The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 95: 95

It turns out that Zheng Yue said it was going to change. After Li Zhenguo left, her sister Chen Xiao handed over the management of Jinling commercial street to others.

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As for who to send, Chen Ge didn't ask, and her sister Chen Xiao didn't say anything about it.

Just ask later.

And Zheng Yue, because of this reason, did well in the villa, was transferred to the home kitchen, as the manager here.

It looks like a promotion, but it's actually a demotion.

Speaking of it, it has something to do with Chen Ge.

Chen Ge then turned his eyes to the girl beside him. To tell the truth, it was not only pity for the girls, but also his sympathy. When he saw the girl, he made Chen Ge think of himself before.

At that time, I was so poor that I couldn't afford to eat. On weekdays, I had to do several kinds of work by myself. It was a common thing to be beaten and scolded.

"Zheng Yue, do something else. It's just that you broke a bowl of Buddha jumping off the wall and didn't hurt anyone. You just let the kitchen make another bowl!"

Chen Ge ordered.

Zheng Yue where dare not listen to, white this girl after one eye, went to command kitchen.

Zheng Yue, of course, knows that Han fei'er is Chen GE's favorite anchor, so she is regarded as one of the distinguished guests. Otherwise, how could Chen Shao please that Han fei'er with 100 million yuan of financing.

This is the scene of Zheng Yue's envy and jealousy, holding her breath in her heart.

"Thank you Thank you

The girl bowed her head and bowed to Chen Ge.

"You're welcome!"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

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I really want to let this girl raise her face, Chen Ge looks good at her whole picture, because from the side view, this girl is really beautiful, a kind of neglected beauty.

But looking at her very reserved appearance, Chen Ge also lost the interest of teasing others.

After that, he went upstairs.

Upstairs, hanfil. They're already serving.

There is no doubt that Chen Ge was arranged on a group of the least impressive table, with a group of the least impressive students sitting together.

On the main table, there are Meng Cairu and Wang Xiaoya, sister of hanfei'er's guild.

I've met each other last time.

The four tables are all in a large box, naturally very lively.

"Hello, classmate. Can my cell phone charge me?"

Chen Ge doesn't talk on the table. He's starving to death.

Because he was leaning against the socket, a girl came over to ask Chen Ge to help.

"Oh, it's you

But as soon as Chen Ge looked up, the girl immediately gave a sneer,

. She is the anchor Wang Xiaoti. I met her last time in the park. To say that the girl is very quiet and beautiful, she loves to see people with colored glasses.

Originally, she came to hanfei'er's celebration banquet. She was always quite a lady and talked to hanfei'er's classmates.

Because she already knew that the big local magnate and ordinary brother was from hanfei'er's department. How she asked before, Han fei'er didn't tell the truth, but now it has been exposed.

So, she thought that if she could know more handsome men in the literature department of Jinling University, she would know a few of them. In this way, she would have a reason to go to the literature department to play frequently in the future. In case she was occasionally met by an ordinary guy, she would be favored by him again?

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After all, Wang Xiaoti always felt that he was no worse than Han fei'er.

I didn't expect this look up and saw the old song full of oil.

It made her sick and disappointed.

After all, I've seen how stupid this loser is last time.

"Oh, it's you! Come on, I'll fill it for you

Chen Ge already saw her, did not say hello, now wipe his hands with a paper towel, ready to take over.

"Oh, no, please help me, classmate."

Wang Xiaoti said to the students beside Chen Ge.

After rushing forward, Wang Xiaoti glanced at Chen Ge and immediately returned to the main table.

Obviously, she doesn't look up to Chen Ge, even more so now.

For this, Chen Ge just smiles innocently. After all, he has been used to it. He seems to be born with the attribute that beauties despise. Alas ~

"students, today is a particularly important day for me. Here, in addition to thanking the students for taking care of me, but also for the achievements of my ordinary brother, although he did not come, he did not I want to show my identity, but I can say that without him, there would be no Phil! "

" I'm here for three drinks in a row! "

With the red wine in hand, Hanfei drinks it in one gulp.

In the box, there were warm applause.

"I suspect that the ordinary brother should like Phil, and very much!"

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Said hanfil's roommate.This sentence is very attractive, immediately attracted the attention of the public.

"Go, Xiaomei, don't talk nonsense! If ordinary brother really liked me, he would have seen me Hanfei'er has a cool way in her heart.

She asked herself such a question countless times.

Why is ordinary brother so good to himself?

Like yourself?

If you like him, he has already revealed his identity. Although Han fei'er's eyes are very high, even Gao Fu Shuai seldom looks up to her eyes, but ordinary brother, you know, in fei'er's heart, you are not what those ordinary Gao Fu Shuai can match!

If you like Feier a little bit, even if you are pursuing you and waiting for you, Han fei'er is also willing.

Never met, but usually chat with ordinary brother, and rescue in his own crisis time, hanfil's cold heart has been melted for a long time and can't be melted any more.

So this question, really let Hanfei Er uncertain, blush heart palpitation.

"What I'm saying is true. If he didn't really like fei'er, how could he have paid so much for fei'er, so it's almost certain. However, as we all know, ordinary brother is very low-key and doesn't like to be disturbed. I guess his idea is to first show his mind to fei'er and hint that someone likes you all the time And then when the time is right, I'll show my identity to Phil and we'll be together

"I went to Xiaomei. It's a pity that you went to write a mystery novel. But your analysis is really reasonable. It may be that when we graduate, the ordinary brother will officially express our feelings to fei'er. During this period, fei'er, although you have started your career, you must not be too close to other boys!"

Another girl said.

"I know!" Han Fei Er nods. In fact, she can't hold other boys in her heart except for the ordinary brother. Even if she finally finds out that you have more money than ordinary brother!

"I'll get my cell phone!"

Bang, Wang Xiaoti put down the glass, said ordinary brother like is Han Fei Er, this makes her very jealous, very uncomfortable.

We can't imagine what kind of jealousy Wang Xiaoti got when ordinary brother raised 100 million yuan for hanfei'er financing platform that day.

It's like Humphrey robbed her boyfriend of jealousy.

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L came to Chen GE's side.

"Get out of my way!" Wang Xiaoti roughly tore Chen GE's clothes aside.

The sick girl thought.

And then he wanted to get her cell phone and let her leave.

But I didn't expect Chen GE's hand to touch, it was like igniting gunpowder.

"Who are you? You can touch my mobile phone. Look at you! Do you deserve to touch my mobile phone, too

Wang Xiaoti beat off Chen GE's hand.

"What's so amazing about you? You're just a loser. Why do you touch my things! I don't want this cell phone! "


Wang Xiaoti crazy like, suddenly took up the mobile phone, mercilessly fell on the ground.

He also picked up the red wine in front of Chen Ge and splashed it directly on his face.

In the box. Be quiet.

Everyone was in a daze.

Chen Ge, full of red wine, is also confused , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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