Chen Ge asked this meaning, you know now Chen Ge is hopeless.

"Oh! Do you have a place to escape now? Behind you is the abyss, or you jump down! Of course, you will fall to death Liehu coldly stares at Chen Ge and preaches.

"Yes? Then try it. " Chen Ge said scornfully after listening.

With that, Chen Ge turned to the cliff behind him and jumped straight into the cliff.

Liehu is also surprised, where would he think Chen Ge chose such a way to understand himself, would rather commit suicide than fall into his hands.

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Then, the fierce tiger snorted coldly, and then turned and took his men to leave.

Liehu knows that Chen Ge must be dead this time. There is no hope that such a high cliff can survive.

But is that really the case?

The fact is, of course, not what liehu wants.

After falling into the dark abyss and gorge, Chen Ge did not die, but was rescued by a big tree. He was suspended on the branches of the tree, and under it was a torrent of water.

Strong impact will Chen Ge to shock faint in the past, he did not know that he should be able to survive.

And now, on the other side of the woods.

Leilie and Zhou Nuo have arrived at the small forest outside the city of Xuelong with linzilan and gaozicheng.

"Lei lie, Zhou Nuo, you can count. I thought you had an accident."

Seeing the return of Lei lie and Zhou Nuo, Zhen Ji, who had been waiting for a long time, also rushed forward to greet them and asked for help to carry Lin Zilan and gaozicheng down.

"Well? What about Chen Ge? Why didn't you see anyone else? "

Then Zhen Ji immediately responds to Chao Lei lie and Zhou Nuo. He doesn't see Chen GE's figure.

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"He told us to go first. He went to lead the Honglie hall away by himself."

Lei lie frowned and replied solemnly.

"What? It's too dangerous. Zhen Ji was shocked.

We should know that Chen Ge can not be an opponent in the face of so many honglietang. He will certainly encounter great danger.

"Miss Zhen, please wait for us here. I'll go with Zhou Nuo to look for Chen Ge."

Then Lei lie told Zhen Ji.

"No, it's too dangerous. Now Hong lietang has begun to conduct a careful search on us. You are obviously arrested if you go like this."

Zhen Ji directly opposed Lei lie's proposal.

"Miss Zhen, if Chen Ge doesn't come back, we won't live alone!"

Lei lie turns around and looks at Zhen Ji's firm sermon.

With that, leilie takes Zhou Nuo back to the original road again.

Zhen Ji is also helpless to sigh a sigh, in the heart is also very moved, did not expect Chen Ge to have such a brother, is really very good.

But when Lei lie and Zhou Nuo look for Chen GE's figure, they come to the cliff where Chen Ge jumped before.

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They found two runes on the cliff.

See this jade Fu let with Zhou Nuo all of a sudden startled up, can't help but the eyes of tears.

Can they not know this jade amulet, which Chen Ge carried with him.

"No, it's impossible!"

Zhou Nuo quickly stepped forward, picked up a jade symbol in front of him, raised his head and looked at the cliff in front of him with an unbelievable expression, shaking his head and saying to himself.

He knew what it meant when the jade amulet fell here, which meant that Chen Ge had fallen into this abyss and gorge.

"Zhou Nuo, you calm down, we have to believe Chen Ge, he will be OK."

Lei lie also stepped forward to pat Zhou Nuo's shoulder and comforted him.

Neither of them was willing to believe that Chen Ge would die, and that Chen Ge must be alive.

They searched and waited for a long time at the cliff, but they did not find Chen GE's figure. Then they left dejected.After returning to the woods, Zhen Ji only sees leilie and Zhou Nuo coming back, and holding Chen GE's jade Fu in her hand. He knows that Chen Ge is in trouble.

"Miss Zhen, Chen Ge, he fell into a cliff. We only found this one. This is the jade Rune he carried with him." Lei lie looks at Zhen Ji with a dim face, and then reaches out his hand and hands it to Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji's heart burst into a burst, incomparable deep pain, raised her hand and slowly took over the jade Fu from Lei lie.

"Let's go. Let's go back to the Zhen family for discussion. We can't be so disheartened. If we don't find Chen Ge, it can't mean that something has happened to him." Then Zhen Ji is to cheer up and watch Lei lie fight with Zhou Nuo.

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"Miss Zhen, you are right. We don't believe that Chen Ge will die like this. He must still be alive. We must cheer up. Zhou Nuo, you must cheer up." Lei lie heard Zhen Ji's words, but also immediately the spirit of the Chao Zhou Nuo encouragement way.

After hearing Lei lie and Zhen Ji's words, Zhou Nuo also raised his head, glared at his beautiful eyes, and firmly placed his head in response to the way.

"Well, let's get out of here quickly. After all, it's not safe here. It's bad to be discovered by honglietang."

See Zhou Nuo to ease over, Zhen Ji is also quickly toward the public order way.

You know, the people in Honglie hall are still chasing them in this area, so they really have no way to escape in case of any emergency.

After that, Zhen Ji and others quickly mounted their horses and left and quickly returned to the direction of Zhen's family.

Of course, Lin Zilan and Gao Zicheng were also brought back to the Zhen family.

Under the stone wall is a fire, there is an old man in a black robe sitting inside, the old man looks very mysterious.

Who is this man? Why did he save Chen Ge?

After a while, Chen Ge began to respond slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

After sitting up to see the man in front of the fire, Chen Ge is frowning, solemn and alert.

"Who are you? Did you save me? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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