The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 870: 870

"Who are you, elder? Why are you here? "

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Chen Ge asked the black robed old man again. Chen Ge was curious about the identity of the old man.

Although this black robed old man looks very untidy and not very good, but at a glance you know that this man is not simple.

"I am a man hidden in the mountains."

The black robed old man replied to Chen Ge in a thick tone.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be people living in seclusion in such a place.

"What's your name, elder?"

Then Chen Ge is curious to continue to ask.

"Call me Hongweng. Hongyu Weng is Hongyu Weng."

The old man in black introduced himself to Chen Ge without hesitation.

When night falls, a crescent moon is hanging above the sky. The moon shines down, giving people a sense of tranquility.

At this time, Chen Ge left the cave with Hong Weng and went outside.

"Master Hong Weng, where are we going Chen Ge follows Hong Weng behind, and asks Hong Weng in doubt.

It's dark outside now, and it's very dangerous for both of them to walk in the deep mountain jungle.

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Besides, Chen Ge doesn't know where Hong Weng is going. It looks very mysterious.

Hearing Chen GE's question, Hong Weng didn't answer, but walked forward.

About ten minutes later, Hong Weng and Chen Ge came to a mountain water curtain.


Only listen to the water curtain in the night, the sound of water is very loud, like the sound of gurgling water.

"What is this place?" Chen Ge looks around and asks curiously.

"Come with me!" Hong Weng took a look at Chen GE's light sermon.

With that, Hong Weng walked towards the water curtain in front of him.

When Chen Hong's face is not seen, Chen Hong's face is not seen.

Leng a few seconds later, Chen Ge also followed up, carefully walked to the water curtain, stretched out his hand first to test.

Touching the water behind the water curtain, Chen GE's hand went straight through it, and then the whole thing was sucked in.

When Chen Ge reacts, the water curtain is already behind him. He goes straight through the water curtain and goes inside.

See this scene, let Chen Ge can't help but think of a picture.

And this picture is the picture in the journey to the West. This place is like the water curtain cave of the great sage of Qi Tian.

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"Master Hong Weng, what is this place?" Chen Ge was surprised to see all the surrounding environment and asked Hong Weng.

The whole space is very large, and there are all kinds of shining stone walls, which look like the vast stars.

Chen Ge saw such a wonderful place for the first time. He didn't expect that there was such a geomantic treasure land outside the border.

"Come here and show you this!" At this time, Hong Weng, standing not far away, waved to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was stunned, and then quickly walked to Hong Weng's side.

After approaching, Chen Ge found that in front of Hong Weng was a huge stone pillar, which was several meters high. Moreover, the stone pillar still showed a transparent appearance, and it looked like something was placed inside.

"What is this?" Chen Ge is curious again.

"This place is called fish intestine cave. In this stone pillar, there is an ancient long sword called fish intestine sword." Hong Weng looked at Chen Ge and said earnestly.

"Fish intestine sword?" After listening to Chen Ge is also a burst of confusion and bewilderment, think how this name is so strange.

Later, Hong Weng took out a picture from the inside of his clothes.

hung hung took as like as two peas of Chen Ge's face, and a beautiful man with a strong posture. And the painting was just this fish gut hole. There were two people on the same side, just like the two Chen Ge's location.

"Well? Master Hong Weng, isn't this painting where we are now? "

Chen Ge is also immediately aware of something wrong and looks at Hong Weng in doubt.

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Hong Weng raised his mouth and showed a strange smile.

"That's right. It's about the picture we're both in now. This painting is what I got here. When I saw everything in the painting, I knew that I was destined to bring a person here one day, and that person is you."

Later, Hong Weng is a firm look at Chen Ge said.

Chen Ge was even more surprised when he heard this. He felt that all this seemed so unreal, but everything in the painting was exactly the same.

"Master Hong Weng, what's going on here?" Chen Ge is very puzzled to look at Hong Weng and ask, he wants to know all the secrets about this, why this place appears? And this painting and the sword in front of you."Chen Ge, you are the one who is destined to be. What is described in the painting is that I came here with you, and then you will take this sword out of this stone pillar." Hong Weng looks at Chen Ge and preaches.

"Why am I the one destined to be? Can't anyone else? "

Chen Ge is still a little unconvinced, looking at Hong Weng asked.

"I've been waiting for the arrival of people since I got this painting. If you're not meant to be, why do we meet? Why did I happen to save you? In fact, all this is destined to be good, you will meet me

Hong Weng went to Chen Ge and held out his hand to explain it carefully.

"What is the use of this fish intestine sword?"

Chen Ge looked at the fish intestine sword in front of the stone pillar and asked.

"This fish intestine sword is an ancient long sword. It is said that the person who gets it can have the power to resist the water, and you are the one who has the qualification."

Hong Weng looks at Chen Ge carefully and explains.

Looking at Hong Weng's sermon so seriously, Chen Ge feels that he is not lying to him. What's more, he feels that Hong Weng doesn't need to make up such a reason to cheat himself.

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"What should I do to get this sword out?" Chen Ge looks suspiciously at Hong Weng and asks.

Hearing Chen GE's words, Hong Weng went to Chen Ge and pulled him to a stone pier on one side.

There is a palm pattern on this stone pier, and there are some depressions in the line.

"Put your hands on it!"

Hong Weng ordered Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he was stunned, then slowly stretched out his hand on the stone mound.

"That's it?"

Chen Geman looks at Hong Weng in doubt.

"Wait!" Hong Weng motioned Chen Ge not to preach.

Then, just heard the sound of water flowing through the hole.

With the sound of gurgling water, I saw a clear water flow on the stone mound, one after another toward the ridge in the center of the stone mound. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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