The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 888: 888

Night fell.

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The whole place fell into a silent, dark environment.

In the courtyard, Chen GE's five people sat around the fire.

There was a big piece of meat on the fire.

This is what Chen Ge kept in the bag all the time. He didn't take it out because he wanted to save it for dinner at night. He would not take all the food out to the villagers.

Fortunately, with this piece of meat, Chen GE's five people finally had enough to eat.

"Brother Chen, do you think the people of Fumo will come to us again?"

Lei lie then asked Chen Ge with some worry.

"Don't worry. You and I will take turns on duty tonight. You will sleep first, and then you will change shifts with me after two hours' sleep. Any movement can be detected."

Chen Ge pacifies Lei lie for a while, and then he proposes.

After all, they are familiar with this place and don't know what the surrounding situation is like.

So the only way is for the two of them to take turns on duty, so as to prevent the Vomo gang from sneaking on themselves.

The most important thing is Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo. Chen Ge will never let them get any harm. We must protect them, as well as fan Lao.

Hear Chen GE's proposal, Lei lie has no opinion, nod to agree directly.

Until late at night, Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo lie together and fall asleep beside Chen Ge, while fan sits alone and meditates.

Lei lie sleeps against the post.

Only Chen Ge, sitting in front of the fire, looked up at the sky.

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The sky in the mountain forest is still very beautiful, a bright crescent moon is hanging in the sky, the moonlight is shining, and the stars are shining all over the sky.

It's really refreshing to see such a starry sky in the mountains. It's not what you can see in a city. What you can see in a city is neon lights and street lights.

Tonight, it's Christmas Eve.

Nothing happened all night.

It seems that Fumo and others still have self-knowledge, and do not take advantage of the night to find Chen Ge five trouble.

In the morning, just listen to the outside of the sound of bursts of noise.

Chen Ge quickly woke up and went out to check. Not far away, a group of villagers were talking around a well. Everyone's face was very ugly. It should be something happened.

Chen Ge went to the villagers curiously.

Seeing the arrival of Chen Ge, the villagers surrounded Chen Ge.

"Is it you?"

One of the villagers pointed to Chen Ge and asked.

Chen Ge a face of doubt and surprise, do not understand what happened.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge asked in surprise.


"Volmo offended you yesterday. Did you kill him?"

The villagers pointed to Chen Ge and asked angrily, pointing to the well in front of them.

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After listening to Chen Ge, he went to check it out.

After a look, I saw a body floating in the water well. The body was Fumo's.

See here, let Chen Ge suddenly surprised, he did not expect Fu Mo even died, and still died in the well.

"He.".. How did he die? "

Chen Ge looked at the villagers around and asked.

"Didn't you kill him? You're still here pretending you don't know. Who else did you hate him yesterday? "

The villagers put the murder charge on Chen Ge.

"I didn't kill him. I didn't come out of that room all night!"

Chen Ge explained it simply.

But he knew that his explanation could not convince the villagers.

So the best way is to find out the real cause of Vomo's death.

No wonder he said that last night Vomo was so quiet that he didn't come to trouble himself. He died here.

Although some bad people have the result of retribution, it also comes too fast.

"Don't talk so much about it. First bring up the body and have a look."

Chen Ge also told the villagers.

Then, the villagers made concerted efforts to retrieve the body of Fumo.

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As soon as I fished it up, I saw that the face of Fumo was completely wasted. I couldn't see the real face of Fumo. It was like being caught by sharp claws.

Chen Ge squatted down and carefully examined the cause of death of Fu mo.

After some examination, the real cause of death was a bloodstain in his throat, which led to his death.

"The one who attacked Vomo should have claws. I didn't kill him. You can see that his face and throat are obviously caused by sharp claws. How can I have such ability?"

Chen Ge looked at the villagers around him and said.After listening to Chen GE's analysis, the villagers also felt that it was very reasonable. All of a sudden, they all gave up the idea of killing Chen Ge.

But what did Vomo die in? What happened late last night? And where are those little brothers of Vomo? All this is still a mystery.

"No way!"

"No way!"

"Dead man!"

At this time, a young villager rushed over in a hurry, shouting while running.

Seeing this young villager so flustered, the villagers began to wonder.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? "

A villager asked the youth.

"Verona.".. All those people died in the house

The young man looked at the crowd with a look of panic.

Hearing this, everyone can't help but shiver, which is really unexpected.

After that, Chen Ge immediately followed the villagers to the place where Fu Mo's people lived.

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When they came to a shabby yard, they all lay in the yard. Everyone died the same way. There was a bloodstain on the throat, which was exactly the same as the death of Vomo.

After Chen Ge read it, he knew that these people were all dead in the hands of the same person.

"What happened?"

"Yes.. How could it be so! "

"Do you mean.. Yes. It's the ghost out of the mountain forest! "

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

At this time, the villagers began to speculate boldly.

For what the villagers said, Chen Ge did not go to the tube, but quickly returned to his residence.

The four of them are awake.

Seeing Chen Ge coming back from outside, Lei lie asked, "brother Chen, where did you go so early in the morning?"

"Mr. Fan, please come with me!"

Chen Ge didn't answer Lei lie's words, but said to fan Lao on one side.

After hearing this, fan went out with Chen Ge.

Lei lie is also curious, but also quickly follow up, following Chen Ge and fan Lao. He does not know what happened, but looking at Chen GE's face, he knows that the situation is not simple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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