Teahouse Teambuilding(4)

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Kiss, Zi Yan, your wife is about to die

When the group of people arrived in Shu, Murong Can had already received the news and was waiting in front of Prince Yu’s Mansion, or rather, the current General’s mansion.

Standing beside the tall man from a distance was a petite woman. Ming Qin, who was driving the carriage, squinted her eyes and looked for a while. Then, with some surprise, she knocked on the carriage board and said to Song Shu Qing inside, “Senior Sister? Isn’t that Qin Shimei? Why is she also in the Northern Territory?”

Pulling back the curtain, Song Shu Qing remained calm and said, “Oh? Doesn’t Qin Qin know? Our Junior Sister from the Shadow Guard Camp accidentally stole General Xing’s heart.” There was a hint of playfulness in her tone. “I heard from Da Lin that the general pursued Qin Shimei for a long time, but she didn’t agree until this time when he was determined to transfer. The general wore armor and stood at the entrance of the Shadow Guard Camp for two days and two nights before Qin Shimei finally agreed to come with him.”

Although she knew that a larger part of Qin Shimei’s arrival in the Northern Territory was to help integrate intelligence for the Shadow Guard Camp…

“Oh, I see. Qin Shimei is indeed quite charming,” Ming Qin sighed unconsciously. “No wonder she’s the most beautiful girl in the Shadow Guard Camp.”

“Ah…” Uncertain if Murong Yan inside the carriage heard Ming Qin’s words, Song Shu Qing cautiously leaned out but didn’t dare to turn around to confirm. Instead, as if she suddenly remembered something, she spoke up, “By the way, I heard that the reason these two even know each other is because of you.”

“Because of me?” Ming Qin tilted her head, puzzled.

“Yes, because of you,” Song Shu Qing recalled the information she heard from Lin Yan.

When Murong Yan fell into a coma after being poisoned because of the deposed Crown Prince, Ming Qin, full of worry, tirelessly took care of him, disregarding her own well-being. Once, when the shadow guard came to visit Murong Can, who had an unfamiliar face due to his injuries, that renowned General Changsheng was mistaken as an intruder and Ming Qin forcefully expelled him.

The two of them fought all the way from the corridor to Chang Ningyan’s garden, their extraordinary martial skills causing them to smash the nearby artificial mountain. One punch from one and a palm strike from the other, their intense confrontation made it impossible for anyone to intervene.

Just as Ming Qin was about to break the man’s arm and Murong Can was about to push the woman into a door pillar, Gu Yun, who timed her arrival perfectly to administer medicine, appeared. She shot silver needles at the two, taking advantage of the momentary gap when they were both blocking each other, separating them and giving them a scolding (mainly directed at Ming Qin). Only then did they stop.

Afterward, with aching bodies and lingering dissatisfaction, Murong Can went to the Shadow Guard Camp seeking an explanation. However, he unexpectedly bumped into Qin Shimei, who was trying on makeup in the camp and later had to return to her undercover mission in the brothel.

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As soon as the furious man caught sight of the unfamiliar woman in his field of vision, he seemed to be struck by lightning, freezing in place.

Qin Shimei, with rouge on her eyelids, noticed Murong Can’s fixed gaze on her and simply smiled lightly, not caring at all. She opened her lip-glossed mouth and said, “You’ve gone pale here.” She pointed at her chin before confidently walking away.

Subconsciously touching his own bruised face where Ming Qin had punched him just moments ago, Murong Can didn’t feel any pain. Instead, he felt as if there were numerous butterflies dancing in his heart…

The mighty undefeated general, at this moment, had fallen in love.

“However, our Qin Shimei isn’t that easy to pursue,” Song Shu Qing raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help but laugh softly. “Qin Shimei is personally titled as the cunning queen of seduction. It can only be said that the general’s journey to win his wife’s heart is still a long one.” She wore a look as if she enjoyed the spectacle.

Stopping the carriage at the doorstep, Ming Qin swiftly jumped off and opened the door, allowing Zi Yan and Song Shu Qing to enter first. Then, she extended her hand to help Murong Yan down from the carriage.

“Yue’er!” Murong Can, who was eagerly waiting, stepped forward. Although the two often communicated, he still felt choked up at the sight of his beloved sister. “You’ve endured hardships during the journey. You must be tired.”

“Brother.” Murong Yan slightly nodded towards the man, her tone faint. “Miss Qin? Hmm… You do look quite beautiful.”

“I am humbled.” Qin Shimei, somewhat surprised that Princess Chongwen would praise her, bowed with a respectful tone. “I am Qin Shimei, I have had the honor of meeting Princess Chong Wen.”

Holding the slightly cool hand of her beloved, Ming Qin attempted to warm it with her own. With a bold heart, she spoke to Murong Yan, “Yan Yan, Qin Shimei is the best at preparing cosmetics in the Shadow Guard Camp. She is also skilled in playing the qin, very impressive.”

For some reason, the more Ming Qin spoke, the more sensitive Qin Shimei felt her gaze scrutinizing her, growing colder. It felt as if a heavy weight was hanging over her head, prompting her to speak, “Not at all, it’s an exaggeration from Junior Sister Qin Qin.”

Unaware of the unusual atmosphere, Ming Qin tilted her head. “No, really, she is very talented. Qin Shimei, she…” Before she could say more, she was suddenly interrupted by a voice nearby.

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“Ah Qin,” Murong Yan raised her head and looked at the person beside her. “I’m tired.”

“Oh! Right, right, right! Yan Yan wants to rest, rest!” Ming Qin slapped her head, regretting her own dullness. She hastily nodded in a casual greeting to the others and followed Murong Yan’s command into the mansion.

Tiger leisurely followed behind the two.

“Wait…” Although many years had passed, Murong Can, who had once been beaten by Ming Qin on the face, still had some reservations about this Shadow Guard who was close to his sister. He instinctively wanted to say something as he saw the two snuggling together, but he swallowed his words upon seeing Qin Shimei’s expression beside them.

“Let them rest well.” Seeing the princess leave and regaining her composure, Qin Shimei turned slowly towards Song Shu Qing and Zi Yan standing to the side. Then, she spoke to Murong Can, “You haven’t made arrangements for these two yet.”

“Ah! Right, right, right, it’s my fault.” Scratching his head, the tall man hung his head in front of the petite woman, acknowledging his mistake. “I’ll take care of it immediately.” He then directed the mansion’s servants to lead the two guests who had come from afar.

Walking on the pathway of the general’s mansion, Zi Yan looked at the shadow guard holding her hand who seemed to be suppressing a smile. Curiously, she asked, “Lord Song, what’s going on?”

Smiling mischievously, Song Shu Qing leaned closer and whispered in the woman’s ear, “Darling Zi Yan, do you feel like you’re watching a documentary about animals in the wild?” There was an unmistakable hint of schadenfreude in her eyes. “The food chain between humans, it’s really fascinating.”

(Tsk, did Song Shu Qing forget that she herself is also part of this food chain, and at the bottom?)

In the General’s mansion, Ming Qin paced back and forth in the pavilion of the main courtyard. Every few steps, she would turn around and glance in the direction of the ancestral hall.

On the side, Song Shu Qing was munching on sunflower seeds while engaging in a hushed and serious discussion with Qin Shimei about some intelligence.

Zi Yan was absent, feeling the chill, she was currently resting in the side courtyard.

Ming Qin didn’t pay much attention to what the two 『former』 colleagues were discussing. She never participated in decision-making; she only appeared obediently during execution, dutifully following orders. Now, her mind was solely focused on admiring the noble appearance of Prince Yu, as she gazed inside the house.

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When Murong Yan and Murong Can stepped out of the door, she immediately took a step forward, caring for the woman by adjusting her shawl and whispering softly in her ear.

And Murong Can waved his hand to the two distant shadow guards, signaling them to lead the group to the study.

“To be honest, this invasion by the barbarians is nothing to be feared,” Murong Can ignited the charcoal in the warming stove and then gestured on the cedarwood table over the map. “According to the information our scouts reported a few days ago, although Tuoba Yu claims to have brought seventy thousand brave soldiers, making a grand and intimidating display, they are nothing but a motley crew.”

“Tuoba Yu’s invasion this time is just for show in front of the newly appointed leader of the Northern barbarians,” Murong Yan, sitting in the chair, lightly sipped water and calmly remarked, “This rushed operation is lacking not only in military strength but also in the supply of provisions. Indeed, there is nothing to fear.”

Nodding, Murong Can agreed with his sister, “Indeed, with my fifty thousand elite soldiers alone, we should be able to handle it. If it weren’t for our father, you wouldn’t have had to make the arduous journey here.”

“I believe His Majesty sent the two shadow guards along this time because he was concerned about the general staying in the capital for too long. He feared that you haven’t returned to the northern territories for a while and wouldn’t have useful subordinates at hand,” Qin Shimei crossed her arms and lightly tapped her index finger, speaking to the man.

“Wu… There’s really nothing to worry about.” The man murmured softly upon hearing Qin Shimei’s words, but he closed his mouth as the woman turned her gaze towards him.

On the side, Song Shu Qing witnessed everything and saw General Changsheng in a “scared of his wife” state, suppressing the urge to tease him. After clearing her throat, she spoke, “Currently, Tuoba Yu and the others are just stationed outside the city walls without moving. They’re probably just testing the situation or waiting for their supply line to catch up.”

“In that case, how does elder brother plan to deal with them?” Setting down her porcelain cup, Murong Yan leaned back on the soft pillow provided by Ming Qin, raising her eyebrows as she looked at her brother.

After pondering for a moment, Murong Can revealed his plan, “I intend to launch a nighttime raid with a hundred elite soldiers while their provisions have yet to arrive. Then, I’ll lead my fifty thousand troops to cut them off and scatter them.” Pausing for a moment, he added, “Of course, it would be best if we can seize the opportunity to decapitate Tuoba Yu.”

Song Shu Qing nodded in agreement upon hearing the man’s plan.

The army personally trained by General Changsheng, even if it consists of only fifty thousand men, is indeed not something that the haphazardly assembled barbarian troops can compare to. If we can catch them off guard under the cover of night, it would be even better, giving us a solid seventy to eighty percent chance of victory.

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“A night raid? A good idea,” Murong Yan’s expression remained calm as she suddenly turned her head, staring straight at Song Shu Qing. Slowly, she said, “However… I do have another method that can further undermine the barbarians’ morale and ensure they won’t trespass again for at least two years.”


Why isn’t she looking at Qin Qin?

Why is she looking at me?

It can’t be anything good.

Song Shu Qing’s scalp tingled, and she currently had two thoughts: one was to step forward and cover the princess’s mouth, and the other was to quickly slip back to Zi Yan’s side.

Unfortunately, she didn’t have the courage for the former, and she wasn’t fast enough for the latter.

Before the nervous shadow guard could even react, Murong Yan had already revealed a faint smile, parting her vermilion lips. “However… this plan might require the assistance of shadow guard Song.”

Alright. It’s over…

That malicious smile probably meant that I’m in trouble.

Kiss, kiss, Zi Yan, your wife is in trouble.

Song Shu Qing now just wanted to hide in Zi Yan’s arms and cry her heart out.

She was hopeless.

Utterly hopeless.

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