The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 887: 887

It was not until 11 o'clock in the night that Chen Ge and his party arrived at Qingxuan.

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The territory of the GUI people is located in an ancient deep mountain and forest in the Qingxuan area. Since ancient times, few people have gone there to look for ghosts.

Fortunately, there are still some hotels and hotels around the night, so that Chen GE's five people can finally have a rest.

After Chen Ge opened the room, he asked everyone to go to their own room to sleep. He had to leave for the territory of the ghost people early tomorrow morning.

The next morning.

Chen GE's five people got up early, left the house and drove to the mountains.

After a 40 minute drive, the car can only be parked at the foot of the mountain. There is no way for the car to enter the mountains and forests. Therefore, Chen GE's five people can only choose to walk.

After packing their bags, the five men walked into the mountains and forests.

"Wow, the air in this place is really fresh. It's rare to be far away from the noise of the city. It's really good!"

Lei lie exclaimed as he walked.

Indeed, compared with the environment of the city, the environment in the mountains and forests is much better. The air is very fresh, and there is a smell of vegetation everywhere.

After walking for half an hour, the five came to a village.

This village is built by the people of the GUI people. All the people who leave the village are the ghost people. The local customs are very different.

Chen GE's five people walk into the village.

With the arrival of the five people, all of a sudden attracted the attention of the surrounding ghost people. The big guys all put down their things and stood up to stare at Chen GE's five people, full of vigilance in their eyes.

"Who are you?"

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The next second, a man in a fur padded jacket came out and stood in front of Chen GE's five people, staring at Chen GE's five people and asking.

Chen GE's five people immediately stopped.

"Hello, we are businessmen from outside!"

Chen Ge said with a smile at the man in front of him.

"Hum, merchant, I tell you, don't deceive me. We have seen many people. Do you come for the treasure in the mountains and forests?"

The man snorted coldly and asked in a very bad tone.

This makes Chen Ge frown after listening to it. It seems that these ghost people are more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

"Ray lie, take out the food!"

After a pause, Chen Ge told Lei lie.

Lei lie after listening, immediately react to come over, from his backpack will be some of the food all out to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge then handed it to the man in front of him.

"We are merchants. We come here to exchange some goods and local products. You see, these are all the goods we bring!"

Chen Ge hastily looked at the man to explain, do not want to let the man see any strange.

After listening to Chen GE's words, the man relaxed his vigilance, took over the food in Chen GE's hand, and then looked at it in his hand.

All of a sudden, all around the ghost people have also poured up, will Chen Ge five people to surround.

After a while, Chen GE's five became the most popular people in the whole village.

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However, all the food taken by Chen GE's five people was wiped out.

This makes Lei lie three people can't help worrying.

If there is no such food, what should they eat next when they enter the mountains and forests?

"Get out of my way!"

Just then, a thick voice began to ring.

Yinluo, a big belly man with a group of dressed is very dirty little brother came over.

"Oh, foreigners, what good things do you bring?"

The big belly man looked at Chen Ge and asked.

As soon as Chen Ge looked at these people, he knew that they were not good people. They must be bandits and bullies in the village.

Of course, the village people don't want to eat anything, but they just want to go with Chen

Hearing Chen GE's words, the big bellied man raised his head.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Fumo. I'm the eldest in this village. Since you come to our village, you have to hand over something as a gift for meeting. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for me to let you stay in the village."

Fu Mo first introduced himself and then watched Chen GE's five preachers.

It seems that this guy is trying to blackmail some money.

What village boss, frankly speaking, is just a rogue, bullying honest people.

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But Chen Ge and they are not honest people, Chen Ge will not let these people bully them.

"Oh, these two beauties are very nice."

At this time, Fu Mo locked his eyes on Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo in the back, and a strange smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He could not move his eyes away from Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo for a long time.Seeing this, Chen Ge quickly walked over and stood in front of Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo, staring at Fu Mo and saying, "this big brother, we are businessmen who come here to do business. Now our goods are sold out, and we should go too!"

After that, Zhen Nuo pushes out her hand with Chen.

"Hold on!"

"I said, can you go?"

"Do you think my words are farting? I said, you can leave something or you won't want to leave here!"

Fu Mo Zhi glared at Chen Ge angrily. He didn't mean to put Chen Ge in his eyes.

After listening to Chen Ge, his face became gloomy.

This guy is really shameless. It's necessary to follow himself to the end.

Well, Chen Ge won't let them go. He dares to pay attention to himself. He's really tired of life.

"What do you want us to leave behind?"

Chen Ge slightly turns around and stares at Fu Mo and asks.

"Hey, hey

"Either hand over all your money or leave these two women for me!"

Fu Mo's evil expression looks at Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo behind Chen Ge.

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"What if I refuse?"

Chen Ge responded to Fu Mo directly.

"Ma De, you don't understand people's words, don't you? If you don't, I'll have you chopped up now!"

Vomo's mouth was full of foul oaths.


The next second, Vomo's whole body was pulled out.

Yes, Chen Ge did.

This Vomo mouth so stinky, even dare to Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo have an idea, then Chen Ge must teach him a good lesson.

Seeing his eldest brother being whipped away, those younger brothers of Fumo also reacted one after another and rushed to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge didn't say a word, but quickly stepped out.

"Bang bang bang!"

One foot after another kick out, Chen Ge directly will Fu Mo's several younger brothers all to kick on the ground.

It's stupid to be so vulnerable and dare to find Chen GE's trouble.

Leilie four people standing on one side, quietly looking at all this, they know that Chen Ge in, they will be OK. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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