The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 872: 872

"Miss Zhen?"

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Chen Ge is also suspicious of the jungle asked.

"Chen Ge? It's really you

After confirming that it was Chen GE's voice, Zhen Ji's tone became excited.

Then Zhen Ji came out of the jungle with her family servants.

"Miss Zhen, how did you come here?"

When Chen Ge sees Zhen Ji coming, he is also surprised.

Zhen Ji went directly to Chen Ge and said with a happy smile, "I knew you must still be alive. We have been looking for you for two days, and finally let me find you. How can you be here?"

Hearing Zhen Ji say so, Chen Ge Dun time looks at Hong Weng beside him.

"Well.. Let's talk about it later. What about Zhen Ji and them? How's it going? "

Chen Ge was embarrassed for a moment, then asked Zhen Ji about her, thinking of her four people.

"Don't worry. They are all right now. They are resting in Zhen's house."

Zhen Ji responds to Chen Ge with a smile.

Hearing Zhen Ji say so, Chen Ge is immediately relieved.

"This is it?" Then Zhen Ji looks at Hong Weng standing beside Chen Ge with a puzzled look.

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Chen Ge took a look at Hong Weng, and then looked at Zhen Ji and said, "this is master Hong Weng. He saved me."

"Hello, master Hong Weng. My name is Zhen Ji, the eldest lady of the Zhen family. Thank you for saving Chen Ge."

Zhen Ji is also grateful to see Hong Weng preaching.

Hong Weng looked at Zhen Ji with a smile and said, "you're welcome. It's better to save one's life than to build a seven level pagoda. It's my pleasure to meet the first lady of the Zhen family."

Of course, Hong Weng also knows something about the Zhen family. This is the first time he has met the Zhen family.

"Chen Ge, let's go back to Zhen's house."

Then Zhen Ji proposed to Chen Ge.

Now that Chen Ge is OK and he has found it, he will return to Zhen's house. After all, it is not a good thing to be outside for a long time.

After hearing this, Chen Ge also looked at Hong Weng and asked, "master Hong Weng, would you like to go back with us? I'll be fine, too. Thank you

"Yes, Chen Ge is right. If you don't dislike it, you can go back with us." Zhen Ji also echoed Chen GE's words and proposed to Hong Weng.

Hong Weng was smiling and shaking his head. He looked at them and said, "no, I won't go."

"Well, in that case, I'd like to thank Mr. Hong Weng here. If I have the opportunity, I will certainly thank you very much."

Seeing that Hong Weng didn't want to go back with them, Chen Ge had no choice but to promise to come down. Then he looked at Hong Weng again and said with sincere thanks.

"Ha ha, OK, you go back. Be careful all the way. Remember what I said and make good use of it."

Hong Weng also told Chen Ge.

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After listening to Chen Ge, he also clearly fixed a point and nodded. He understood what Hong Weng said to himself. In fact, even if he didn't have to say it, he understood it.

With that, Chen Ge followed Zhen Ji and others to leave and gradually disappeared in the jungle.

Not long after Chen Ge and others left, there was another violent movement in the whole surrounding jungle.

Then, seeing a black shadow and a dozen people in black, they jumped out of the jungle and landed in front of Hong Weng one after another.

"Master Hong Weng, what's the matter?" Black shadow came to Hong Weng's face and asked him with a sinister and strange expression.

Hong Weng took a look at the shadow and said, "I've given Chen Ge the fish intestine sword. You can do business next."

"Haha, you are still the master of Hongweng. You have foresight, just as you expected."

Black shadow's cold smile, full of cunning expression on his face, praised Hongweng.

"Oh, at the beginning, liehu is not benevolent. Then I will let Honglie hall be ruled by me completely."

Hong Weng sneered, his mouth slightly raised a proud arc to say, eyes full of Yin Li color.

"What do they do? Shall I go and kill them? " The shadow asked Hong Weng again.

Hong Weng immediately raised his hand to the black shadow to stop: "not for the time being. We still have some use for Chen Ge. Besides, the fish intestine sword is still in his hand. At least it's not too late for him to help us solve the problem of liehu and others."

"Yes, everything is at your command, master Hongweng." The shadow nodded respectfully to Hong Weng.

At the moment, Chen Ge doesn't know that Hong Weng and Heiying are for a while.

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Soon, Chen Ge followed Zhen Ji back to Zhen Fu.

By the time we got back to Zhen's house, the sky was completely bright and the sun was hanging high above the sky.

"Zhen Ji, Lei lie!"

At this time, Chen Ge called out to Zhen Ji.Zhen Ji and Lei lie, who are sleeping in the room, immediately wake up after hearing Chen GE's voice and rush out of the room one after another.

When they saw Chen Ge, they were ecstatic and rushed to Chen Ge.

The next second, Chen Ge and two people hugged together.

"Chen Ge, you scared me to death. I thought I would never see you again!"

Zhen Ji patted Chen GE's back and said, looking very excited and happy.

"Brother Chen, we are so worried about you! It's great to see you all right. "

Zhou Nuo is also excited and trembling at Chen GE's sermon.

"Ha ha ha, I'm fine. If I don't die, I'll be lucky."

Chen Ge is also smiling and patting them on the shoulder.

At this time, I saw gaozicheng and leilie also came out of the room.

"Brother Chen!" Lei lie stands at the door of the room, looks at Chen Ge and shouts with a smile.

After listening, Chen Ge releases Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo and goes straight to Lei lie.

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Before Chen Ge comes to Lei lie, Zhen Ji rushes to Chen Ge and stares at him.

Chen Ge was stunned and didn't understand what Zhen Ji wanted to do.

"What.. What's the matter? "

Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji suspiciously and asks.

Then, Zhen Ji pulls Chen GE's neck and kisses Chen GE's mouth directly.

Chen Ge also suddenly a burst of surprise, where would think of Zhen Ji so active.

Even Lei lie several people are also very surprised, and then they keep laughing.

Seeing Chen Ge coming back safe and sound, Zhen Ji is also relieved, as long as Chen Ge is OK.

"Do you know to come back? I thought you died outside. "

Zhen Ji does not have a good gas to stare at Chen Ge angry way.

Chen Ge felt embarrassed, touched his head, and said to Zhen Ji with a smile, "Hey, how can I be so lucky?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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