Teahouse Teambuilding(2)

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I don’t want to go back on my word (A little bit of sweetness from the double cp + from Little Eleven’s perspective)

In the middle of the night, as Song Shu Qing, nestled in the arms of her peacefully sleeping lover, heard the faint cry of a nightingale outside the door, her closed eyes suddenly flew open.

Quietly, she released her hand from the waist of Zi Yan, gently tucking the covers around her beloved woman. With utmost caution, she rolled out of bed into the pitch-black darkness.

“Whisper… Shu Qing.”

No matter how softly she spoke, it seemed to disturb Zi Yan’s peaceful dreams, as the woman whimpered and instinctively grasped at the cloak of the shadow guard.

“I’m sorry for waking you up.” Kneeling down on one knee, one hand caressing Zi Yan’s cheek, Song Shu Qing’s lips touched her forehead as she softly apologized, “I’m sorry, my dear, please go back to sleep a little longer.”

“No…” She tried to open her eyes, only to realize that her eyelids were being gently kissed. Zi Yan felt a ticklish sensation and reached out, hooking her hand around the neck of the shadow guard. “You didn’t wake me up.”

Even if the person beside her was as cautious and silent as possible, she would still wake up, searching for that warmth that had suddenly vanished.

She was so deeply attached to her.

Whether it was the scent or the warmth, they couldn’t be separated.

But she would never speak those words aloud.

“You didn’t wake me up.”

Even upon hearing Zi Yan’s words, Song Shu Qing still felt a twinge of apology. Tilting her head, she began to explain, “I have to keep watch… you know, it’s a professional habit that neither I nor Qin Qin can break.”

“I understand. You have to protect the Princess,” Zi Yan nodded, displaying complete understanding and empathy as she gazed at her beloved in the darkness, where her eyes shimmered with unnamed lights.

“It’s not just about protecting the Princess,” Song Shu Qing’s lips curled into a mischievous smile. Her eyes, filled with tenderness, locked onto the person in front of her. Her voice carried a hint of roguishness. “After all, this convoy consists not only of the Princess but also a breathtakingly beautiful woman who can steal people’s breath away, making everyone who passes by covet her like a celestial being.”

Unable to contain her laughter, Zi Yan tilted her head and asked, “Are you talking about yourself?”

“Tsk. My dear Zi Yan, how am I supposed to respond to that?” Song Shu Qing raised an eyebrow, feigning perplexity. “Should I admit it or not?”

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Patting the shoulder of the person before her, Zi Yan spoke up, “Stop teasing. Qin Qin has been waiting for you for a long time.”

Composing herself, Song Shu Qing nodded. “I’ll be in the corridor outside. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. Don’t be afraid.”

“Okay, go quickly.” Allowing the woman to lean down and kiss her, Zi Yan suppressed her longing expression and watched her beloved shadow guard leave the room.

“Qin Qin.”

As she stepped out of the door, Song Shu Qing waved her hand and then called out softly to her junior sister, who was leaning against a tiger with a long sword in her arms, “Sorry for the delay. It’s your turn to rest now.”

By the light of a nearby candle, Ming Qin noticed the figure of the woman and stood up. “It’s alright. I thought Senior Sister had fallen asleep.”

“You think I’m that unreliable?” Taking the candlestick from Ming Qin, Song Shu Qing sat down next to the furry tiger’s belly, leaving an indentation on the imprint. “Go to sleep quickly. If I don’t let you in, your partner at home might not get any rest tonight either.”

“Huh? Are you talking about Yan Yan?” Ming Qin didn’t quite understand, gripping the sword’s scabbard. “It’s so late, Yan Yan should already be asleep, right?”

“Well, just go inside your room quickly. Remember, when dawn breaks, you’re the one driving the carriage.” Waving her hand to shoo her away, Song Shu Qing teased, “Make sure you don’t drive it into the fields due to lack of sleep.”

Ming Qin, who had been sent back to her room, put away her weapon. In the room she shared with Murong Yan, a oil lamp still burned on the bedside.

Although she had been cured of the poison inflicted by the Crown Prince, Ming Qin couldn’t fully recover her senses. Not only had her hearing not returned to its former state, but her once sharp eyesight, which could ignore darkness, no longer served her well. Without sufficient light, she could only rely on luck to navigate.

Scratching her head, she looked at the oil lamp clearly left by Murong Yan for her, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Treading lightly, she gazed at the woman sleeping with her back to her on the bed. Afraid of waking her, Ming Qin intended to simply extinguish the lamp and sit on the floor, leaning against the bed frame to rest.

However, after the light went out, the shadow guard felt a sudden tug on her clothes. Murong Yan, who was still awake, turned over and spoke, “Ah Qin, come here.” Although the force was not strong, there was no room for doubt.

Bowing obediently, Ming Qin embraced her beloved. She frowned with regret, blaming herself, “Yan Yan, you’re not asleep yet? Is the lamp too bright? I’m sorry.”

Resting her head against the shadow guard’s neck, Murong Yan shook her head. “No, it’s not because it’s too bright.”

Without Ah Qin by her side, she couldn’t find peace no matter how exhausted she was.

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The candlelight illuminating the bedside was never the main reason.

“Yan Yan, you don’t have to keep the lamp for me,” Ming Qin said, her nose catching the scent of the woman. She smoothed out the strands of white hair scattered on the bed, “I can manage without the lamp.”

Without saying a word, Murong Yan simply kissed the side of Ming Qin’s face.

She had witnessed the bruises on Ming Qin’s body, caused by fumbling in the darkness to avoid waking her. Even though the shadow guard would just laugh it off, completely unconcerned, Murong Yan felt as if she herself was the one hurt, her heart weighed down by discomfort.

Leaving the room without a single lamp was impossible.

“Ah Qin, hold me.” With a slight shift of space, Murong Yan motioned for the person beside her to lie down. Her voice, which had been resilient, softened as she said, “I’m tired.”

“Alright.” Ming Qin obediently lay down, allowing the woman to rest her head in her embrace. Ming Qin held her tightly, kissing her hair over and over, with a mix of tenderness and caution.

“Sleep well, Yan Yan,” she whispered.

“Sweet dreams.”

In the capital city.

Even in the night, Murong Wan was diligently reviewing and correcting official documents in the study.

A palace maid brought a tray, on which was placed a white porcelain jar, and presented it with utmost respect.

“Your Majesty, the Empress sent this snow fungus soup just now. She said she personally cooked it and sent it while it’s still hot,” the maid’s voice was high-pitched, with her head lowered.

Murong Wan, no longer a youth, casually responded without looking up, “Leave it there.” Without lifting his gaze, he continued to wield the brush, uninterrupted.

“Yes.” After placing the porcelain jar down, the palace maid hesitated and asked, “The Empress also sent this servant to inquire… to ask if Your Majesty would visit the Prince at Guangling Palace tonight?”

Pausing for a moment, Murong Wan fell into silence before responding, “Tell on behalf of me to the Empress, inform her that I will be resting in the study tonight and will not go. As for the Prince, it’s late at night, and the child who is not yet two years old should be asleep. I will visit and see him tomorrow after the morning court.”

His tone remained calm, without revealing any emotions.

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The compliant palace maid bowed and obediently withdrew.

The boy who once cried at the Guozijian Academy had grown into a man, true to his vows. He had become a diligent and selfless Emperor, disregarding birth and valuing talent, cracking down on corruption. Under his leadership, everyone in the court was incorruptible, dedicated to governing the country and serving the people.

After growing up, Murong Wan married the eldest daughter of the current Minister of Revenue. They respected each other and, after a year, successfully gave birth to the legitimate Crown Prince. Following advice, he then took two concubines, both daughters of court officials, with the intention of expanding his support base and stabilizing the political power.

From the perspective of national stability and the people’s well-being, it seemed to be a prosperous situation.

However, there was always a thin mist that seemed to cloud Murong Wan’s mood.

“Xu Jun.” Setting down his brush, in an empty room, he softly called out.

A black figure swiftly appeared, Xu Jun, who had been vigilantly guarding from the beams, suddenly moved and knelt respectfully in front of the desk. “Your Majesty, what are your orders?”

Waving his hand, Murong Wan let out a sigh and raised his head, twisting his stiff neck. “Stop guarding and have a late-night snack with me.”

Scratching his head, Xu Jun obeyed and approached, scooping two bowls of the snow fungus soup from the white container. He respectfully handed one bowl to Murong Wan and held the other while leaning against a pillar, slowly enjoying his meal.

In truth, this was against the rules.

However, perhaps due to spending a considerable amount of time with Ming Qin, Xu Jun had become somewhat careless in matters of etiquette. Occasionally, he would casually share a meal with Murong Wan, disregarding the fact that he was the Emperor. Yet, as the ruler, Murong Wan never reprimanded him for it.

“By the way, have the shadow guards already set off for the northern border?” Stirring the snow fungus soup in his bowl with a spoon, the man in the yellow robe suddenly asked.

“Hmm?” Quickly swallowing the food in his mouth, Xu Jun replied, “Yes, we received a message at noon today, stating that General Changsheng’s forces will converge with us in about three days.”

“I see…” Murong Wan couldn’t help but sigh, as if reminiscing about something. “…So, she’s finally coming.” His voice suddenly dropped in the latter half of the sentence.

Unable to make out the meaning, Xu Jun thought that his sovereign was worried about the turmoil at the border. Standing upright, he reassured, “Your Majesty, there is no need to worry. General Changsheng’s troops are all seasoned soldiers, and although the general himself has been stationed in the capital for these years, he is well-informed about the situation in the north. Shadow Guard Ming as well as Shadow Guard Song may not have held high-ranking military positions, but they can lead a battalion. The barbarian tribes are no match for them.”

The man who had been lost in thought snapped back to attention, blinked his eyes, and spoke in a calm tone, “I am not concerned about the situation in the northern border.”

He knew the strength of his cousin Murong Can better than anyone else, and he had confidence in him. He had also discussed the deployment of the skilled intelligence gatherer and organizer, Song Shu Qing, with Lin Yan. As long as he could ensure sufficient supplies and timely military provisions in the rear, the defeat of the enemy was just a matter of moments.

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Murong Wan set down the bowl in his hands, his eyes lowered, concealing his emotions.

Images of their youthful pursuits flashed through his mind.

During these years of struggling in the imperial city, Ming Qin and Murong Yan had not been without visits from the young man shouldering the weight of the world.

Yet, Murong Wan always chose to meet them in the imperial study, never allowing them to see the empress he had married or the concubines he had taken.

It wasn’t that he had any particular taboo, it was just…

Murong Wan dared not.

Because those three women in the harem all had a pair of beautiful almond-shaped eyes, bright and pure, and every move they made reminded him of someone.

That woman, who had shone brilliantly in his youth, saving him from loneliness and pain with her straightforward care.

Although only he knew, although everything was deeply buried, veiled and obscure, he still dared not, dared not let the two who had come from afar see, fearing that they would see through it all.

After all, his cousin was so wise and astute, after all, that person treated him only as a younger brother, after all, those two women were now so happy.

Reluctant to spoil the beauty, yet lacking the courage to be pushed further away, he chose to watch over.

His own mixed feelings of admiration, attachment, and fondness, tinged with ambiguity, would be buried deep within, waiting for them to fade away with time.

Murong Wan stood up and walked towards the window, amidst the puzzled expression of Xu Jun. The autumn wind was chilling, yet he seemed oblivious to it.

It’s for the best, for an emperor ought to be heartless.

The moon tonight was full, hanging high in the sky, illuminating the area outside the window. Unfortunately, Murong Wan couldn’t see beyond the palace walls.

“Ah…” He lowered his head, his hand touching his chin as he smiled wryly. “No point in complaining, after all, I’ve promised her to be a good emperor.”

“I don’t want to break my word, you know.”

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