The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 892: 892

"Chen Ge, this time really thanks to you this big sister, otherwise, all of us have to explain here!"

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Zhang lie looks at Chen Ge with fear and thanks.

Fortunately, Zhen Ji has insecticides in her bag, otherwise she will be dead.

Later, Chen Ge broke the insecticide and spread the liquid on his clothes.

"Everyone smears a little insecticide on their bodies so that spiders can be prevented!"

Chen Ge immediately told them.

After listening to them, they immediately followed Chen GE's actions and applied insecticide liquid on their clothes and shoes.

In this way, the spiders won't get close.

The crisis was finally lifted.

"These spiders should be raised by the ghost people. The people of the ghost people will raise the spiders. As long as the spiders suck the blood, they can take out the blood from the spiders and use them for them!"

At this time, fan began to talk.

"It's so hateful to keep these terrible things!"

After hearing this, brother Chen also scolded angrily.

Only the ghost people can do such terrible things.

Then, Chen Ge and his party continued to look around.

"Captain, there's a stone gate in here!"

At this time, only one member of the team ran out from the innermost part of the underground palace and called to Zhang lie.

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After listening to Zhang lie, he immediately took people inside.

Chen GE's five people also rushed to the inside together.

Inside, a tall stone gate stood in front of the crowd.

"Push the door open!"

Zhang lie immediately ordered his team members.


Hear Zhang lie's order, several team members have come forward, put their hands on the stone door, and then began to push hard.

However, despite their efforts, the stone gate stood still in place.

"This stone gate can't be opened by manpower. There must be a mechanism!"

Chen Ge saw this and immediately said.

With that, Chen Ge immediately looked around for the opening mechanism of the stone gate.

As expected, Chen Ge found a stone on one side of the stone wall that could be pushed in.

Chen Ge pushed hard, and the stone shrank into it in an instant.


After the stone entered, the stone gate immediately vibrated and then rose.

"Hey, brother Chen Ge is really good!"

Zhang lie immediately praised Chen Ge.

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With the rise of the stone gate, everything behind the stone gate is all reflected in people's eyes. Once again, people are shocked and their eyes are widened.

After the stone gate, there is a large glazed house, and there are two stone bridges. The ground is paved with bluestone, which is very difficult.

All the people rushed in and came to the stone bridge. Under the stone bridge, it was not a river or a pool, but a bottomless abyss that could not be seen to the end, which made people feel extremely frightened.

Then, people came to the glass house in front of standing.

"This house should have a long history. If I guess it's right, this place should be the center of the GUI people's territory."

Looking at everything in front of him, fan couldn't help sighing.

They finally came to the deepest part of the GUI territory. It was really difficult. They paid a lot of money along the way.

But soon, Chen GE people found a problem, the door of this house has a lock.

After Zhang lie looked at it, he immediately turned around and ordered one of the team members.

"Come on, open the lock!"

Hearing Zhang lie's order, the team member immediately reacted and came forward and took out the tools from his own pocket.

"Bang Dang!"

The sound of a clear sound crossed, and the lock was pried off smoothly.

After the lock was opened, Zhang lie held out his hand and pushed the door open.

Then, the people walked into it together.

Inside, there was nothing but a huge disc in the middle with four pillars on both sides.

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"What is this?"

Brother Chen asked curiously.

"This should be the place for the GUI people to practice. Look at this disc, it's the place where the leaders of the GUI can sit!"

After hearing this, fan immediately explained.

After listening to fan's explanation, brother Chen nodded his head.

"But there's nothing in it. Maybe we've found the wrong place!"

Zhang lie frowned tightly, full of puzzled said.

There was nothing in the house, except for four pillars. There was nothing valuable."No way. This is the territory of the ghost people. There is no mistake!"

Fan directly rejected Zhang lie's words and gave a sermon in a firm tone.

Hearing fan's words, Zhang lie had to choose to believe, but his heart was full of disappointment.

Soon, Zhang lie took people to look around again.

Chen GE's five people continue to check in the room to see if they can find something from the disc.

At this time, Zhang lie's side.

Zhang lie with his team from the side of the house into a secret room.

As soon as they entered the chamber of secrets, Zhang lie and others were shocked.

Because there are a lot of gold and silver treasures in the secret room. There is also a huge alchemy stove in the middle. There is a table beside the furnace, on which are displayed bottles of different sizes.

"Captain, a lot of pills. Are we going to take them?"

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At this time, a member of the team quickly asked Zhang lie.

"Nonsense, of course, these pills may be sold at a good price. They are all valuable medicines!"

After listening, Zhang lie immediately began to preach.

Hearing Zhang lie's words, all the members of the team also took actions one after another, and all the things that could be removed inside were removed. The pills were also the same.

At this time, Chen Ge several people outside also saw Zhang lie and other people's behavior, showing a surprised expression.

But they didn't stop Chen Ge.

The purpose of their coming here is different from that of Zhang lie and others. They are not here for the gold and silver, so of course they will not compete with Zhang lie and others.

"Brother Chen, these people are too crazy!"

Brother Chen looked at it, close to Chen GE's ear, whispered to Chen Ge.

"Ha ha, don't worry about so much. We can manage ourselves well."

Chen Ge is also a light smile, brother Chen reminded one.

"They will suffer retribution. These treasures are ominous and cursed things, and those who want to take them will come to no good end! We must not touch these treasures

After listening to fan, he gave a heavy warning to the four of Chen Ge.

"Mr. Fan is right. Brother Chen, Zhen Ji and Zhou Nuo, you must be careful. No matter what treasures you see or what precious things you encounter, don't touch them, let alone take them!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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