The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 898: 898

After hearing this, Zhen Ji did not have any comments.

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Later, Chen Ge dealt with the wolf and cut off the fur. The wolf's fur is a good thing. Maybe it can be sold for a good price. Then he cut a large piece of meat.

After getting the river and cleaning it, Chen Ge set up a bonfire again and grilled the wolf meat on it.

It's not a good thing to go hungry. It's better to eat first.

After several dozens of minutes, the wolf meat was finally ready to start.

Chen Ge cut several pieces and put them on the leaves and handed them to Zhen Ji.

Then they sat under the tree and enjoyed it together.

"Well, I have to say, the wolf meat is really delicious. It's totally different from pork."

Chen Ge immediately exclaimed after eating a mouthful, this is his first time to eat wolf meat, it is really unusual.

But as long as you can fill your stomach, no matter what kind of meat it is.

After a full meal, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji simply clean up, deal with the campfire, and then they are ready to go on their way again.


However, at this time, there was a sound of leaves shaking around, as if something was shuttling again.

Chen Ge is on the alert for a moment, grabs Zhen Ji and hides in a clump of trees.

As soon as they were hiding, they saw a few strange and thin figures running out of the woods. After running out, they surrounded the body of the wolf, and then began to lean down to eat.

Seeing this scene, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji are extremely surprised.

What kind of creatures are these humanoid monsters that don't look like human beings, and they actually eat raw meat and suck blood.

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Do you mean..

After a while, Chen GE's mind came up with a bold idea.

Yes, the idea is that these creatures are the so-called ghost people.

"Chen Ge, what monsters are these?"

Zhen Ji asked Chen Ge curiously.

"These are the ghost people!"

Chen Ge immediately replied to Zhen Ji.


After hearing this, Zhen Ji opened her mouth and was extremely incredible. She almost exclaimed.

However, it was still discovered by these ghost people.

Several ghost people immediately became alert and began to look around.

"Go.. Let's go

Chen Ge knew that they must have been found, so he quickly reminded Zhen Ji.

With that, Chen Ge took Zhen Ji to run.

At that time, several ghost people found Chen Ge and Chen Ge. They immediately chased Chen Ge and Chen Ge. They kept yelling at each other.

Seeing the living is a great temptation for the ghost people. They are eager for blood and fresh blood.

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In this way, Chen Ge and several ghost people fled and pursued in the woods.

But the speed of the GUI people was very fast, and in a flash they caught up with Chen Ge and surrounded them.

"Chen Ge, what shall we do now?"

Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge with some worry and asks.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Chen Ge comforts Zhen Ji.


Several ghost people stare at Chen Ge and Zhen Ji, and their mouths keep making noises.

The two of them have been completely targeted by these ghost people.

The next second, several ghost people on the Chen Song two people launched an attack, open teeth and claws toward the two people.

Chen Ge decisively showed his own star Yuan sword, a knife quickly cut out.

In an instant, one of the first to rush up was directly cut into two parts by the star Yuan sword in Chen singer, and the blood splashed everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the other three ghost people also stepped back and did not dare to go forward.

Their companions were split in two, of course, they knew the power of the star Yuan sword in Chen singer.

"Come on, come up if you're not afraid of death!"

Chen Ge stares at the three remaining ghost people in front of him, and his voice is cold.

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The three ghost people seem to understand Chen GE's words and immediately turn around and quickly flee.

After all, the crisis was lifted. It seems that these ghost people are still very timid. They are afraid to escape when they are so relaxed.

"OK, it's OK. Let's leave quickly, lest these ghost people come back again!"

Chen Ge puts away his Xingyuan sword and reminds Zhen Ji.

With that, Chen Ge took Zhen Ji and walked out of the woods.

After more than half an hour's walking, they finally walked out of the mountain forest.

As soon as he went out, Chen Ge took out his mobile phone to have a look, and finally there was a signal.

Just now in the mountains, there was no signal on the mobile phone, so we couldn't contact the three brothers at all.Now there is a signal, Chen ge of course is to get in touch with brother Chen, and to meet him quickly.

"Drop.".. Drop.. Drop. "

Just listen to the phone after the call came out a sound of beep, brother Chen did not connect.

Chen Ge played several times in succession, but all of them were not connected.

This let Chen Ge can't help frowning.

If you can get through the phone, it means there must be a signal, but brother Chen didn't answer.

There are two situations: first, the three Chen brothers didn't notice that there was a phone call; second, there was something wrong with them, so they couldn't get through the phone.

For Chen Ge, these two possibilities are very big, especially the second one.

Brother Chen is for electronic fans. He will never ignore the situation of mobile phones. Moreover, if there is a signal, he will definitely call himself.

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But now it's been a long time and brother Chen hasn't called, which shows that there may be something wrong with the three of them.

"Chen Ge, do you think there will be something wrong with them, brother Chen?"

Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge with some worry and asks.

Chen Ge frowns, can't help but become dignified up, nodded to show approval of Zhen Ji's statement.

"It's possible that there are ghost people in this mountain forest. We can all meet them. Brother Chen and the three of them are no exception!"

"Ah? Will they... "

Zhen Ji suddenly surprised way, in the heart's worry feeling to aggravate.

"Don't worry, with old fan there, the ghost people should not be easy to attack, fan must have a way to deal with those ghost people!"

Chen Ge comforts Zhen Ji. In fact, Chen Ge is not sure about this, but he doesn't want Zhen Ji to worry too much.

So now, I'd better find the three brothers first.

Later, Chen Ge took Zhen Ji to the mountain forest outside to look for it.

After a while, two people found a left backpack, see this backpack let Chen Ge two people know, this backpack is brother Chen's backpack.

Besides, there is a mobile phone beside the backpack, which is brother Chen's.

No wonder the phone didn't answer. The backpack and mobile phone were lost.

But see here let Chen Ge two people know, Chen brother three people must be in trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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