Short Story 06: Enchanted Mushrooms

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Autumn is the best season for exercise and reading, but I think autumn is the best time to eat.

It is also called the harvest season, so autumn had a lot of delicious food. 

This didn’t just apply to Japan, but Slantania Kingdom too. 

According to Jude, they harvested rye during autumn, and you could also find many fruits and mushrooms in the forest. 


Of course, I would go if I hear something like that.

Where, you ask?

To the forest!


I immediately received permission from Director and headed to the East Forest since there was no time like the present. 

Our group consists of me, Jude, two researchers and two knights from the 3rd Knight Order; a total of six people. 

After arriving at the East Forest, our group moved together.

We left the knights to guard our surroundings and did nothing but pick herbs. 

I found my favourite fruits and mushrooms while looking for herbs. 

Autumn really is the season for harvest. I found more vegetation than when I last came here. 


And while I was picking herbs, fruits and mushrooms, I found it. 

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I squatted down to pick an herb near me and found a standing mushroom behind a fallen tree.

It was short and stout and light beige, so I couldn’t conclude if it was edible or not. 

I better confirm it. 

I called Jude, who was close and pointed at the mushroom.

Jude looked at the mushroom dubiously. Then, his eyes widened in surprise, and he swiftly spun back.

He was so vigorous that he ended up bending his body.

“Wh-what’s wrong?”

“Th-this…” He pointed at the mushroom with trembling fingers and choked on his words.

The researcher, who was close to us, also came over, probably because he thought Jude was acting strange. 

He looked at where Jude was pointing and raised a voice in surprise after looking dubiously, “Woah.”

What the heck is it?

“What’s wrong with this mushroom?” Jude nodded vigorously when I asked this.

Then, he started speaking in leaps and bounds. 

This mushroom was called phantom mushroom.

It was edible and tasted great, but above all else, it had a magnificent fragrance.

It didn’t give off a scent like this, but apparently, it did when you shave it. 

According to one theory, it is said that the mushrooms were enchanted and gave off an aphrodisiac effect.

However, it was hard to find and was called the phantom mushroom.

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It was said that it was so rare that you might only find one in ten lifetimes. 

Apparently, it was costly because it was so rare.

“Do you think Director would tell me to sell it if I bring it back with me?”

“Maybe? He’ll probably tell you to do what you want with it since you found it.” 

Jude was probably unconfident because he couldn’t tell how Director would act since this was too expensive. 

I’ve finally found this Phantom Mushroom.

I might as well eat it instead of selling it. 

Director would probably choose to eat it as well. 

He’s in management, but he’s more of a researcher.

I’m sure he’s someone who would rather try something that’s said to be a phantom ingredient instead of selling it. 

I believed and plucked the phantom mushroom.


When I returned to the research institute, I told Director, who was flabbergasted from the news, about the phantom mushroom.

Then he said, “Alright, let’s eat it!” So I couldn’t help but laugh.

Seems like he didn’t betray my expectations. 

I went to the dining hall immediately and showed the chefs, then another person reacted just like Jude did. 

Is it that rare? 

The chefs started cheering when I told them that I would be cooking it now. 

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I wasn’t familiar with this mushroom, so I consulted with the chefs before deciding what to cook.

I decided to shave it on top of the dish since it was a fragrant ingredient.

I left the prep work for the phantom mushroom to the chefs and prepped the other ingredients. 

I was making stewed chicken with white sauce. 

I sliced the onions and regular mushrooms and simmered it with cooked chicken and white wine. 

I wish I had fresh cream, but unfortunately, I didn’t, so I added milk, butter and flour and simmered it some more. 

I didn’t forget to adjust it with salt and pepper so that it would taste nice. 

I sprinkled the shaved phantom mushroom on top of the dish when it was done, and it was complete.



It smells incredible. 

The moment the phantom mushrooms were shaved, an exquisite aroma filled the kitchen.

It’s kind of sweet, but it’s not. 

It’s hard to describe, but I wonder if I can say that it smells sensual. 

Anyway, it was an incredible smell.

I put a small grain into my mouth to taste it and just that one-grain smelt amazing. 

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“Wow…” It gave me a mediocre impression, but that was all I could say. 

Needless to say, the chefs swiftly nodded their heads at my surprised mutter. 

The white sauce suited it perfectly. I knew discussing it with the chefs was a good idea.


Afterwards, the researchers who came with me, Director, and even Captain-san, who was called by Director, gathered in the dining hall to eat it. 

Of course, the dining hall was also filled with researchers who hadn’t come with me on my harvest.

The phantom mushroom smelt amazing even with just a small amount, so I only needed to sprinkle a little on.

We managed to make food for everyone.

I was relieved. 

Since it seems like a bloody battle would break out if we had to hold a raffle for food.


When I saw the happy faces of those who had finished eating, I understood how this mushroom enchanted people. 

I was also one of the people who were enchanted. 

It was really delicious. 

I want to eat it again, but would that be difficult?

At times like this, I couldn’t help but wonder if I can get my way somehow by using my 【Saint】abilities. It’s really selfish of me.

But, the phantom mushroom smelt so nice that it made me think like that.

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

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