Teahouse Teambuilding(3)

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Mouth, it’s not just for talking, is it? (Take turns sharing candy)

Driving over a road with scattered stones, experiencing a slight bumpiness.

Leading the carriage are two fine steeds named Wuyun and Qingshi, both descendants of the famous Taxue lineage.

Inheriting the excellent lineage of their predecessors, both horses are tall, robust, and possess remarkable endurance, perfectly suited to pull Princess Yan Yan’s luxurious carriage.

Ming Qin glanced at the map beside her, firmly grasped the reins, let out a sigh, and gracefully jumped down from the carriage. She knocked on the carriage door and said, “Senior Sister, it’s your turn now.”

“I got it,” came the lazy response from inside the carriage, belonging to Song Shu Qing. She then opened the door, patted her junior sister’s shoulder, and turned towards Zi Yan’s inside with a raised eyebrow. “Hey, Zi Yan, would you like me to teach you how to handle the carriage?”

“Lord Song, please don’t make things difficult for me…” Zi Yan sighed and set aside the music score in her hands, looking at her beloved.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’m here, and we can enjoy the scenery together,” Song Shu Qing gestured, making a sincere effort to attract the person in front of her. Seeing her still hesitating, she played her trump card, resorting to a playful plea, “Ah Yao, come on, come out and accompany me, okay, Ah Yao?”

“I got it, I got it, stop calling me…” Unable to resist any longer, Zi Yan surrendered, tightening her robe on her shoulders and taking hold of Song Shu Qing’s hand, stepping onto the carriage.

“Tsk, Ah Yao, you’re so sweet. I’m deeply touched.” Smiling mischievously, Song Shu Qing received a grateful look from Ming Qin, who nodded subtly in response.

Once inside the carriage, Ming Qin closed the door and approached Murong Yan, who had set aside her book and opened her arms to embrace her.

“Are you okay?” Embracing each other, Murong Yan gently touched the forehead of the person in her arms, expressing her concern. “Ah Qin, are you tired? Or feeling unwell?”

No wonder Murong Yan felt something was amiss. After all, Song Shu Qing and Ming Qin had never proactively requested to switch places throughout the journey. Their interaction usually consisted of exchanges like, 『Qin Qin, do you want to rest?』, 『No need, Senior Sister, I can manage』 Or, 『Senior Sister, would you like me to take over driving?』, 『No need, Qin Qin, it’s your turn tomorrow』.

Shaking her head, Ming Qin showed a relaxed expression to the woman, “I’m fine, I’m really okay.” She tightly held her partner’s cold hand, “I just wanted to be here with you.”

Rarely, Murong Yan felt a sense of confusion, but as she gazed at the person who was now tenderly kissing her fingertips, she chose to remain silent.

It was only during the journey, while flipping through the pages of her book, that she happened to glance up and catch sight of the scenery outside the window through a gap in the curtain. Murong Yan finally understood.

Her heart was struck by lightning.

This was the place where she had once experienced the torment of a torn soul, the very forest that had haunted her in midnight dreams.

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This was the place where she had once lost herself.

『Yan Yan, listen to me, never look back』

『Yan Yan, you promised to listen to Ah Qin, didn’t you?』

『I won’t die』

Images forcibly played in her mind, fragments of buried memories resurfacing.

She had thought they had been diluted by the floodwaters of time, but little did she know they lay hidden at the bottom of a muddy lake, ready to rise and churn with the slightest disturbance, mixing blood and tears with the foul stench of decay, maliciously tearing open her heart.

She was on the verge of suffocation.

“Hey, Yan Yan.” Holding the stiff body of the woman tightly, Ming Qin climbed up her trembling fingertips, gripping them tightly. “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”

Gently brushing her lips against the woman’s forehead, again and again, she whispered softly into Murong Yan’s ear, “I’m here, right here.”

Feeling the warmth in her fingertips, Murong Yan clung to it as if grasping the only lifeline, struggling to find clarity amidst the words whispered in her ear. Her voice was hoarse as she spoke, “Ah Qin.”

“Yan Yan, I’m right here.” Holding the chin of the person in her arms, Ming Qin guided her gaze, firm in her tone. “I’m here, with you.” Her other hand gently caressed Murong Yan’s back, soothing her slowly.

Murong Yan looked into the deep eyes of the person before her, as if seeing through the patterns beneath the brown irises. Enchanted by it, she found a slight breath of relief.

“Ah Qin, don’t go… Don’t go… Don’t leave me behind.” Clenching the person’s robe tightly, Murong Yan raised her head, her eyes red with tears. “You’re not allowed to leave… I won’t let you go…”

Don’t leave me all alone.

Just like before.

“I won’t let you be alone anymore,” Ming Qin spoke up, her tone solemn. “I promise.” She leaned down and kissed away the tears.

Now, regardless of whose command it was or what mission it entailed, she would never leave Murong Yan alone again.

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Because she had finally untangled her feelings deep within her heart, understanding just how much she cherished her, and comprehending the true meaning of love.

Love was never about sacrifice; it was about watching over each other and finding warmth in one another’s presence, wanting to be together forever.

“Yan Yan, I won’t leave,” she said to the teary-eyed woman, struggling to find the right words as a usually clumsy shadow guard. “As long as Yan Yan doesn’t chase me away, I’ll stay by your side… Even if Yan Yan doesn’t want me, I’ll secretly protect you! So… please don’t cry.”

Don’t cry.

And don’t let nightmares haunt you anymore.

Don’t wander in that forest that always brings you unpleasant memories.

Whenever you wake up in the darkness, sweating and searching to confirm my presence, I want to tell you.

“Don’t be afraid, I’m right here.” Ming Qin’s voice was deep as she tightly embraced the person in her arms. “And… I’m sorry.”

Inside the carriage, apart from the sound of horse hooves coming from outside, there was complete silence.

Even Tiger, who was crouched on the floor, remained obedient and didn’t make a sound.

Perhaps it was because of the other person’s warm body temperature, or perhaps it was the strong and powerful embrace, but after a while, Murong Yan’s trembling subsided, and she simply buried her head in Ming Qin’s neck and said, “Ah Qin… why apologize?” Her voice sounded muffled, devoid of any discernible emotion.

“Uh…” Caught off guard by this sudden question, Ming Qin blinked and stuttered in her response, “Because… because at that time… I didn’t know anything and stayed behind, making Yan Yan go through hardships. I’m sorry.”

Seeing no response from the woman in her arms, Ming Qin spoke again, this time with anxiety in her voice, “But it won’t happen again… I understand now, so it won’t happen again. I’m… sorry.”

Looking up, Murong Yan gazed at the beloved person before her, her lower lip trembling slightly. “I don’t like hearing it.”

Her tone was gentle yet firm, making it unclear whether she was making a statement or acting spoiled. “I don’t like hearing your apologies.”

The clothes on Ming Qin’s neck and shoulder were damp, but she paid little attention to it. In this moment, she was somewhat perplexed. “Then, then what should I say?”

“You don’t need to say anything.” Murong Yan raised her hand and encircled the neck of the guard, speaking softly. “The mouth isn’t just for speaking, is it?”

Momentarily stunned, Ming Qin understood. She lifted the woman beside her onto her lap. “Yes.” With a light embrace around her slender waist, she tilted her head and leaned down. “Yan Yan is right about everything.”

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A tender kiss fell, wiping away the lingering bitterness, and Ming Qin lowered her head, afraid of hindering the woman’s breath.

Since Ming Qin retired, she, who once couldn’t have the slightest scent, was now immersed in the fragrance of peonies. It was as if she had been soaked in countless petals, and in every movement, it felt like others were shouting that she belonged to someone.

Now, as they exchanged their warmth, the aroma intensified without diminishing. Ming Qin’s tongue carefully traced Murong Yan’s lips, and even her mouth was filled with the scent of the woman.

But it wasn’t enough.

Still not enough.

As if their hearts were connected, their hands placed on each other tightened quietly, continuing their long-lasting intimacy.

After a long while, when their lips separated, a faint blush colored Murong Yan’s usually pale face as she gasped softly, nestled in the arms of the shadow guard.

Ming Qin’s broad palm gently rubbed the woman’s supple waist, her gaze filled with an unbreakable tenderness as she looked at Murong Yan.

“Yan Yan, look.” Suddenly speaking up, with a tone unable to conceal her excitement, Ming Qin extended her free hand and pulled back the curtain, revealing a vast plain. “We have left.” She leaned down, kissing the woman’s forehead.

“Yan Yan and I, we have finally left together.”

Slowly turning her head, Murong Yan stared blankly out of the window, only repeating in a barely audible voice, “Left… we’ve left…”


Left that forest shrouded in darkness.

This time, she left with Ah Qin.

Finally, able to catch her breath.

“I never expected that casually mentioning desensitization therapy would actually work. Is it because the Princess is too formidable, or is it just luck on Qin Qin’s part?” Soliloquizing outside the carriage, Song Shu Qing made sure to clarify, “Definitely not intentionally eavesdropping.”

“What are you talking about, Lord Song?” Zi Yan, who was beside her, tilted her head in confusion.

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“Hmm? It’s nothing.” Song Shu Qing smiled and replied to the person beside her, discreetly putting away the sleep aid pill she had prepared in her hand.

“It’s truly fortunate that the Princess and Qin Qin can stay together after enduring so many hardships,” Zi Yan sighed, gazing at the vast plain ahead.

“Yes… I mean, it’s amazing how the Princess can understand Qin Qin’s nonsensical comfort,” Song Shu Qing whispered, sitting next to Zi Yan, “I guess Qin Qin and the Princess really have telepathic abilities?”

Having grown accustomed to her lover’s sudden outbursts of strange vocabulary, Zi Yan calmly ignored Song Shu Qing’s subsequent comment. “Indeed, their understanding of each other is unparalleled. They are truly a perfect match.”

“Huh? Zi Yan? What about us? Aren’t we a perfect match too?” Leaning closer, Song Shu Qing stared intently at her beloved, “We are the most unbeatable, perfectly compatible couple in the world.”

“Focus on driving properly and stop fooling around.” Pushing away the face in front of her, Zi Yan sighed, “You’re almost thirty-eight years old, why are you still so mischievous?” Despite her helpless words, she held Song Shu Qing’s empty hand.

“Tsk tsk, I’m just stating the facts.” The shadow guard driving the carriage grinned as if victorious, but suddenly, a look of worry crossed their face. “Oh, but there is something that has been bothering me today.”

“Oh…” Zi Yan furrowed her brows with concern upon hearing her lover’s tone. “What is it?”

“Qin Qin, her kissing skills seem quite impressive. Do you think I’ll be outdone by her?” Turning her head, if one disregards the teasing glint in her eyes, Song Shu Qing appears incredibly earnest. “Do you think I need to practice more with you, Zi Yan, to improve? Can you guide me with some kisses?”

“Lord Song… you…” Watching the person in front of her shamelessly utter such embarrassing words, Zi Yan, who had remained calm despite the earlier commotion in the carriage, now blushes. She stammers, “You… please don’t tease me anymore.”

“Hmm? But I’m not teasing you. I’m being very serious.” Trying hard to conceal their true emotions, Song Shu Qing puts on a convincing and earnest expression. “I just wanted to ask for your opinion, my dear Zi Yan.”


The shy woman lowers her head and after a moment, speaks softly, “It’s already good enough, no need for further improvement. And no guidance either.” After pondering for a while, Zi Yan adds, “But practicing… that would be fine.”

Holding the reins in hand, Song Shu Qing must summon all her self-control to suppress the urge to lower her head and deeply kiss the adorable woman beside her.

Forget it.

After all, Zi Yan’s face is already so red from her teasing.

If she continues to tease her, she might as well be giving her a fever.

After all, she is a mature and responsible older partner.

She must take good care of her wife.

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