The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 897: 897

But Chen Ge certainly won't give it this chance.

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Chen Ge rolled out to the ground, and directly scratched under the bear's abdomen. Then he stabbed the white bear's abdomen with his Xingyuan sword.

This time, it finally pierced the belly of the white bear.


The white bear felt severe pain, and immediately raised his head to the sky and roared.

But this will not completely kill the white bear, just make it more crazy, crazy like to attack Chen Ge constantly.

One person and one bear is jumping around on the top of the mountain. It looks very funny.

At this time, however, the white bear changed his target and aimed at the four brothers who were hiding on one side. He turned his head and rushed to the four brothers.

"Be careful!"

Chen Ge Chao, the four brothers, said in a loud voice.

The four of them quickly reacted and dodged from behind a big tree.


The white bear bumped into the tree, and the strong impact immediately shook the four brothers away.

At this time, Zhen Ji's feet were unsteady and she stepped on the ground, and the whole person rowed down towards the valley.

Chen Ge saw this, immediately rushed up, a foot on the body of the white bear, the white bear was directly kicked down the hill, into the canyon.

Then Chen Ge is ready to rescue Zhen Ji.

But because the surrounding soil was too loose, Chen Gegang caught Zhen Ji, and they both fell down.

"Brother Chen!"

"Zhen Ji!"

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Seeing the two men fall into the canyon, brother Chen shouts with Yu Xindun.

After a long time, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji gradually came to life.

When they woke up, they were both very surprised. Unexpectedly, they did not fall to death, but were hung on a branch.

"Zhenji, are you ok?"

Chen Ge is concerned about Chao Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji shook her head slightly and replied, "I'm ok, but my arm is a little painful. It should be twisted!"

With this, Zhen Ji rubbed her arm.

Chen Ge quickly grabs Zhen Ji's arm to check up and gently pinches it.

"Fortunately, the bone is not broken, it should be just sprained!"

After some examination, Chen Ge gave an answer.

Hearing Chen GE's words, Zhen Ji immediately felt relieved.

"How can we get down now?"

Zhen Ji took a look at the bottom, but there was still a distance inside, and the bottom was still dark. She couldn't see what the situation was.

"Wait, do you hear anything?"

At this time, Chen Ge looks at Zhen Ji and asks.

Finish saying, two people quiet down, listen to the movement that comes from below carefully.

After listening for a while, the two talents showed surprise at the same time, reacted, looked at each other and exclaimed: "it's the sound of running water!"

"Yes, yes, it's the sound of water. There should be a river below!"

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Chen Ge firmly nodded his head and said.

"You don't want to..."

Zhen Ji saw Chen GE's look, immediately understood, looked at Chen Ge and said.

Chen Ge showed a smile, can so quickly understand his mind is only Zhen Ji.

"You know me, we have no other way but to take a chance!"

Chen Ge preached to Zhen Ji.

At such a high distance, they have no other way to go down. The only way is to gamble, fall and fall into the river below.

"Well, that's up to you."

Zhen Ji did not oppose Chen GE's proposal, but directly agreed to come down.

She believes in Chen Ge very much. Even if she dies, she will die with Chen Ge, not to mention that they will not necessarily die.

"Are you ready?"

Chen Ge takes another look at Zhen Ji and asks.

Zhen Ji nodded firmly.

The voice falls, Chen Ge hugs Zhen Ji tightly, and then falls toward the bottom.

The two fell quickly.


A few seconds later, they fell into the river, splashing a huge splash.

Sure enough, they were right. There was a river below.

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The river saved their lives.

Chen Ge never let go of Zhen Ji from the beginning to the end. She swam to the bank with her.

At this time, they were all wet. The water in the river was very ice, which was melted by the snow on the mountain.

Zhen Ji was shivering with cold.

Chen Ge knew they had to get warm immediately.

Many of the oldest way to carry out the song is to take out the trees by fire.

After some action, a slight fire was lit, and soon all the trees were lit."Zhenji, come on, take off your clothes and dry them to keep warm."

Chen Ge quickly reminds Zhen Ji.

After hearing this, Zhen Ji quickly goes to Chen GE's side, takes off her clothes, and then sits beside Chen Ge.

Chen Ge took Zhen Ji in his arms, and they sat by the campfire to keep warm and dry.

Zhen Ji sticks to Chen Ge, and her face is flushed instantly.

In the light of the fire, it seems to be so shameful.

Chen Ge hugs Zhen Ji tightly, which brings her a strong sense of security.

Only Chen Ge can bring this sense of security to Zhen Ji.

"Chen Ge, it's nice to have you around

Zhen Ji then raised her head and looked at Chen GE's smiling sermon.

Chen Ge is also a knowing smile, dragonfly skims the water on Zhen Ji's forehead.

"I will always be with you to protect and love you."

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Chen Ge opens his mouth and responds to Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji immediately nodded. Of course, she believed what Chen Ge said. As long as Chen Ge was with her side, she was really not afraid of anything.

After more than half an hour of baking, their clothes were finally dried.

The two quickly put on their clothes and left the bush.

They need to get together with the three brothers.

Chen Ge and Zhen Ji are moving forward rapidly, shuttling through the whole forest.

However, at this time, a black wolf suddenly came out of the trees and bit Chen Ge directly.

Chen GE's reaction speed is very fast, a blow out, hit the wolf's head.


The wolf whined, then fell to the ground and died.

Chen GE's fist is not light. He killed the wolf directly, with the power of a thousand catties.

But this is also good, this wolf is to send charcoal in the snow, to send warmth to both of them.

"Zhen Ji, are you hungry? Haven't you eaten wolf meat

Chen Ge then looked and asked Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji is stunned and shakes her head. She naturally understands Chen GE's mind. It seems that Chen Ge wants to eat the wolf.

"Well, I haven't eaten it either. It's just that we're lucky to have a taste of wolf meat today. Anyway, what we haven't eaten now can be used to fill our stomachs!" Chen Ge is also Chao Zhen Ji's proposal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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