The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 891: 891

After a while, the whole neighborhood was quiet again.

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All the crossbows and arrows have not been fired from the stone wall, indicating that the mechanism is over.


"My God, brother Chen, I didn't expect that there was a mechanism in it!"

Leilie then raised his head and sighed heavily. His mouth was full of panic and said to Chen Ge.

To tell you the truth, this is a situation that no one can think of.

However, the player who just took the beads was already pierced by thousands of arrows and fell into the pool of blood. Dozens of crossbows were inserted into his body, and his death was miserable.

This is what happens when you move things around.

"Listen to me, no one will move

At this time, Zhang lie also stood up and ordered the team members around him in a loud and angry voice.

Hearing Zhang lie's words, the team members all nodded in succession. They all dare not move. They all stand in the same place and dare not move.

Everyone is afraid to mess up again, and do not know what mechanism will be touched. Then there will be no door to heaven and no door to earth.

"Chen Ge, what should we do now? The exit is blocked! "

Zhang lie turned to look at Chen Ge and asked.

The place where they came in has been blocked by a huge stone, which means that they can't go back to the original way at all. The only way is to find a way out here.

"Where there is an entrance to a cave, there must be an exit, but the exit is not easy to find."

Chen Ge immediately started to remind Zhang lie.

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"Let's look in here first. There must be an exit."

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhang lie naturally did not have any opinion, and then led people to start looking for it in the whole underground palace.

Chen Ge and fan studied the roulette in front of him.

"Brother Chen, there seems to be a mechanism that can be twisted under it!"

At this time, leilie found something, and immediately reminded Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge, he immediately squats down and looks at the mechanism leilie said is a circular mechanism.

"Chen Ge, if I guessed correctly, this mechanism should be used to open the roulette!"

At this time, fan told Chen Ge a story.

Chen Ge raised his head and looked at fan Lao.

Chen Ge believed what Fan said.

Now that fan has said it, Chen Ge certainly doesn't think there is any problem.

Later, Chen Ge directly and decisively twisted the circular mechanism.


A clear sound.

With the twist of the mechanism, Chen GE's five people quickly stepped back and saw the wheel start to turn in front of them.

This makes all the people around have been on guard, no one knows what will happen next.

After a while, the wheel turned 180 degrees and then stopped turning.

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Then, I saw the wheel alignment on the stone wall, raised a stone door, appeared a hole.

Seeing this, everyone was surprised.


Chen Ge see this, on the mouth signal way, and then take leilie four people into the mouth.

Zhang lie is also with his team members to quickly follow Chen Ge into this hole.

But this is not the exit, but the entrance to the new underground palace.

On both sides of the underground palace stand tall stone pillars, each stone pillar has a platform, the middle of which is lit by a little fire.

"I'll go. There's a palace inside. This palace is bigger than the one before!"

Lei lie exclaimed again.

"Be careful, everyone. Don't move about!"

Chen Ge opened his mouth to warn people that he did not want to have cheap hands to move some things.

"Brother Chen, what are these things? They look gorgeous."

Lei lie walks to those tables and asks Chen Ge curiously.

"This is the eight treasures glazed platform, which is specially used to light up the candle holder for sacrifice. The candle in it can never be extinguished for thousands of years!"

Chen Ge did not open his mouth to answer, but fan Laochao Lei lie explained and introduced.

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After listening to Lei lie, he was surprised again. He didn't expect that there was such a magical thing in this world.


However, at this time, only one of the players on the side screamed.

Then the player's whole body began to burn, his skin was burned, his eyes became empty, and then turned into a pool of blood.

Seeing this scene, all the people showed the color of panic, and quickly away from the blood.

But then there was another player who started to have the same situation, and they had black bugs on them, like spiders."Squeak, squeak!"

At this time, there was a sound all around.

Chen Ge suddenly a look, around the stone pillars and the ground actually gushed out countless black spiders.

"Come on, run!"

Chen Ge yelled, and then he took leilie four people to the innermost part of the underground palace.

Zhang lie also followed closely.

But soon, Chen GE people are surrounded by countless spiders, there is no way out.

"Brother Chen, what are we going to do now?"

Lei lie's face is full of panic and anxiously asks Chen Ge.

So many spiders, it's so infiltrative that everyone can't help but get goose bumps.

Don't say so many spiders, even if only one spider, will make people feel very frightening.

Chen GE's eyebrows were tight and his face was unusually dignified.

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"With fire!"

Then Chen Ge yelled.

Hearing Chen GE's words, everyone took out something that could be burned and lit it and threw it on the ground.

These spiders can't stand the fire for a long time, but they still exist.

At this time, several members of the team have been invaded by spiders and turned into pools of blood.

Looking at this situation, Chen Ge several people are very afraid, more afraid, they do not want to end up like these people, do not want to become a pool of blood.

Chen GE's head flies quickly, thinking about countermeasures.

"Zhenji, do you have any cosmetics?"

Chen Ge thought for a moment and then asked Zhen Ji.

After hearing this, Zhen Ji also nodded and replied, "yes, I have something with me. It's insect repellent and mosquito repellent. I don't know whether it works or not."

"Come on, bring it to me!"

Chen Ge immediately reminds Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji quickly took out a bottle of insecticide from her bag and handed it to Chen Ge.

Zhen Ji bought this bottle of insecticide specially and put it in her bag to prevent some insects from appearing in the mountain forest. I didn't expect that it would be really useful.

Chen Ge took the insecticide, immediately on the surrounding spiders a burst of spray.

A spray, as expected, effective, spiders have fled around. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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