[Renée’s POV]

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“W, why are you here?”

Surprised, I suddenly talked to him. I immediately regretted it and covered my mouth, but it was useless.

Why does this man seem to keep appearing here and there out of nowhere… …?

I shook my head at the creeping question. Don’t get involved. The feeling was blown away to nothing by the chaos at the banquet, but I realized something that day.

That man hates Renée Blair, and if there’s one reason he hates Renée Blair, he’ll try to kill me again.

Of course, it’s not certain. My intuition was just telling me that.

He left everyone and was the man who killed Renee Blair in the original story, so there’s nothing good about running into him.

Earlier, when Catherine said that Diwen Fergus came as a guest, I had no thoughts, but when the two of us met like this, my guard and the tension rose sharply.

I quietly grabbed the balcony door. Diwen doesn’t seem to have any intention of answering my question anyway, so it’s okay to close it.

But no. Just at the moment when I pushed the door open, Diwen suddenly answered from below.

“I’m lost.”

But the words really, shockingly, didn’t go well with him, so I hesitated to close the door and looked down.

I could tell without looking in the mirror. My face will be engraved with an expression as if I had witnessed a weirdo.

Diwen, who was still in the same posture as if he was stiff, let out a sigh and lowered his hand. Then he raised his head and looked at me.

“No, well. I left important documents in the carriage, went to the carriage, and got lost when I was about to go back.”

“… …”

“Where is the entrance anyway. Why is this mansion so big for nothing?”

“……Are you seriously saying you’re lost?”

“I know it’s ridiculous, but I’m a little bad with directions.”

“You’re a dragon slayer…”

“What does the ability to kill a dragon have to do with the ability to navigate well?”

TL/N: Can I just say… I’m really bad with directions as well, but I’m no dragon slayer so I don’t even have an excuse LOL.

No words came out due to the absurd reply. Nevertheless, I didn’t even want to confront him for a while, so it was the moment I was trying to tell him the location to send him away quickly.

Diwen suddenly jumped up and grabbed the balcony railing. Even before a question mark bloomed in my head at that action, he walked right in front of me.


Then all he said was one word: Excuse!

His brazenness was more surprising than the fact that he climbed onto the second-floor balcony with light movements.

“Why do you come in as you please!”

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“What do you mean. I made a formal appointment with the marquis.”

“No, but why are you coming in here?”

“I can only see the entrance here. By the way, where is the drawing room?”

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Diwen, who only chose frustrating answers, had a smile as if it was drawn on, visible on his face. Perhaps because it was hot, he was fanning himself with the documents that he said were important.

There were countless things I wanted to say about that appearance, but it was good anyway.

I had to do the mission quickly, and I didn’t want to get involved with him.

“If you go down to the first floor, Catherine….. So there will be a red-haired butler, ask her where the drawing room is. The stairs going down to the first floor are visible as soon as you go out the door, so if you go there… …”

The words did not follow. Before I could finish my words, the wind blew stronger than before from the balcony, where I hadn’t even closed the door.

Oops, I didn’t even have time to do it. When I looked around the balcony, startled by the wind, the loud sound of fluttering had already penetrated my ears.


When I turned my head again, I was greeted by a dazed Diwen and a mess of papers on the floor.

“… …”

The wind stopped and there was a deathly silence. Diwen had been standing still since he made a stupid noise, perhaps noticing me.

Either that or not, my rationality was cut off one beat later.

“N…… No, what’s going on……!”

I covered my face with both fists, barely holding back the shrill screams that were about to escape.

Ugh, that’s why I was trying to close the balcony door… . but couldn’t close it. I forgot to close it to be exact.

It’s all…

“It’s all because of you… … !”

“Ha? Why is it because of me? Am I the wind?”

“I couldn’t close the door because you suddenly came in.”

At my coercion, he made an absurd expression and shrugged.

“Well, yeah, let’s say it’s because of me. What can I do? Do you want me to help you pick it up?”

“……Do you know you’re really freaking mean right now?”

“What. I asked if I could help…”

As soon as he tried to say something with a sly face, the wind blew strongly once again. It was so strong that my hair blocked my view and fluttered.


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No, I’m going to correct it. The wind was so strong that my long hair not only blocked my view, but also slapped Diwen in the face.


Is there an ego in my hair? How did it know that I wanted to poke him in the eye? My hair, as pretty as the sunset, hit Diwen’s face and pricked his eye at the same time.

It didn’t end there. He squinted and said, “Ouch.” but when he tried to remove my hair, he missed the document he had been holding.

Thanks to that, the documents that were said to be important flew to the floor like mine.

And the wind stopped like a lie.


With an absurd laugh, he slammed the balcony door. I didn’t forget to tell him that this was also because of you.


“By the way, are you transcribing? Looking at it, it seems like there are a few things with the same content.”

In the end, I’m now with Diwen while crouching down to pick up documents that I never even had.*

TL/N: She’s picking up his documents too.

He asked in an incomprehensible tone.

“Why are you looking into other people’s family documents? I don’t understand.”

“What can I do if it catches my eyes. Should I dig out my eyes?”

“……You sound sincere when you say that.”

“Anyway, why are you doing this cumbersome thing? I heard there’s also copy magic these days. You can just ask the marquis to do it.”

You’re right. All I have to do is ask. I wanted to say something to him, who wouldn’t know what situation I would be in even if I died, so just I beckoned him to pick it up quickly.

“Never mind. Can you pick it up quickly? I have to copy all of this today.”

“Within today?”

“Yes, I must do it within today. If I can’t finish it by today, uh…… . I don’t even want to imagine it.”

I gave a rough answer and even picked up Reden’s handwriting and mine, but I felt a tingling sensation and goosebumps from my back to the nape of my neck.

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I flinched from the goosebumps and turned my head around, and Diwen, who had been picking up the papers a few steps away before, was right nearby.

That’s very close.

Startled by him, I lost my balance and collapsed to the ground. I immediately observed his waist. I wonder if he had a sword. It was almost a survival instinct.

Fortunately, he wasn’t carrying a sword. Both at the waist and in the hands.

What…? Kill, aren’t you trying to kill me? Then why are you looking at me like you’re eating me up?

Literally, he was staring at me with sharp eyes, unlike just a few minutes ago. With those mysterious purple eyes, as if looking right into the abyss.

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“Wh, Why?”

My heart was beating like it would come out of my mouth. I deliberately tried not to show any obvious fear, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. I could feel the shaking in my voice.

Uwaaa, why are you doing this! Did I just say something wrong? Or did I plant a death flag? Did I press Diwen’s landmine button, what the heck!

It was then. My eyes were spinning in confusion, but he suddenly laughed. Purple eyes shone between the curved eyes.

“Why are you so nervous?”

“Well… because you’re looking at me as if you’re going to kill me!”

“Since when have you been scared of such things… It’s just because I’m curious.”

“What, what is it? Please say it.”

He laughed lowly, as if what I said was funny, and opened his mouth with a tilt of his head. The sunken eyes seemed to be reminiscing.

“Recently, the Marquis changed his mind?”

Marquis? You mean Reden? What mind…?

I couldn’t even guess what he was trying to say, so I frowned and listened in silence.

“As I looked at the Marquis, I made a guess. Isn’t there someone like me around the Marquis?”

“Someone like you… … ?”

“But it somehow seems like you.”


I couldn’t tell if I should take this as a curse or if I should rather tell him to curse. As I blinked like an idiot, Diwen suddenly grabbed my hand.

I caught my breath at the sudden contact and tried to pull my hand away, but Diwen held my hand tighter and pulled it.

And then asked.

“That’s why I’m asking you, Renée Blair, you.”

“… …”

“You said you that this useless thing must be done by today.”

“… …. What, what about that?”

“What’s the reason? What will happen if you can’t do this by today?”

Tok, he grabbed my hand and hit the back of my hand with his thumb.

“For example, a disadvantage or a penalty?”

There was a silence. I blinked several times and nodded.

“…Wahh, how did you know?”

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When I asked in admiration, Diwen’s eyes sharpened again and then disappeared.

“Then you too…….”

“If I can’t do this today, I’ll get in trouble with Reden.”


“So can you pick it up quickly? Let go of your hands.”

I naturally pulled out my hand and focused on organizing the documents again.

Diwen seemed to stare at me for a moment, and then he too began to organize the papers after me.

‘What is it…?’

Naturally, my head was full of question marks.

Because I didn’t get the hang of it. What does that guy mean by a penalty?

I’m not sure he was talking about the mission… … It must have just been a coincidental overlap of word choices.

Then again, a lot of questions rose. What else had Reden changed his mind about recently, and why did Diwen see it as the same as him?

Was it a new type of curse?

Or… or…

I picked up a piece of paper with Reden’s handwriting and glanced sideways at Diwen. As if he was never going to eat me, Diwen returned with his usual languid expression and was quickly organizing the documents.

Or maybe……. I don’t think that’s possible, but…….

Does Diwen know about the mission? Did he ask knowingly?


Diwen suddenly turned his head. I thought I had answered my thoughts, so I was shocked and startled, but I immediately abandoned the stupid idea. He just opened his mouth and spat out a word.

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Whether I was surprised or not, Diwen immediately got to the point with a graceful smile without showing any sign.

“Come to think of it, my regards were late. Are you okay?”

“……You ask really quickly.”

“By the way, why did you get hurt then? I didn’t think about it because I was so distracted at the time, but it’s strange now that I think about it. To suddenly get such a fatal wound.”

“I don’t want to tell you, so pick it up quickly……. No, just pick up yours instead of mine and go down. I’m crazy because you’re here.”

Hmmph. At my words, Diwen just snorted and didn’t speed up. No, rather, he stopped and stared at me again.

“…What, why again?”

“I’ve been feeling it for a while. Do you hate me?”

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