The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 889: 889

Soon, Chen Ge took old fan to the well.

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"Mr. Fan, take a look. He was attacked by an unknown thing and died in this well yesterday!"

Chen Ge pointed to Fu Mo's body on the ground and asked fan.

See this scene, Lei lie also showed the color of shock.

"Brother Chen, this is not the Fumo I saw yesterday, he.. How did he die

Lei lie immediately exclaimed, his face was incredible.

Who could have thought that he had just met last night and that Vomo died after the night. It was so strange.

Chen Ge doesn't pay attention to Lei lie's words. He focuses his eyes on fan Lao.

After staring at the corpse in front of him for a while, fan said a word from his mouth.

"That's what the ghost people did!"

"Ghost people?"

After listening to Chen Ge, he was stunned.

"Yes, only the ghost people have such sharp claws that they can kill people invisibly. And you see, there are tooth marks on the neck of the corpse, which indicates that the blood must have been sucked!"

Fan continued to speak.

"Mr. Fan, you mean that the ghost people are probably in the mountains around us. Why didn't we get attacked last night?"

Chen Ge is very puzzled and asks fan.

After listening to Chen GE's doubts, fan began to explain: "that's because the ghost people are afraid of fire. Last night we had a fire piled up, so the people of the ghost people dare not rush in. It is estimated that this man came out in the middle of the night, and then was targeted by the people of the GUI family and was attacked!"

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After listening to fan's story, Chen Ge immediately understood that all this was done by the ghost people.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We'll have to get off soon."

At this time, fan began to remind Chen Ge.

With that, fan turned away.

Chen Ge takes a look at Fu Mo's body on the ground, and then returns with Lei lie.

After they went back, they simply cleaned up, Chen Ge took leilie four people out of the house, and then walked towards the mountains and old forest.

Before leaving, Chen GE's five people didn't make any noise. They didn't dare to let the villagers find out. Otherwise, the five of them would not be able to leave.

Soon, Chen Ge five people into the mountains and forests.

Along the way, five people are very alert to look around the woods.

"Brother Chen, what do you think the ghost people look like?"

Walking on the road, leilie asked Chen Ge curiously.

In fact, Chen Ge is not very clear about this, and he has never seen the appearance of GUI people.

"Mr. Fan, what do you say?"

Chen Ge asked fan.

"The GUI people's fingers are very sharp, just like the claws of animals. They can easily tear human skin. They like to drink blood and are very sensitive to the smell of blood!"

Old fan began to listen.

To put it bluntly, the ghost clan is the so-called sucking ghost people, who live by drinking blood.

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"Why are we going to look for these monsters

Lei lie doesn't understand very much. Chao fan asks Chen Ge.

Hearing Lei lie's words, Chen Ge and fan Lao did not respond to him, because for the time being, only Mr. Fan and Chen Ge knew the matter themselves, and they could not tell the reason to Lei lie. Only when they found the territory of the ghost tribe could they know everything.

But before that, the five of them should be careful of the sneak attack of the GUI people.

After walking for a while.

I saw the whole surrounding trees began to rustle, produced a lot of movement.

Chen GE's five people immediately stopped and looked at the surrounding trees.

The next second, a group of people in camouflage clothes rushed out of the trees and surrounded Chen GE's five people.

"Brother Chen, who are these people?"

Lei lie immediately asked Chen Ge in a low voice.

Chen Ge slightly shakes his head and frowns tightly. To tell the truth, he doesn't know what these are.

But judging from their clothes, these people are certainly not simple.

Then, a flat headed man came out of the crowd and went straight to Chen GE's five people.

"Who are you?"

The flat headed man stares at Chen Ge and asks.

"We are businessmen who come here to play!"

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Chen Ge answered immediately.


Hear Chen GE's answer, immediately let the flat headed man a burst of doubt.

"No way. You are absolutely not businessmen. This place is not a place where businessmen will come."

The flat headed man immediately denied Chen GE's words and directly glared at Chen GE's cold sermon.

"And who are you? Why are you here? "Chen Ge, on the other hand, challenged the flat headed man.

"We are the people who come to explore the territory of the ghost people!"

Flat headed man did not conceal, but directly looked at Chen Ge and replied.

"Are you also here to look for the ghost territory?"

After hearing this, Chen Ge exclaimed in surprise. He didn't expect that these people had the same purpose as them.

"You too?"

Flat headed man is also surprised at Chen Ge asked.

With that, the flat headed man motioned to his men around to put down their weapons.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Zhang lie. I am the leader of this team." The flat headed man extended his hand to Chen Ge and introduced himself.

After listening to Chen Ge, he also immediately responded and held out his hand to Zhang lie.

"Chen Ge!"

"I don't think you're also here to look for the ghost territory!"

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After a brief understanding, Zhang lie and Chen Ge began to chat.

Chen Ge nodded slightly, and then looked at fan Lao behind him. He found that fan had no reaction. This reassured Chen Ge, which showed that fan did not have much hostility to Zhang lie.

"Do you know the specific location of the GUI territory?"

Chen Ge then asked Zhang lie.

Zhang lie took out a map from his pocket and spread it out to Chen Ge.

"Our current position is here, and the ghost territory is in this mountain, so we need to dig out a channel to enter the GUI territory in this mountain, as long as we can enter the GUI territory!"

Zhang lie tells Chen Ge the detailed plan.

After listening to Chen Ge, he also understood that Zhang lie's group came prepared and had made all the plans.

But it's good. Both sides of them are looking for the territory of the ghost tribe, so that they can join hands.

After a simple rest, Chen Ge and Zhang lie and others continue to travel.

This journey will take another two or three hours.

Finally, the Kung Fu paid off, and the people came to the predetermined position.

"Chen Ge, this is it!"

Zhang liechao reminds Chen Ge.

With that, Zhang lie waved to the players behind him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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