The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 871: 871

After about a while.

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Chen GE's palm has been tightly wrapped in the current, and you can clearly see the pattern of his palm lines.


Next engraved, the stone wall behind Chen Ge and Hong Weng immediately burst open.

The fish intestines sword in the stone wall immediately flies out, and the water around is instantly dispersed and disappeared.

"Chen Ge, go get the fish intestine sword!"

Seeing this, Hong Weng immediately reminded Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took a look at Hong Weng, and then he quickly stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and firmly grasped the fish intestine sword in front of him.

The moment Chen Ge holds the fish intestine sword, a force surges out of the body of the sword in an instant. From the handle of the sword, it pours into Chen GE's palm, and then flows into Chen GE's body from the palm.

For a while, Chen Ge felt uneasy from his position in the elixir field.

This feeling makes Chen Ge feel very familiar.

What is it?

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It is the energy to break through their own Dantian, that is to break the rhythm.

Chen Ge was surprised to find a breakthrough again. It seems that the energy contained in the fish intestine sword is really powerful, just as it was when he got the Xingyuan sword.

Chen Ge sat down in a hurry and took out tianlingguo from the storage ring and took it quickly.

With the swallowing and exerting the effect of tianlingguo, Chen Ge successfully broke through and entered the second-order soul cultivation strength of the true God realm.

In a short period of half a month, Chen GE has continuously improved her own realm, and only Chen Ge can do so quickly.

"Chen Ge, how do you feel?"

When Chen Ge eases down, Hong Weng asks Chen Ge with concern.

Chen Ge chuckled indifferently and replied: "ha ha, master Hong Weng, I'm ok. I've just made a breakthrough. The energy contained in this fish intestine sword is really powerful, and it has promoted my own realm to a higher level."

When saying these words, Chen GE's tone revealed surprise.

To be honest, Chen Ge knows that he has to thank Hong Weng.

If Hong Weng hadn't brought himself to this place, how could he have got the fish intestine sword and raised his own realm? All this is due to Hong Weng.

"Master Hong Weng, thank you very much. Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you for letting me have this fish intestine sword. But why is this sword called fish intestine sword?"

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Chen Ge first thanks Chao Hongweng, and then asks the curious chaohongweng.

Hong Weng laughed and explained: "ha ha, the real name of this fish intestine sword is actually called Yong Jue sword - fish intestine. It is one of the top ten sacred swords in ancient times. The energy you just got in your body is the power of bravery in fish intestine sword. It will bring you great strength. Only with extraordinary courage can you be recognized by fish intestine sword."

After listening to Hong Weng's explanation, Chen Ge suddenly understood.

To say courage, Chen Ge is really very strong, otherwise he would not dare to take on the task of saving the world alone.

Therefore, Chen Ge can get the approval of fish intestine sword and gain the power of bravery in the sword.

"But master Hong Weng, what are the names of the other nine swords and where are they? What about getting ten swords? "

Then Chen Ge was very curious. Chao Hongweng asked, and he was very curious about the ten ancient swords.

Now that he has got one, Chen Ge certainly wants to get the remaining nine swords.

"In ancient times, the top ten swords are: Xuanyuan, the first sword of the holy way; Zhanlu, the second sword of benevolence; Chixiao, the third sword of emperor Dao; tai'a, the fourth sword of prestige; the fifth, the Seven Star Dragon yuan; the sixth and seventh are the sincere sword, the general and moye; the eighth, the brave sword, fish intestine; the ninth, the matchless sword, Chunjun; and the tenth, elegant sword, Chengying 。”

"Every sword has its own power. Only those who can gather ten swords can possess the strength beyond the world. At that time, it will be the most powerful existence in the world." Hong Weng carefully and patiently introduced the Chaochen song in detail.

Chen Ge was so excited that he felt that he had to collect the top ten ancient swords, so that he could have a chance to gain the strength beyond the world and fight against the ancient demons.

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"Master Hong Weng, do you know the location of the other nine swords?"

Chen Ge asked Hong Weng again.

Hong Weng shook his head slightly and replied, "I don't know. If you want to get the ten sacred swords in ancient times, you have to look for them yourself. But I know two. One is the brave sword fish intestine in your hand, and the other is the place where tai'a is the sword of power."

"The sword of power - tai'a! Where? Please take me with you

Chen GE's heart was filled with joy when he heard it. Unexpectedly, Hong Weng knew where the two sacred swords were. In this way, he could sit on the two swords.

"Don't worry, you are predestined with me. Besides, you are indeed recognized by the holy sword. You are the one who is destined to get it!"Hong Weng replied with a smile.

"Master Hong Weng, thank you for bringing me here. It's your help that I can get this sword. I will definitely repay you for your kindness."

Then Chen Ge said to Hong Weng with a look of gratitude.

"Oh, thank you. After all, you are destined to get this sword. I'm just a guide. I just hope you can make good use of it." Hong Weng also waved his hand to Chen Ge, which was quite indifferent.

Hong Weng didn't want to repay Chen himself.

In fact, if it wasn't for Chen Ge who was destined to take this sword, I'm afraid he would have taken the sword himself. Where would he have waited for Chen Ge to arrive.

But some things are doomed, so Hong Weng has no way to change.

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After that, he went back to the water curtain and left the cave.

I saw that the sky outside had begun to whiten, and it was about to dawn.

Chen Ge looked at it and was surprised. Unexpectedly, they had been in it for so long. All of a sudden, it was the rhythm of dawn. I have to say that time flies.

"Shua la la! Shua la la! Shalala

At this time, just listen to the surrounding woods on a faint sound of movement.

After hearing this sound, Chen Ge and Hong Weng both looked around with vigilance.

Chen Ge is holding the fish intestine sword tightly, ready to hand at any time.

"Is it Chen Ge?"

At this time, just listen to the surrounding jungle sounded a familiar woman's voice.

Yes, it is Zhen Ji's voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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