The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 890: 890

Zhang lie's team members took out the shovel and various tools one after another, and then began to dig the position under his feet.

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"Chen Ge, it will take some time to dig through. Let's go and have a rest first."

Looking at Chen Ge, Zhang lie suggests that digging the channel is not a simple thing, it needs a lot of time.

Chen Ge naturally did not have any opinion, directly nodded to agree to come down, and then returned to Lei lie four people's side.

"Brother Chen, do you believe these people?"

Lei lie looks at Chen Ge with some worry.

Chen Ge takes a look at Lei lie and naturally understands the meaning of Lei lie's words.

"Don't worry, I have discretion!"

Chen Ge responds to Lei lie.

Hearing Chen Ge say so, Lei lie doesn't worry about suspecting any more. He believes Chen Ge must have his own consideration.

"What do you think, fan?"

Then Chen Ge looked at fan, who was sitting on one side.

All the way, fan didn't talk much. He was very quiet.

"More team is more help, but the heart of defending people is indispensable."

Just listen to old fan say a word from his mouth.

After listening, Chen Ge nodded.

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After more than two hours, the passage was finally dug through with a loud noise.

Chen Ge and others immediately got up and surrounded the past.

Sure enough, a huge passageway appeared in front of the people. It was so dark that nothing could be seen at all.

"You two, go ahead and explore the way. If you find something wrong, you will come out immediately!"

Zhang lie then ordered to the two players behind him.


The two players nodded directly, then turned on the flashlight and walked towards the passage together.

Two players, with flashlights on, walked all the way down the aisle.

It took a few minutes for the two players to come out of the tunnel.

"Report to the captain, everything is normal inside. You can enter!"

The two players reported to Zhang lie with one voice.

"OK, big guys, be careful. Don't move around. Keep up with the team."

After listening, Zhang lie immediately ordered.


Hearing Zhang lie's words, everyone agreed.

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"Chen Ge, let's go. Let's go in together."

After that, Zhang lie proposed to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge nodded slightly, and then followed Zhang lie into the passage. Fan Lao and Lei lie followed Chen Ge.

After entering, you can see that there are pictures of various colors on the stone walls on both sides. You can see that there is a long history and a long history.

"Mr. Fan, can you see what these pictures are?"

Chen Ge then turned to look at fan and asked him a question.

After looking at it, fan opened his mouth and said, "this is the history of the development of the GUI people in ancient times. From the beginning to the decline, it is clearly described. It seems that this place is indeed the territory of the GUI people!"

Hearing fan's words, Chen GE's several people were also surprised.

After a lot of hard work, we finally came to the territory of the ghost people.

"However, judging from the dead bodies of yesterday, there should still be people living in the ghost tribe, which will pose a great danger to us. We should be more careful!"

Old fan started to remind Chen Ge.

Once they meet with ghosts and horses, they will not be able to contact with the outside world quickly.

"Don't worry, old man. We are not vegetarians. All of us are good fighters. The people who measure him dare not be arrogant."

Zhang lie, who was at the front of the line, didn't think so. He responded to old fan with a confident smile.

Fan did not respond to Zhang lie's words.

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After walking for a while, people finally walked out of this passage. The passage is about several hundred meters long, and it took about ten minutes to walk. At every step, we had to pay attention to the surrounding area and the foot. The ground under the foot is all kinds of gravel. If there were no shoes to wear, the soles of feet would have been pierced.

After Chen Ge and his party walked out of the passage, they came to a huge hall. There was a roulette in the center of the hall, which looked very strange and mysterious.

"Damn it, I didn't expect such a big palace like place in this mountain!"

Lei lie looked around and exclaimed in shock. It was bigger than what they had seen in the tomb of ghost kingdom. It seems that the ghost clan is really powerful.

Then, people are curious around to check up.Chen Ge several people came to the center of the roulette.

"Brother Chen, can you see what this roulette represents?"

Lei lie looks at the roulette and asks Chen Ge curiously, trying to make Chen Ge explain it.

"This is the ghost's sun and moon roulette, which is specially used to calculate time!"

Without waiting for Chen Ge to explain, fan said.

"Sun and moon roulette, but why do they use this thing to calculate time?"

Lei lie continues to doubt the question, a pair of thorough inquiry appearance.

"They don't calculate the normal time, but the time they need to replenish their blood!"

Mr. Fan spoke directly.

The words let Lei lie listen to, immediately a burst of goose bumps all over his body.

That is to say, the ghost people use this wheel to calculate the time they need to take fresh blood. Once the time is up, they need to replenish the fresh blood. It really makes people feel very permeable.

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"Captain, here is a bead. You can take it down. It must be valuable!"

At this time, a member of the team yelled at Zhang lie's reminder, and then stretched out his hand toward the bead on the stone wall.

"Don't move!"

Chen Ge immediately roared and stopped.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The team member picked the beads from the stone wall and held them in his hand. He looked at Chen Ge in surprise. He didn't understand why Chen Ge was so excited.


The next second, the entrance of the palace was blocked by a huge stone.

"Be careful!"

Chen Ge is a shout again, and then will fan Lao and Lei lie three people to press on the ground.

Then, from the surrounding stone wall shot countless crossbows.

In an instant, several members of Zhang lie's team did not have time to react, they were shot through by crossbows and fell into a pool of blood one after another.

All of a sudden, the crowd was suppressed on the ground, no one dared to look up, for fear of being shot through the head by the crossbow.

No one has thought of this situation. I can't believe that there are still organs in it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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