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Short Story 05: Avoiding the Summer Heat・Captain-san

Would you mind going with me to the Royal Capital?

One day, I received this invitation from Captain-san.

Apparently, there was a little festival in town.

I’ve been to town before, but it was quite a while ago, so I thought it would be fine to go again after so long, and accepted his invitation.


The festival was in the evening so I can go after I finish my work.

It seems like some researchers will be in town on that day. 

I decided to go with the researchers, based on what had happened last time and will meet with Captain-san in town.

I’d rather not sit closely together in a narrow carriage.


Then a few days later, it was finally time for the festival.

I boarded the carriage with the researchers, and we headed to town.

Since it was night, the researchers were all going to wait with me at the meeting place.

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It’s not like I wouldn’t have been fine by myself, but it would be too late if something were to happen, so I accepted their offer.

But, they didn’t have to wait with me for long, because Captain-san immediately came to the meeting place.

“Did you wait long?”

“No, not at all.”

The meeting place was a bit far from the centre of the festival.

We set this as a meeting place because the festival gets really crowded and it would be easier to find someone here. 

Captain-san was wearing the same clothes he had when we went out to town last time, so it was easy to see him heading this way.

We greeted each other and then headed to the centre.

The researchers handed me over to Captain-san and quickly disappeared into the crowd.


As soon as we started walking, Captain-san smoothly took my hand. 

Apparently, I wouldn’t be able to escape if we hold hands while walking. 

Not only that, we look like lovers right now!!!

I looked up at Captain-san in surprise, and he smiled sweetly when he noticed my gaze.

“What’s wrong?”

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I wanted him to let go off my hand, but I couldn’t say anything when I saw that expression.


Concentrate on the festival and forget this.

I’ll do that. 

I decided and enjoyed the bustling scene in front of me. 


On the side of the road to the centre, there were rows of stalls.

The last time I went to the market, they had a lot of stalls selling fresh ingredients such as vegetables and fruits, but the stalls lined up today were mostly selling food. 

In front of the stores were wooden boxes and chairs, and people were lining up to buy food. 

People with red faces were drinking something from a cup. That’s definitely alcohol.

Which means they’re not only selling food but alcohol as well?

“Are you interested in anything?”

“I was wondering if they have stalls which sell alcohol.”

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“Are you interested in alcohol?”

“A little…”

I haven’t drank alcohol since I was summoned, but it wasn’t like I couldn’t drink alcohol.

I used to go drinking with my friends when I was in Japan.

I simply didn’t have the chance to drink it here.

I want to drink it a little since we’re here.

Captain-san took me to a stall which sold liquor because I told him I was interested in it.

They were selling something that looked like ale. 

But a surprising aroma tickled my nasal cavity when I put the cup to my mouth.

“What’s this?”

“It’s honey liquor.”

I found out that he’d given me honey liquor when I asked him about it.

I see.  

I noticed the nice scent of the cup when I put it into my mouth again. 

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Also, the sweetness remained, probably because they had held back on fermentation.

It was really delicious.

We sat on the wooden boxes like the other customers, and while I was on my third cup, food was brought out before I’d noticed.

Even if they had held back on the fermentation, it was still alcoholic.

I started feeling tipsy as I drank the honey liquor.

I continued to eat and drink while feeling fluffy. Captain-san and I spoke about the festival and about random stuff.


I had a great time at the festival and Captain-san said it was time to go back, so we did. 

I was feeling great, and I waved our connected hands and felt like skipping as we headed to the carriage.

Captain-san laughed happily as he looked at me. 

On the way to the carriage, I have a feeling that I clung to Captain-san’s arms because I thought I was going to stumble on the pavement. 


The next morning, it goes without saying that I was troubled when I thought about what had happened the previous night.

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

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