Teahouse Teambuilding(1)

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This is simply a threat! (Setting off again)

On a late autumn day.

Song Shu Qing looked at the reins tightly held in her hands, tilting her head in utter confusion.

The teahouse’s operations were mostly entrusted to hired staff, leaving her free to luxuriate at home, counting stacks of money.

But why in the world!?

Why on earth was she, when autumn was nearing its end, racing relentlessly towards the north, with her mouth full of sand and wind?

Blaming the dense forest for its lack of sense? Or blaming the barbarians for their poor timing? Or perhaps blaming Prince Yu for dying at such an inconvenient moment?

She racked her brain but still couldn’t make sense of it all.

Just as autumn was approaching, news arrived from the northern border of Prince Yu’s passing. Murong Can, who was stationed in the capital, donned white robes and requested permission from the current Emperor to return to the border, where he would both defend the territory and mourn his father.

Little did he know that as soon as he left, before his seat had a chance to cool, the barbarians celebrated with joy upon hearing the news of Prince Yu’s demise. They gathered their formidable forces, seeking to take advantage of the chaos and launch an attack.

Originally, these matters had nothing to do with the indifferent woman.

After all, it was only natural for Murong Yan to return to the northern border to pay her respects to her father’s remains. Ming Qin accompanying her as a bodyguard was also expected. As for Song Shu Qing, the retired 『former』 shadow guard, all she needed to do was stay at home, cuddling with her wife under a warm blanket. Little did she know, she received a prompt letter from Lin Yan in the capital.

On the thin sheet of paper, the proposal for Song Shu Qing to join them in the northern border was casually mentioned, suggesting that she could assist the newly reinstated Murong Can while providing real-time intelligence updates from the northern territories.

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It was a leisurely written sentence from Lin Yan.

『The royal doctor who returned to the capital, Doctor Wang, greatly misses you. He’s always talking about going back to Shu and finding junior sister—you, to be precise. You’re truly endearing. Remember to visit when you have the chance』


No decency!


This is outright blackmail!

Blatant. Blatant threat!

Between spending a winter in the northern border, enduring the harsh winds or sacrificing her own future by staying up all night to write papers, both of which were less than ideal options, the woman gritted her teeth and resolutely chose the former.

As Song Shu Qing packed her belongings with a weary expression, preparing to embark on the journey with the princess and Qin Qin, she looked at Zi Yan helping her pack, her eyes suppressing the reluctant attachment.

『Eh, my dear Zi Yan looks so sad. Are you sure you want to leave her alone in Shu?』

『Do you mean I should bring Zi Yan along too? But the northern border will be dangerous! We might have to fight the barbarians!』

『”But doesn’t Qin Qin also bring her wife? Why can’t you bring your own wife? Don’t you have confidence in protecting her?』

『It’s different. The princess must go, and Qin Qin can’t be a second away from the princess.』

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『Hmph! Pot calling the kettle black. Can you really bear to be separated from your dear Zi Yan? This separation will last at least three months!』

After a mental battle between the little angel and little demon in her heart for three hundred rounds, Song Shu Qing vigorously shook her head and exclaimed in resignation, “Fine, fine! If we’re going, let’s all go together!”

And so, inside the princess’s luxurious carriage, apart from the princess herself, there were Ming Qin, Zi Yan, Tiger, and Song Shu Qing, who miserably drove the carriage outside.

“What is this? A disastrously planned teambuilding trip…” She pouted to herself, one hand gripping the reins and the other clutching her head. “Ah Yun must be enjoying a warm cruise with Chao Chao… Damn it! How envious!”

Just as the woman was pounding her chest and stomping her feet, frustrated to the point of almost pulling out her own hair, Ming Qin pushed aside the curtain and peeked out. “Senior Sister, do you want me to take the reins?”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” She casually waved her hand as Song Shuqing flipped through the map. “We’re almost at the inn where we’ll spend the night. You can take over driving in the morning.”

“Understood.” Turning her head back into the carriage, Ming Qin sat back next to Murong Yan, while the white-haired woman draped in fox fur continued flipping through her book. Across from her, Zi Yan gently stroked the large head of Tiger, who was affectionately nuzzling against her.

“Tiger seems to be really fond of you, Zi Yan,” tilted her head, the shadow guard, oblivious to the woman’s obvious stiffness, happily remarked.

“Ah…” No matter how much time had passed, Zi Yan still felt a slight fear of the fierce beast. She forced a smile and replied, “Perhaps… because I’ve fed Tiger a few times while cooking.”

Listening to their conversation, Murong Yan raised her eyes, setting aside her book, and looked at the oblivious Ming Qin with a hint of amusement. She then patted the seat, signaling for the tiger to come to her feet.

Seeing Tiger’s head finally move away from her legs, Zi Yan subtly breathed a sigh of relief, casting a grateful glance towards Murong Yan without making a sound.

Upon arriving at the inn, once Song Shu Qing finished organizing her belongings, Ming Qin hopped off the carriage and extended her hand, allowing Zi Yan to descend with her support. Then, she half leaned into the carriage, lifting the woman who had difficulty moving.

“After the long journey, are your feet sore, my beautiful one?” Ming Qin looked up at the person she was carrying and asked.

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“They’re not sore.” Shaking her head, Murong Yan brushed away a stray strand of hair on the person’s forehead and chuckled softly. “Do you find me heavy, Ah Qin?”

If one were to take a closer look, faint wrinkles could be seen at the corners of the woman’s eyes, as she was nearing her forties. Yet, her beauty remained exquisite. Despite wearing white attire during the mourning period, delicate peony patterns were discreetly embroidered in silver thread, showcasing her unyielding beauty with every frown and smile.

“You’re not heavy, not at all.” As if to prove her point, Ming Qin tested the weight, speaking with unwavering confidence. “No matter when, I can always carry Yan Yan.” Entering the inn, she nodded at her senior sister who signaled to her, and then swiftly led the woman upstairs.

Although their destination remained the North, this time there were no pursuers behind them. With the high status of Princess Chongwen and the imperial decree granting them access to intelligence, the group stayed at the best inn along the official road, guarded by officials from the nearby government offices.

As Ming Qin helped Murong Yan remove her shoes, socks, and prosthetic leg, she spoke while gently stroking the woman’s hair, “Yan Yan, rest for a while. I’ll discuss tomorrow’s journey with Senior Sister.”

“Alright.” Murong Yan obediently lifted her head, looking at her beloved before her. “Let’s have dinner together, just the two of us.”

When Ming Qin stepped out of the room, she noticed Tiger lying in the corridor and Song Shu Qing yawning as she emerged from the adjacent room.

“Senior Sister, why don’t you rest first? I’ll keep watch tonight,” Ming Qin proposed, looking at her teary-eyed Senior Sister.

“Hmm, it sounds like a tempting offer, but considering the little conscience I have left, I’ll pass,” Song Shu Qing casually wiped her face with her shoulder. She walked down the stairs alongside her junior sister, saying, “After we’re done eating, you can take the first half of the night watch, and wake me up for the second half.”

Nodding, Ming Qin showed concern, “Is Zi Yan doing okay? It’s a long journey, and the further north we go, the colder it gets. She might be uncomfortable too.” They arrived at the kitchen.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got her covered.” Tapping her chest, the skilled pharmacologist and shadow guard tilted her head, “If there’s anything wrong with the princess, she’ll come and tell me first.”

“She seems to be doing fine. Emotionally, she doesn’t seem affected either.” Ming Qin swept her gaze over the exquisitely prepared dishes, taking a light sniff, “Initially, I thought Yan Yan was forcing herself and I was a bit worried.”

On that day, Ming Qin, who had learned of Prince Yu’s passing earlier, felt anxious as she handed over the urgent report to Murong Yan, fearing that her beloved would break down in tears. However, Murong Yan’s expression remained indifferent throughout her reading, as if unaffected, calmly making the decision to return to the North for mourning.

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“Well… I don’t think you need to worry about the Princess being concerned about the passing of Prince Yu,” Song Shu Qing, in a way that no one else could understand Murong Yan’s personality better than her, skillfully packed the dishes into a silver food container with her silver chopsticks. She calmly responded, “There really aren’t many things in this world that can shake the Princess.”

Hmm… perhaps she was being too conservative.

It should be said that her junior sister is the only person the Princess truly cares about.

She is Murong Yan’s unique stabilizer, capable of both igniting her fire and extinguishing it. (A human fire extinguisher?)

“Is that so?” Ming Qin, somewhat perplexed, closed the food container and inspected the color of the chopsticks, expressing some admiration. “It seems that it’s because Yan Yan is truly strong.”


As if struck by a realization, Ming Qin suddenly spoke up, “Senior Sister, I might need to trouble you with something tomorrow.” Scratching her head, she pulled out a map from her pocket. “If it’s feasible tomorrow, although it might take a bit more time, could we possibly go around this forest?”

“Why…” Just as she was about to ask, Song Shu Qing already understood when she saw the area Ming Qin was pointing at. She let out a sigh. “Could it be that the Princess… after all this time, still has nightmares?”

“Ugh… It’s very rare now.” Scratching her head, Ming Qin replied, her expression suddenly downcast. “Only in winter, maybe once or twice…”

As she thought about her beloved, waking up in a cold sweat and frantically searching for her, repeatedly touching her face as if confirming her existence, Ming Qin felt her heart shatter.

“Is that so…” Biting her lip, Song Shu Qing pondered for a moment before slowly speaking up, “Instead of taking a detour, perhaps there is another, better way…”

“Hmm?” Looking up suddenly, Ming Qin’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Senior Sister, do you have any other ideas? Is there something I can do?”

Rubbing her temples, then seemingly determined as she clenched her fist, Song Shu Qing spoke, “After all, as you said, the Princess is very strong, and she has you by her side.”

“Let’s give it a try.”

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