[Renée’s POV]

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Diwen asked in a non-trivial, rather playful tone. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, then tilted my head and answered in a nonchalant tone.

“What’s wrong with you? On the contrary, you don’t like me.”

“… …”

To the point of killing me too.

I barely swallowed back the words that were on the tip of my tongue and glanced at him. It’s because of the sudden anxiety.

Was I being too mean? It was funny that the two of us were doing this in the office after saying I wouldn’t get involved with Diwen, apart from that, I had to be careful about scratching his insides. Because I wanted to live.

But am I being too cheeky? Did I interfere?

Cough, somehow nervous, I cleared my throat, trying to get his attention. But wondering what he was thinking about, he didn’t even look at me. That was even more frightening. Soon I spoke to him.

“Wh, what are you thinking?”

You’re not thinking of how to spread rumors that you killed me well, are you?

The moment I let out an awkward laugh while muttering words I couldn’t bear to say, the words that came out of his mouth were unexpected.

“I’m thinking if I really hate it.”


“I’m thinking, do I really hate you?”


Before he could react, he sighed as if he was in trouble, and abruptly handed out a bundle of papers. I took it on a whim and he got up.

“If you help me with this, I can take care of the rest. I’ve got to go. Did you say I can go down to the first floor?”

“Uh? Yeah……”

I looked up at him, nodding my head briefly. Seeing him standing on the floor, he looked even bigger.

He roughly rolled up his papers, grabbed them, and headed for the door without stepping on them.

I looked at his broad back and glanced at the documents he had given me. And I was quite surprised.

I thought it was roughly gathered together, but Reden and my handwriting were separated and given separately. It was even organized in order.

You said you’re bad at directions, but you truly have keen eyes…

Subtle emotions boiled over. Maybe this is a thank you.

I kept being wary of him and treated him coldly, but somehow I felt sorry and raised my head to say thank you.

Diwen stopped on the way.

What is it?

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“What’s wrong?”

“Where did you get this? No, is it yours?”


At my question, he bent down and picked up something from the floor. What was in his white hand was something black in contrast.

What’s that?

Eventually, I got up and walked over to him. Then what I saw…

“Oh, this is mine.”

It was a letter in a black envelope that Catherine brought.

Who was it from? Bradley?

Of course, it’s mine, so I naturally reached out to take it from him, but the letter didn’t come into my hands. Rather, it got farther away and finally soared upward.

I stared blankly at the letter soaring upwards. And I looked back at the cause of the surge.

Diwen was raising his hand holding the black letter… …

“What are you doing? It’s mine?”

“… No, it is. I understand… Are you familiar with the Bradley family?”

I don’t know about that, you damn thing. Still, seeing that he sent a letter to Renée Blair, she must have had a little bit of a connection!

I couldn’t understand Diwen, who asked for facts that could naturally be guessed.

“Why? No, just give it to me!”

“No, wait a minute…… Can’t you give me this?”

“What, dog… No, that’s bullshit!”

The gratitude I felt for him just a few minutes ago melted away like snow with the absurdity and disappeared neatly.

What settled instead was irritation. Eventually, I stretched out my hand on tiptoe, but I didn’t even reach it, let alone touch it.

Damn it! Why are you so tall…….

“Why do you want it?”

“Will you give me the reason?”

“I don’t want to give you more so because you’re doing this, give it back to me now……!”

What the hell is this that you’re asking for? In fact, if he persuaded me well, it could have been given, but he came out too recklessly.

I’ll never give it to you, you damn thing.

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But I couldn’t reach it until the end. Even if I grabbed him by the shoulder and stretched out my hand, even if I stood on tiptoe and jumped, I couldn’t reach him.

As I was thinking about hitting him, he grabbed my hand that was holding his shoulder and met my gaze. Because of that, the papers he was holding were scattered on the floor again, without any results.

TL/N: wwowowow such a shoujo-like scene!

“All right. Then let’s make a deal. You said you had to take care of them today, didn’t you? I’ll help you, so give me this, will you?”


“Did you say you were transcribing… …I will help you.”

It was tempting, but I shook my head.

“I’m sorry, but the reason I did it alone in the first place is because it’s my family’s personal documents. Of course you can’t either.”

If it was possible for others to help, I would have been with Catherine or the maids.

At my firm words, Diwen put on a rare troubled expression. I took advantage of that gap and jumped again. However, Diwen was really tall to the point of cursing.

“A little, don’t be childish and give it to me.”

“Then let’s make a deal with something else. Anything you want, Renée?”

“I don’t want anything from you.”

“Wow…… it’s a little hurtful. Would you like to go out with me then?”

“Are you out of your mind?”

How meaningless the squabbling was, Diwen exhaled first and then lowered his head to meet my eyes. I always felt it, but his eyes were strangely uncomfortable.

How severe that was, today I felt like my heart was tightening, so I faltered back without realizing it.

Diwen, who didn’t care whether I did or not, tilted his head slightly as he came closer. Softly, his dark smooth hair moved.

“You really don’t want anything from me? That’s an unconventional suggestion. It’s unusual, you.”

“……That’s funny, you. Everyone, not just me, will be dumbfounded by your proposal.”

“No, usually at times like this, you’re bound to accept my offer. Whether it’s something dignified or something embarrassing that you can’t tell anyone.”

“… …”

“But you really don’t seem to have one. Maybe it’s because you have a lot of things, or…….”

He dragged out his words and murmured softly.

“Are you not interested in me?”

I couldn’t say anything meaningful. On the other hand, he raised his lowered head, perhaps trying to hear an answer. It was then that I felt like I could breathe.

“Then let’s do this.”

I thought he had given up, but as if he hadn’t given up, he spat out the words while waving the black letter. I was dumbfounded by that, but I kept silent because I was wondering what nonsense he was going to say.

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“Seeing you so stubborn, it seems like you really want to go to the concert.”

Yes… … ? Concert?

“Then accompany me.”


“That Bradley couldn’t have given you just one invitation, right? You didn’t mean to go alone either.”

No, excuse me. I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. What do you mean an invitation? What concert?

I blinked quickly and quickly took the letter away from him. Unlike before, he handed it over easily, so I was able to open the letter.

There were two luxurious red tickets and a short letter in the envelope. I read the letter, ignoring Diwen who muttered, ‘Oh, the number is just right.’

[My muse, how have you been?]

My… ? Muse……?

I almost crumpled the letter with my face right away at the shocking sentence that started from the first words. What the hell is the relationship between this Bradley and Renée Blair?

I quietly closed my eyes and tried to recall the original, but I couldn’t remember anything.

[Thanks to you, we will be holding a concert for the first time in 3 years, so I’m sending you an invitation. It’s a place you’ll be satisfied with, so I hope you’ll step forward.]

I did something, and it was a letter asking me to come to the concert. At the same time, it occurred to me that I didn’t know the character Bradley.

Originally, Renée Blair would have been dead at this time, so naturally, this Bradley would not have been able to deliver the invitation to Renée. Of course, he doesn’t appear in the story.

Then it made sense that I didn’t know Bradley, so I nodded inwardly and hesitated.

No. It says that the concert was held thanks to me. He used titles like muse.

Then, it seems like a deep relationship, but wouldn’t it be a hasty judgment to think that such a character didn’t appear before Renée Blair’s death?

As expected, I don’t seem to remember. Come to think of it, isn’t Zion, who seemed to be a supporting actor, a person I’ve never heard of before?


I mean, I don’t understand that separately. Why does Diwen Fergus want to go to this concert so badly? Finally, I narrowed my eyes and asked.

“Why don’t you buy the ticket yourself?”

“It’s already sold out a month ago, so I can’t get it.”

“Sold out?”

“Yeah. I’ve been looking for it in a hurry since last week, but I couldn’t get it. So I’m here for a meeting today… …”

Diwen stopped talking.

Meeting? Did you just say meeting?

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“You said you were going to have a meeting to get tickets? At my house? That too… … With Reden?”

“… …”

“Does Reden want to go to that concert, too?”

“No, the Marquis just helps… …”

“Why does Reden help you with that? It’s not like he has nothing to do! Don’t tell me… …”

Recalling that not only Diwen came today, but also Zion, I immediately put on a contemptuous expression.

“Are you guys bothering Reden?”

“Haha… … I think the words are going off the mountain*, so what? Are you going with me?”

*TL/N: Digressing from main point

Diwen let out a soulless laugh and answered my question with a question.

I was worried about losing my hair, then I sighed deeply and nodded my head briefly.

“Yeah, let’s just do it. If I refuse here, you’ll bother Reden again.”

“I want you to know that I wasn’t bothering him.”

No matter what he said, I quietly checked the date of the concert. Then, with a sudden thought, I raised my head. Diwen, who was looking at the paperwork, threw a glance at me as if asking what it was.

“Instead, there are conditions.”

“Condition? You finally have something you want?”

“Well, you could say it’s what I want.”

What is it? Diwen asked me calmly, and I agonized and gestured to him to listen. He put on a puzzled look, then happily lowered his head, and I whispered quietly.

As soon as I finished speaking, Diwen looked at me with a face that he had heard all the nonsense.

“What? Why? No, that’s a little difficult for me… …”

“Really? Then this ticket is just… …”

“Ahhh, damn it. Okay. You can do whatever you want.”

Diwen spoke with uncharacteristic impatience. It seemed like he really wanted to go to the concert.

Thinking it was unexpected, I checked the date written on the ticket again. Actually, I could have just given the ticket to Diwen, but the words in the letter asking me to come were bothering me.

Above all, I was curious about this Bradley. Because…

Aren’t you the one who calls Renée Blair, who is avoided by everyone as a fool, a muse?

Of course, I wondered who it was.

Yes, it was such a light heart. On the day of the concert, I had such a light heart, and never dreamed of what would happen in the morning.

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