The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 94: 94

"Chen Ge, do you know how to come? Dinner time came. In the afternoon, when our class was recording for Phil, what did you do? Hehe, it's true that the loser's attribute has never changed! "

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A girl who is very close to Han fei'er can't help but scold.

There are also many girls began to Chen GE's view gradually changed, now looking at Chen Ge, all is a faint smile.

How to say that.

Some time ago, Chen Ge suddenly became rich, the kind of rich.

It is true that it has caused the favor of many girls.

I think it would be nice if I could be with Chen Ge. I can buy a nice bag, especially this Chen Ge is not ugly and pretty.

But now, Han Fei Er has changed from chicken to Phoenix.

It has become a net red start to attract gold.

This almost gave all the girls in the class a boost, let everyone think, what's wrong with girls? If girls are willing to work hard and find the right direction, they can also become very rich, famous and rich.

So, now many girls in the class, almost all have an idea, that is to try live broadcasting in the same city, and it would be better to sign a contract!

"Forget it, take him with you. One more is not much, and the other is less."

Han fei'er held her spectacle frame. In the past, when she said this kind of contemptuous words, Han fei'er would glance at Chen Ge, but now, she can't even see it.

Just at this time, Meng Cairu and other things arrived, and all ten Audi cars were also driving.

Ten Audi cars line up in line, which is really spectacular.

Many students are envious of looking at this side.

Even the owners of Audi took out their mobile phones to take pictures of hanfei'er.

"Guide, you and I take a car, the other students, everyone get on the bus!"

Han fei'er pays attention to the image to say very much.

After a while, everyone got on the bus.

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Yang Hui and several of their dormitories sat down.

Chen Ge saw that there was no one at the back of the Audi, so he was ready to open the front passenger's door and sit in the back one.

"Stop it, Chen Ge. What are you doing?"

Han Fei's voice is cold.

"I get in the car!"

Chen Ge said.

"Ha ha, that car doesn't pick up the students. Later, he has to pick up some good sisters of my live broadcasting association. You can take another one!" Han fei'er is really drunk. Why is this loser always in trouble?

"Nothing else, but I don't think there's anyone on the copilot in the car you're in. I'll go there!"

Chen Ge asks again, can't let oneself walk to go.

"Bah, Chen Ge, what do you think? You want to ride in the same car with me

Han fei'er really wants to smoke Chen GE's mouth. What's his status now? Will he be able to walk with you in the future?

"Phil, what's the matter? Not yet? "

At this time, Meng Cairu also got out of the car.

"Hum, it's all Chen Ge. Alas, this time, I called for ten cars without counting him. Now, I have to use a car to pick up my sister. He didn't sit there!"

Hanfei said coldly.

Meng Cairu is disgusted with Chen Ge. It's unnecessary!

At the moment, he was impatient and said, "Chen Ge, otherwise, you can take a car by yourself. If it's a big deal, I'll pay you back the fare. OK, Feier, let's go!"

Meng Cairu yelled Han fei'er to leave in a hurry.

Why yell Han Fei Er to leave in a hurry?

Because Meng Cairu just thought of a topic with someone, and now eager to chat.

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Chen Ge didn't let Yang Hui accompany them, so he said that he just played and brought Yang Hui's rechargeable treasure.

When the motorcade just left.

Chen Ge turns on his mobile phone.

A little wechat. It's still your own new wechat.

Hanfei's message to herself is almost full.

There are some pictures in hanfil.

"Ordinary brother, fei'er, will you take your best picture?"

"Ordinary brother, are you there? Do you think Phil is not beautiful? Aggrieved


Too many. Here's a picture of hanfil.

There are also a few pictures of her beautiful legs. To be honest, the scale is quite large.

Chen GE's heart is pounding.

"Beautiful, ordinary brother!"

"It's OK. The photos are not too exciting! Ha ha

Chen Ge may be a little angry with Han fei'er, and sent a hint like this directly.

I didn't expect that Han fei'er, who had already left, would reply: "ah, I hate Lala ordinary brother! When you have time, you will be satisfied. "

This paragraph back, let Chen Ge feel itchy Zizi in the heart.At this time, Meng Cairu sent a new message to herself.

"Ordinary little brother, what are you doing? Today, our whole class went to your dear fei'er's celebration banquet. Hum, you made fei'er popular. Today you should be the leading role! By the way, do you like Phil? Why not chase her? "

Meng Cairu secretly sent this paragraph to Chen Ge.

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To tell you the truth, there is a strong vinegar flavor inside, and I don't know how. Meng Cairu outlines her boyfriend's image in her heart, just like ordinary, although she has never seen anything ordinary.

"I can't catch up. The car hasn't come yet."

Paralyzed, how to be targeted every time?

Chen Ge replied with some anger. His taxi hasn't come yet.

"Hahaha, it's not easy to buy a car with the financial resources of an ordinary little brother!"

Meng Cairu said again.

It's obvious that she's got the wrong idea. I thought the car didn't come. I didn't buy it.

At this time, the DD car has come, Chen Ge and the two of them have a few random chat to end the topic, to say a little interested, is Han Fei Er to take those scale photos of himself.

I really need to have a good look when I have time.

Speaking, Chen Ge is to come to the home kitchen.

At the moment, a car Audi in the home kitchen door parking, waiting, can see hanfil this heroic.

"You are so clumsy. You can do it if you can. If you can't, you can get rid of me as soon as possible. Look at you. I've seen so many part-time workers, but I haven't seen you like this. You can get rid of me. In addition, you should compensate for the loss of this bowl of Buddha jumping over the wall, leaving a thousand yuan!"

Chen Ge is about to go upstairs when a woman grabs a girl dressed as a waiter and pulls it out.

"I'm sorry, manager. I'm really sorry. I've got a wound on my arm! So I didn't catch it

"Well, I don't care if you're hurt or not. Do you know who miss hanfil was just in? It's the most distinguished guest in the kitchen of our whole home. Fortunately, you've fallen the Buddha's jumping wall below, and you haven't been scalded to miss hanfil. Otherwise, you can't afford to peel you alive! "

The manager jabbed the girl on the forehead.

The girl just lowered her head and listened, but she didn't dare to hide.

Maybe there is something wrong with Chen GE's perspective. From his point of view, the girl's skin is white and her hair is hanging down. When you look at it, it gives you a new feeling of compassion.

As for the female manager, there has been a significant change.

And this time, Chen Ge knows the person.

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What's your name, Xiaoyue

Chen Ge did not expect, Zheng Yue has become the manager of home kitchen.


Hearing the voice behind her, Zheng Yue was shocked.

It's like a fish stranded for a long time, seeing the current rolling in front of you.

More like a long dry farmland, ushered in the joy before the dark clouds.

"Chen Shao?"

Zheng Yue was so excited that she almost cried.

"It's so loud that no one else can hear you, isn't it?" Chen Ge said lightly.

"Ah! I dare not, Chen Shao. I am excited to see you Since last time, because Zheng Yue let Xu Chao misunderstand Chen Ge as her boyfriend, this matter spread to Li Zhenguo's ears, Zheng Yue was warned, if Chen Shao disagreed, he could not contact Chen Shao again! Break his quiet life.

Of course, Zheng Yue obeyed honestly.

In fact, Chen Ge doesn't have any resistance to Zheng Yue's elder sister. On the contrary, she has made Chen Ge regard her as a half friend for several times.

"By the way, Zheng Yue, how did you become the manager of home kitchen? Is the villa gone? "

"Ah? Chen Shao, you can't help but know that now Jinling commercial street has changed. It seems that something has happened. Mr. Li Zhenguo has been replaced, and the commercial street will also face a reshuffle! "

Zheng Yue was surprised.

"To shuffle again?"

Chen Ge is also a Leng, do not want to know, it must be the elder sister's idea.

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