The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 96: 96

Wang Xiaoti's glass of red wine directly threw Chen Ge into confusion.

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Madman, this woman is absolutely crazy.

What's the matter with you

Han fei'er didn't know that Wang Xiaoti was totally jealous of her, and asked nervously at the moment.

"I'm fine, Phil. I'm really sick today. I'm going back first!"

Wang Xiaoti mobile phone also do not want, carry bag to leave directly.

She couldn't answer what was wrong with her?

Ordinary brother is very powerful, but he doesn't know himself. Why does he eat so much vinegar for ordinary brother.

You don't know.

Just now, everyone was saying that Wang Xiaoti was in love with Han fei'er secretly. How miserable was Wang Xiaoti's heart.

Women are naturally envious animals.

What's more, a beautiful woman is on another beautiful woman.

So she wanted to get angry. She couldn't be angry with Han fei'er. She happened to take the loser Chen Ge out of her anger.

Like never looked up to Chen Ge, she directly ignored Chen Ge and left.

"Hum, Chen Ge blames you! Let's go. I'm sorry. What are you doing here

Han Fei Er's eyes on Chen Ge are even colder.

Chen GE has no time to pay attention to Han fei'er, he is like looking for Wang Xiaoti to revenge now.

At the moment, they also went out directly.

Oh, splashed his face with red wine, but also scolded himself for such a pass, so want to go?

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Chen Ge is no longer the old Chen Song.

He decided to hit Wang Xiaoti in the face.

But when he chases out, where still see Wang Xiaoti's figure, let Chen Ge very resentful.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone came up with a QQ message.

It was sent by Hao Lanlan, a classmate.

She seems to be very sick today, so she didn't come to hanfil's celebration party.

But when you look at the content, Chen GE's eyelids just jump slightly:

"Chen Ge, why do people often feel pain? I can only drag down my family. I can't help my family. I've been struggling all my life, and I can't compare with others. I'm useless. I let my father never look up and my sister can't even buy her new clothes. Now my sister is sick. I can't help but watch her unable to get into the hospital. My family gives me money for me, but I do No return! "

"Chen Ge, how can I avoid this kind of pain?"

Hao Lanlan had a long conversation with herself.

Chen Ge understood that Hao Lanlan had an accident at home. She was unable to help. She had been blaming herself. Even the last sentence, Chen Ge heard something else from it.

Let Chen GE's heart jump.

Hao Lanlan is a member of her own poverty-stricken group. Usually, she says little and says little. But Chen GE has observed her secretly. Although she has a low self-esteem on the surface, she is very competitive in her heart.

Everything is better than others.

Moreover, it can be seen that in addition to the carefree life of others, she has a greater pursuit.

This is much better than myself.

But the reality is often very cruel, the more you think about things, it will develop in the opposite direction.

Therefore, Hao Lanlan's inner depression has not existed for a day or two. This time, her sister is ill, and she must have no money. She has no money.

I'm afraid it hurt her self-esteem.

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Chen Ge Ting understands this feeling.

Worried that she would not want to do something stupid, Chen Ge said in a hurry:

"Hao Lanlan, where are you? In the dormitory? "

"Well, there it is."

Hao LAN replied quickly. Class can chat too little, she is the one who talks to Chen Ge most.

Chen Ge thought Wang Xiaoti, the anchor, didn't know where he was. Now go back by himself. He must face hanfei'er's ridicule.

Chen Ge doesn't want to expose his identity.

Although the relationship with Hao Lanlan is not very good, they have been working in a poverty-stricken group for three years. The so-called "sympathize with each other", Chen Ge can't bear to let Hao Lanlan go on like this.

Simply do not go back, directly took a taxi to the girls' dormitory side, in the downstairs aunt this sign after.

To the door of Holland's dormitory.

"Chen Ge?"

Crying eyelids are almost swollen Hao LAN opened the door, see Chen Ge, she was obviously surprised.

"Holland, are you ok? I'll see you!"

Chen Ge said something.

"I'm ok. I don't have to bother you. Anyway, I feel that it's unnecessary for me to live in this world, which will drag down many people! "

Hao Lanlan sat by the bed, covered her eyes and began to cry again.

"What are you talking about? Hao Lanlan, I used to be just like you. My father told me when I was young that our family owed a lot of money and was very poor. My sister went out to work because she didn't study in high school for me. My sister studied very well, but gave up the high school entrance examination!"Chen Ge wants to persuade Hao Lanlan. It may be because both of them are very poor, so he thinks about his own past.

And it really worked. Hao Lanlan stopped crying and said to Chen Ge.

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Chen Ge went on:

"do you know how much psychological pressure I felt at that time, how much responsibility I shouldered and the hope of my family, so I worked hard to get ahead. I tried my best to get ahead and not be looked down upon by others!"

"How can I be bullied by others when I see them

"In fact, they really look down on me and often talk about me, but I still tell myself that we should live a good life, and the day of humiliation will eventually pass, and I understand a truth!"

Chen Ge said it was very emotional.

Hao Lanlan asked, "what's the reason?"

"That is, a person should think about and do something at any stage. Only in this way can they not get pain. Now you are studying and accumulating learning, but you are thinking about how to make money and how to earn more money. Is this reality?"

"Yes, I really want to make a lot of money! But I can't. But now of course you will say that, you won the lottery, you are more lucky than others! "

Hao Lanlan lost his way.

"I'm lucky, but you have to believe that you will have that day too! In a word, things will pass. Sooner or later, don't be oppressed by this matter. What you think now should be the solution! "

Chen Ge advised.

Hao Lanlan lowered his head and just said, "mm-hmm, I see. Thank you, Chen Ge. Let me think about it."

Chen Ge did not persuade people, also did not know how to persuade.

But now that he knows about Hao Lanlan's problems and is a good classmate, he must help him when he encounters this matter.

Boom! Boom!

At this time, the dormitory door sounded a loud knock on the door.

It's like trying to shoot the door out of the house.

Then Holland went over and opened the door.

Just look at a chubby middle-aged woman rushing in. Her face is horizontal and her eyebrows are tattooed. It looks like two caterpillars are lying on it.

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"I said why don't you open the door, you little bitch. There was a man in the dormitory. Your father also said that you studied hard in school. I bah, you little bitch!"

"Mother! Don't say that. Chen Ge is my classmate. He comes to see me! "

Hao Lanlan cried.

"Don't call me mom! I'm not your mother! Who, what are you looking at here? Do you want to strengthen my daughter? Believe it or not, I will call the police immediately! "

The middle-aged woman took out her cell phone.

Hao Lanlan panicked and immediately said, "Chen Ge, you go first. Thank you today."

"All right."

Chen Ge wanted to scold the crazy woman, but she couldn't say anything when she thought it was Hao Lanlan's mother.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Murmured, Chen Ge left.

I don't know if Hao Lanlan's mother is a real mother. She's a little bitch.

Today, one after another by the crazy woman to spray, Chen Ge is in a bad mood.

I'm ready to walk in the park to relax.

At this time, the mobile phone rings, it is sister Chen Xiao.

Chen Ge got through immediately and wanted to ask about Jinling commercial street.

I didn't expect that as soon as I got through, I heard my sister's nervous voice:

"brother, the event is not good, your sister and I have a big deal to do!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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