When fellow villagers meet, their eyes brim with tears (returning to the capital)

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“What river?”

“Ah,” Wang Wei impatiently waved his hand and said to Ming Qin with a clear tone, “It’s not a river, it’s ‘wearing,’ ‘crossing,’ ‘traversing’!”

“Wearing?” Ming Qin was confused, somewhat uncertain if she had pronounced it correctly.

“Yes, wearing[efn_note]Transmigration[/efn_note]!” Wang Wei exaggeratedly waved the paper in his hand and said, “Look at this modern typesetting, the clear structure, and the concise abbreviations. This perfectly crafted case study is a miracle from the age of fossils, my goodness.”

“I…” Not understanding what the eccentric old man in front of her was saying, Ming Qin scratched her head and said, “This case study was written by my senior sister, and she dresses properly…I think.”

“My goodness, either your senior sister is ‘wearing,’ or there’s been a genetic mutation in this era.”

Wang Wei paid no attention to Ming Qin’s words and just held the stack of papers and sighed to the sky, “Truly a gifted genius! I thought I would never find someone to pass on my research in this lifetime, just like Holmes without Watson, or Harry Potter without Ron Weasley. I knew that God sent me here to achieve something great, and this little girl…I really…”

Ming Qin didn’t want to interrupt the old man’s excitement, but she still asked, “Uncle Wang…Uncle Wang, don’t get too excited. Looking at this case study, do you think you can cure it?”

“Oh, this is nothing. What problem could be difficult for me, a genius ahead of my time?” Wang Wei widened his eyes and looked at Ming Qin, asking himself, “None! No problem can defeat me, the great genius.”

After speaking, Wang Wei quickly went into the room, picked up a bundle, and haphazardly threw all the bottles and jars on the table into it. Then he picked up a few toolboxes from beside the bed. He didn’t care about his beloved “babies” at home and put on a hat before walking straight out of the door.

Ming Qin, who was left behind, hurriedly caught up, asking anxiously, “Uncle Wang, Uncle Wang, are you going to get a ride?”

“Of course.”

Wang Wei turned around and threw all the things in his hands to Ming Qin, then exclaimed with joy, “I’m going to the capital to take on a student. The faster, the better!”

It is not yet fully winter, but when one exhales, a faint mist can be seen.

Inside Changning Palace, the ground dragons have been lit, providing warmth and coziness.

A tiger, lying on the ground, has just finished its meal and lazily yawns.

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Song Shu Qing stands alone by the bed, concentrating on examining the pulse of the woman lying on it.

Although her pulse can barely be sustained, as the one-month deadline approaches, her weakness becomes more and more apparent, indicating that Murong Yan’s vitality is gradually fading away.

With a sigh, Song Shu Qing turns to carefully massage the stiff muscles of the woman who had not moved for a long time, her mind wandering.

Will Qin Qin come back?

The medicine she gave her should have been used up.

Perhaps at that time, I should have accompanied her to Jingzhou.

Her jumbled thoughts are interrupted by a low growl from the tiger. The alert tiger stands up and looks towards the closed door, flicking its tail like a whip.

After a while, the door was pulled open, and in came Murong Wan, who had just ascended to the throne at the age of eleven, without any attendants.

“I greet Your Majesty,” Song Shu Qing quickly bowed and saluted, then comforted the tiger by patting its head.

The clever tiger quickly recognized the person and retracted its exposed teeth, lazily sitting down again.

“No need for formalities,” said the young Emperor Murong Wan, his face showing a hint of imperial dignity despite his tender age, as he waved his hand in a yellow robe. He then asked with concern, “How is Princess Chongwen’s health?”

“Your subordinate and the doctors have done their best,” replied Song Shu Qing respectfully, but with a somewhat dry tone. “But we can barely maintain her condition.”

“What about Ming Qin?” Murong Wan frowned, looking a little anxious. “I heard she went to Jingzhou for medical treatment. Is she okay? Do you have any news about Ming Qin?”

Shaking her head, Song Shu Qing still bowed slightly and said, “I have not yet heard any news about Ming Qin.”

“Is that so…”

The young Emperor’s face looked a bit disappointed. Walking up to look at the peaceful and sleeping Murong Yan, he turned to Song Shu Qing and said, “If you need any medicinal materials or silver, just tell me. As long as it can cure the Princess, I will definitely help.”

The busy young Emperor didn’t stay for long. Before leaving, he whispered to Murong Yan, “Princess sister, please wake up soon. When you do, I will hand over the punishment for the deposed Crown Prince to you. Please recover quickly.”

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Princess Chongwen is the person whom Ming Qin cherishes the most, and she must recover well.

As the Emperor returned to his study, Song Shu Qing also left with her medicine box.

Unable to sleep at night, Song Shu Qing drank alone on the high palace wall, holding a wine pot in her hand.

These past few days, she had been doing this, hoping to catch a glimpse of her silly donkey junior sister from this vantage point. The cold wind made her shiver, but Song Shu Qing just drank more warm wine and waited patiently under the night sky, still feeling lonely.

Ah, I really want to go back to Shu.

Even though she’s always bored at the teahouse, she would still rather stare at the shop’s door than be busy running around the palace.

Besides, she’s not like Da Linzi, who is willing to devote himself to the Shadow Guard Camp for the sake of the country and the people.

Although Da Linzi loves to drink and gossip, ever since their Master was injured, he volunteered to take up the responsibility of rebuilding the Shadow Guard Camp. He’s so busy every day that he doesn’t have any time to drink like he used to.

As for herself, she had no special feelings for this country or the shadow guards. She just wanted to listen to music and laze around every day…

Ah! Suddenly, Song Shu Qing wanted to listen to Zi Yan play the Qin.

It had been a long time since she last saw Zi Yan, and she wondered if Zi Yan had composed any new beautiful Qin pieces during this time.

She waited for Ming Qin to return so they could go back to Shu together, as long as Ming Qin recovered soon.

Song Shu Qing looked up at the cloudless sky and felt that even the moon was a bit dazzling for some reason.

Tonight, she waited longer than usual.

When the sun rose, its first ray of sunlight shone on her face.

Song Shu Qing squinted her tired eyes and yawned, picking up the wine pot from the tiles and preparing to jump down. But then she saw a black figure riding a horse rushing towards her along the still quiet street, just as the city gate had just opened.

Who is this? Why are they so flustered?

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Don’t they know there’s a speed limit for riding horses on the street? Speed limit!

Do they think they won’t be noticed in broad daylight? They’re too naive.

They will be fined for sure, poor thing.

Just when she was halfway through enjoying her schadenfreude, she suddenly stopped.

Wait a minute.

This cloak looks familiar.

Is that a familiar figure carrying an old man with a heroic posture?

Isn’t that Qin Qin?

Has Qin Qin really returned within a month?!

Shocked and almost slipping from the roof, Song Shu Qing tossed the wine jug aside, jumped down to the ground in two or three moves, and hurried towards the palace gate.

In her haste, she showed the token to the guard of the imperial army on duty. As soon as she left the palace, she saw dust rising from the hooves of a horse that seemed to have lost control, galloping towards her direction.

Several soldiers nervously extended their spears, trying to pierce the frenzied horse that was getting closer and closer.

“Qin Qin! Stop the horse quickly!” shouted Song Shu Qing.

Ming Qin kept her head low, her black cloak flying behind her. Half of her face was covered by her long hair, so her eyes couldn’t be seen. She tightly squeezed the horse’s belly and did not answer.

“Little Ming, look out! We’re going to crash into the wall!” warned an old man who was being held by Ming Qin, but there was no response from her.

“I haven’t accomplished my great undertaking yet! I don’t want to die!” the old man shouted at the top of his lungs.

“I hope not…” Song Shu Qing’s heart sank as she saw the rider still unmoved.

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With a quick step forward, Song Shu Qing’s agile figure swayed like the wind as she dodged past the horse. As she passed by, she grabbed the saddle with a wrist turn and pulled the raving old man down from the horse’s back.

Then, holding her breath, she pulled herself up and over onto the rider’s seat.

She sat down behind the rider, reaching forward to surround Ming Qin with her arms and grabbing the reins with a firm grip. The galloping horse lifted its front hooves, nearly throwing off the two riders on its back.

With a tight grip on the reins, Song Shu Qing held onto the stiff Ming Qin, feeling the muscles in her arms tearing with pain, but she gritted her teeth and endured.

It wasn’t until the exhausted horse landed heavily, panting and motionless, that Song Shu Qing let out a breath and dismounted. She looked at the distance of less than four or five feet from the city gate and the guards who were holding their breath, and they all let out a collective sigh of relief.

“Miss! Miss!”

Wang Wei stumbled towards Song Shu Qing, tearful and grateful. “You are my savior, miss…sob sob sob.”

The short old man sat down with weak legs, holding onto Song Shu Qing’s thigh and complaining loudly. “I thought I was going to die! For the past few days, she didn’t let me eat or sleep. I even peed in my pants because there was no time to put them on while rushing on the road. I also got dizzy on the horse…sob sob sob. I thought I was on a roller coaster. You are my savior.”

His speech was incoherent.

Song Shu Qing walked with difficulty. “Let go of my leg! What are you talking about…wait, roller coaster?”

Looking at the old man who was about to use her sleeve to wipe his tears, she suddenly said, “I like to drink Coca-Cola.”

Wang Wei, who was crying, actually looked up, and his wrinkled face showed some disdain. “No taste…sob sob sob, Pepsi tastes better.”

After they finished speaking, they stopped in shock, looking at each other.

Before they could even have a tearful reunion, they heard a crashing sound behind them. Ming Qin, who was riding the horse, couldn’t hold on any longer and fell off.

“Qin Qin! Qin Qin!” Regardless of whether they were old acquaintances or not, Song Shu Qing shook off the old man holding onto her leg and ran towards her junior sister who had fallen on the ground.

“Qin Qin! Qin Qin, wake up!”

Unfortunately, Ming Qin didn’t respond.

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