You, shut, up, for, me! (Revived)

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Murong Yan felt as though she had just woken up from a very long dream.

In the dream, she and Ming Qin were on a small boat, drifting on a calm lake with the wind causing ripples in the water.

Ming Qin, dressed in a green shirt, looked like a handsome scholar, calmly steering the boat with an oar.

Meanwhile, Murong Yan lay lazily without a bone in her body, her eyes seductive, like a fox trying to tempt the person in front of her to touch her and sink into pleasure together.

The gentle breeze blew, and the scenery was beautiful.

Suddenly, they felt a slight tremor.

They had arrived at the shore.

Ming Qin put down the oar and embraced Murong Yan, their bodies pressing against each other as they savored the closeness.

As she comfortably tilted her head back, she let the fine and dense rain of kisses fall on her neck. Time and space seemed irrelevant as she lost herself in her hazy eyes, wanting to sink forever.

However, Ah Qin stopped and took her hand, gently and cautiously helping her up to the shore.

“Ah Qin, come,” she said, reaching out her hand to help the woman who had not yet come ashore.

But Ah Qin smiled and shook her head, picked up the oar, and pushed the small boat further away from the shore.

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“Ah Qin, don’t go!”

The once-calm lake suddenly whipped up a hurricane, the sky turned dark, and the storm rocked the small boat back and forth.

The black water formed turbulent waves that engulfed everything in an instant, and the woman and the boat were swallowed up.

“Ah Qin, Ah Qin, don’t leave me!” Murong Yan cried out.

A feeling of suffocation surged within her, and her heart ached. Suddenly, Murong Yan opened her eyes, sweat on her forehead, and unable to control her heavy breathing as she lay on the bed.

“The Princess has woken up!”

“That’s great news.”

“Quickly call Doctor Wang.”

The excited voices of the maids around her poured into her ears. Murong Yan wanted to raise her hand to wipe the sweat, but her body felt sore and stiff, so she just put it down weakly. Her consciousness felt like it was filled with paste, and every thought was extremely difficult.

A tiger walked towards the bed, lifting its front leg to prop up its body, and affectionately rubbed its woman’s thin cheeks with its gray eyes.

Tiger had grown even bigger. How long had she been asleep?

Breaking free from the annoying nightmare, the memories in her head only stayed at the Hidden Moon Tower, at the moment when the Crown Prince forcibly fed her poison. After that, everything was blank.

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Could it be that she had been saved?

“Has the Princess woken up? How do you feel?”

Song Shu Qing was the first to enter the room, her eyes clearly showing dark circles. She looked at the struggling woman, held Murong Yan’s wrist, and said, “You’ve been in a coma for a month. Don’t push yourself too hard for now.”

One month?!

Murong Yan could only feel disbelief. She tried to speak but found her throat dry and sore, unable to make a sound for a moment.

Coughing weakly, Murong Yan looked at Song Shu Qing, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time. With widened eyes, she mouthed something.

Song Shu Qing lowered her head, feigning seriousness as she checked Murong Yan’s pulse. Though she was filled with bitterness, her tone was natural as she said, “I don’t know where Qin Qin is. After Cao Yun and I completed our mission in Shu, she didn’t meet up with us. I only returned to the capital a few days ago, and I haven’t received any news from Qin Qin yet.”

Hearing this, Murong Yan’s neck, which she had been holding up, collapsed, and she closed her eyes silently, allowing Song Shu Qing to perform acupuncture on her.

“Miss Song, you came really quickly!”

With a red nose and messy hair, Wang Wei walked into the room, opening his medicine box casually without noticing the unusual silence between the two women. “I knew you wanted to inherit my mantle and become the world’s top doctor. You’re really my good disciple.”

“You old fart, who wants to be your disciple! I’m about to die, and you’re still talking about being a top doctor,” Song Shu Qing let out a sigh of relief, while Murong Yan leaned against her shoulder for support as she sat up. She said irritably, “I’ve told you a hundred times, and you still don’t understand.”

“Hmph! You’re a person who says one thing but means another. You clearly want to change the world with me,” Wang Wei muttered as he handed the prepared medicine to Song Shu Qing and asked her to give it to Murong Yan slowly.

Looking through the medical records in his hand and observing the woman who was drinking the medicine, Wang Wei exclaimed, “It seems that the Princess has stabilized everything! That’s great. Now I can finally rest assured that it wasn’t in vain for Little Ming to hide…”

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Before he could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a murderous glare from Song Shu Qing.

“You. Shut. Up!”

While Murong Yan was busy drinking her medicine with her head lowered, Song Shu Qing turned to the crazy old man in front of her and signaled him silently.

“Oh, right, right.”

Thinking about Song Shu Qing’s instructions to everyone beforehand, Wang Wei nervously rubbed his nose and reluctantly kept his mouth shut for a while. However, he couldn’t help but continue to chatter to the princess lying on the bed.

“Uh… Miss… Your Highness, you just woke up, so you still need to take your medicine on time. Try to eat some porridge that’s easy to digest and gradually increase your intake. Don’t eat too much at once, and you also need to walk around more. Rehabilitation is very important…”

Murong Yan drank the extremely bitter medicine in small sips, but her face showed no particular reaction. She just lowered her eyes and didn’t know whether she had listened or not.

“You need to take good care of your body, don’t have extreme emotions. You’re only thirty, but your hair has turned white. Although people here generally live until sixty and even longer, I’m not sure if you can live to fifty if you keep doing this.”

Wang Wei didn’t mind the lack of a reaction and just sighed while closing his medicine chest. “I worked so hard to climb mountains and cross rivers, and even got motion sickness… Oh no, I mean horse sickness, to come and save you. If you die too early, it would be such a waste for me and for Little Ming…”

Seeing that the old man was about to reveal something unintentionally, Song Shu Qing immediately reached out and covered his mouth, forcing a fake smile as she turned to Murong Yan. She then grabbed Wang Wei by the collar and dragged him out of the room.

“Hey hey hey! Miss Song, my clothes, my clothes will be ruined.” Wang Wei protested, holding his medicine chest.

“Damn it… you old fool,” Song Shu Qing closed the door and then lowered her voice, “If you dare to mention Qin Qin in front of the princess again, I’ll really choke you next time.”

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Wang Wei straightened his clothes in a pitiful manner, his wrinkled face pouting, “It’s not like I did it on purpose. Little Ming’s body was exchanged at great cost for being a shadow guard, and it needs to be properly rested.”

“Do you think I don’t know?” Annoyed and grabbing her head, Song Shu Qing spoke impatiently, “But if the princess knew that her life was exchanged for Qin Qin’s health, do you think she would be happy?”

“Never mind being happy or sad, she might even follow soon after.”

“Alright, alright, I know, it’s my fault, my fault,” Wang Wei raised his hands in surrender.


Frustrated, the woman loosened her collar and walked, “Now that the princess is recovering, we don’t need to be distracted anymore. We need to quickly research the antidote for Qin Qin.”

“Developing an antidote to prolong life is one thing, but Little Ming’s body has antibodies and can’t die. It’s just that…we don’t know if the damaged parts can be restored.”

Scratching his non-existent beard, Wang Wei’s usually jovial face showed a hint of depression, “Honestly, Little Ming’s current situation… may not be better than…”

“Damn it, don’t give up!”

Song Shu Qing kicked the old man’s butt, disregarding his authority and respect for the elderly and love for the young. She glared with anger, “Aren’t you the world’s genius, the miracle of the dinosaur era? Take it seriously!”

“I know, I will find a way to save shadow guard Little Ming.” Rubbing the spot where he was kicked, Wang Wei was not annoyed, he just walked slowly and said, “Hey! Do you think this useless Crown Prince is also a genetically mutated scorpion genius? Otherwise, how could he obtain such a hard-to-get poison?”

“Who knows, it doesn’t matter where he got it from, just use your wisdom as a modern medical doctor to defeat him.”

The two argued as they walked towards the Shadow Guard Camp.

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