[Renée’s POV]

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At the same time, a sound close to a roar rang out. It was because Bradley seemed to be enduring the light, but he was pushed away and smashed against the deep blue barrier after only a few seconds.

After that absurd appearance, I couldn’t hold out any longer and covered my face with my arms. It hurt so much that my eyes were blinded by the glare.

I can’t even guess how long it’s been since the burning sensation on my skin has subsided, and only then did I lower my arm.

The scene unfolding before my eyes was a mess. The chairs that Diwen and I were sitting on were smashed beyond recognition, and the floor was smeared with dark things as if they had been scorched by fire.

More than that… That was just…?

I recalled the scene where something like a beam fired from the necklace and attacked Bradley.

I couldn’t think of anything other than the possibility that Reden had done something to the necklace.

Ahhh, yeah. That’s why Anastasia said she was relieved that I have this necklace.

In any case, the fact that I was brought back to life because of this necklace remained unchanged. With an exaggerated gesture, I grabbed the necklace that didn’t defy gravity and thanked Reden, then suddenly came to my senses.

Rather, what about Bradley? Is he dead?

Even if I kill him, I have to kill the spirit of the dragon, but I wonder if something went wrong. I jumped up from my seat and took a few steps forward.

As soon as I saw Bradley, who looked like he was scorched by fire, leaning against the wall of the subspace, I stopped abruptly.

‘You’re not dead, are you?’

For now, the dragon’s spirit seemed to be intact. If he had died, the barrier would have collapsed.

While carefully observing from a distance, I realized one thing and blinked several times. Come to think of it, there was no sword in the man’s hand.

Oh? Did you lose the sword after being attacked earlier?

There were no more blue scales on his skin. In other words, that man is now in a normal human condition.

As soon as I realized that, I hurriedly started looking for dragon bone. I don’t want him to come back to his senses again and get his hands on the bone. Before that, I need to find… …

Fortunately, the dragon bone lay nearby on the ground. Still in the form of a sword.

A sword with a blue jewel attached to it as a pommel did not go well with the scene of this mayhem. It was because the blade and jewel were in pristine condition with no flaws.

“First, I’ll hold it…… Can I give it to Diwen?”

The dragon’s subspace was still holding out, but it wasn’t impossible to get out.

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On the day they first encountered the half-dragon, Zion pierced the jewel attached to the dragon’s sword pommel, with his sword, and the sword crumbled along with the black energy. And the subspace also disappeared.

Perhaps if I break the blue jewel attached to the pommel of this sword, the subspace will be shattered in the same way.

Umm,  then what to break it with?

The moment I looked around to see if there was anything I could use to break, someone suddenly attacked me.


It literally hit me, I couldn’t bear the weight and fell down, and saw the guy climbing on top of me. It was Bradley.

His eyes, which turned from murky blue to chestnut, were not looking at me. It was headed for a nearby sword.

‘Damn it! He’s trying to take the bone back!’

Bradley reached out to the sword, breathing heavily. Absolutely not wanting it to be taken away, I quickly grabbed Bradley by the collar and rolled. Bradley, who was injured and returned to being a normal human, was terribly weak.

“Get ahold of yourself! Why are you listening to a dragon!”

“Shut up, let go of this!”

Bradley didn’t take his eyes off the sword and screamed, trying to remove my hand, but it wasn’t enough. Again, he was in a very weak state right now.

Pass out for a while, why did you come to your senses so early? Instead of clicking my tongue inwardly, I thought it would be better for me to grab the sword quickly, so I reached for the sword that had gotten too far from rolling.

Bradley screamed in a fit.

“No! Don’t touch it! It’s mine! He gave me…”

I quickly rose from my spot, ignoring it. Because I couldn’t reach the sword while suppressing Bradley.

But before I could take a step forward, Bradley, in a last-ditch effort, grabbed my ankle and I fell. I felt a sharp jolt in my knees and elbows, but this was not the time.

I tried to kick Bradley’s hand that was holding my ankle with my other foot, but I remembered that he was an organist and gave up. I just struggled and crawled to the sword with all my might.

Before long, his hand, which was holding my ankle, disappeared. It seemed like Bradley got up and was about to go for the sword. I couldn’t just watch it, so I also raised my upper body and pushed him hard.

It was a very muddy fight.

Fortunately, he fell down, perhaps because of the sudden attack and I almost crawled on my knees to hold on to the sword. But before I could feel relieved that I had grabbed the sword before him, the tenacious Bradley grabbed my arm.

“A little…!”

“Come on!”

“Come on, do something called fainting!”

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I clenched my teeth and shook off my arms, as I was annoyed to the point of irritation by him being tougher than weeds. No, I tried to shake it off. Yeah… I tried to shake it off.




I had no intention of turning his face to look like a bowl of porridge with my elbow!

At the end of a short scream like agony, he collapsed onto his face. Surprised, I jumped up and walked away from him. As if it were not me who knocked him out if I got that far.

‘No, but what……. How can you fall down so easily? No, he was about to faint because of the necklace, but I hit it……. That’s probably why he collapsed.’

After calming myself down, I sneaked up on him. He could have pretended to have passed out.

I picked up the debris from the chair on the floor and poked him in the back of his head. It was a pretty insulting treatment, but seeing that he didn’t wake up, he must have fainted.

I let out a sigh of relief and now decided to think about how to break the jewel.

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Do we have any tools… …

I looked around and inadvertently saw the sword in my hand.

‘Should I just… slam it on the floor?’

For some reason, it seemed like I could break it.

I crouched down to give it a try, then grabbed the hilt with both hands and raised it above my head. Then I took a deep breath and fell to the floor.

When the blue gem on the pommel was about to hit the floor.

-What is this crazy piece of scum doing!

TL/N: URGH I’m about to LOSE IT AHHH

A shrill voice rang in my ears.

No, it’s not in my ears, it’s in my head……?

I blinked in surprise and rolled my eyes. Then again, a muttering voice resounded in my head as if it was pathetic.

-Well, that’s enough. Because of your own stupidity, I’ve got less work to do.

I think this happened once… …

I didn’t have to worry for long. It wasn’t a very old memory and it wasn’t something simple enough to be easily forgotten.

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On the day half-dragon ran wild at the palace, I heard a voice like this when I grabbed Zion’s sword. It was a very soft voice at the time, but now it’s shrill and annoying. And somehow it was familiar.

‘This voice is……. That’s the same voice Bradley had when he was swallowed up by the dragon spirit.’

Why can I hear your voice? By any chance…

While thinking back and organizing how the situation was going, I looked down stupidly at the sword, which stopped on its own right before it hit the floor.

Could it be that the spirit of the dragon dwelling in this sword is talking to me?

As soon as I thought about that, another memory passed through my mind.

When I confronted the count who became a half-dragon with Zion’s sword, the black energy that shimmered from the sword tried to creep toward me.

Needless to say, I was about to throw the sword away thinking that it might be the case this time as well. However, the hand and fingers did not open. As if my hand was stuck to the hilt of the sword.

– Stupid b*tch. You think I’ll just watch you let go?

“Why are you doing this! Are you trying to encroach on me?”

-It’s stupid to ask even though you know. Proof that humans are pathetic.

“What are you going to do by encroaching on me? To manipulate my body and take it to that damn muse? Why the hell are you bringing me here? That damn dragon, if he wants to see me, tell him to come in person! Why are you ordering me to come and go!”

I spit out like a quick-fire gun and glanced at the wall of the subspace. The walls of the subspace were still in place.

All I had to do was break this jewel, but I couldn’t move. As if the dragon’s spirit is manipulating me.

At that moment, the blade that had been dyed blue gradually returned to a silver blade as if the water were receding. At the same time, the blue energy wriggled and moved. Slowly, at a speed that was neither slow nor fast, toward the hilt. To be precise, towards my hand.

A red alarm went off in my head.

Ah, what to do! How to get out of this situation? What about Anastasia? What would Anastasia have done? Since the child is a wizard, did she escape through magic? But I can’t use magic!

Then what about Diwen? How would Diwen deal with this situation?

Thinking of the two didn’t help me in the slightest. All I could do was watch the blue energy come to me without being able to do this or that.

I was upset. I felt resentful of my hands, which did not move even a single fingertip, and the fact that I was involved in such nonsense was unfair. Tears welled up with mixed emotions.

I can’t understand the fact that I’m being targeted by a dragon, and I’m going to die of anger. It’s so resentful that I was deprived of control over my body like this.

Why are you doing this to me? Why…!

Grinding my teeth, I glared at my hand. My hands were shaking like aspen trees. Out of fear? No, I was fighting back to escape somehow.

Please. Just one finger. If only I could move just one finger.

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It was the moment when I was sweating and trying to take control of his hand. I could feel the blue energy flickering around my hand. When I felt the cool touch, when I thought it was really over.

There was a crackling sound and my pinky wriggled like a miracle.

After that, everything went smoothly. As if I could get away with just moving one finger when I was paralyzed like stuck in a nightmare, I was freed from the dragon’s mental dominance with just one wiggle of my pinky finger.

– Nonsens… … !

“It makes sense!”

Cutting off the voice of the dragon spirit screaming in disbelief, I shouted out loud and boldly slammed the hilt with a big movement as if a blockage had been pierced.

Pak, there was a sound that was different from when I hit Bradley’s face with my elbow a while ago. At the same time, the jewel crumbled and turned into fine powder.

“Heok, heok…”.

I let out a quick breath from straining my body and put the sword on the floor as if throwing it away.

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No more voices were heard. I didn’t feel like I was being manipulated, I just… … All I could think was that it was over.

Soon, the blue energy disappeared and the sword scattered like mist. The subspace also began to collapse from the ceiling. At the same time, the fog that lay low on the floor was slowly dissipating.

Ah… That’s it.

It’s over.

Unlike last time, I was alone this time, but how did I survive safely. The fact made me very tired, but I shook my head to wake up. The day isn’t over yet.

My throbbing fingers trembled and couldn’t move, as if I was overdoing it. I looked down at my hands in a daze, then cast my gaze toward the railing that was slowly revealing.

As the subspace collapsed, the stuffy air filled with moisture came rushing in.

A series of metallic sounds came from outside the railing.

Are you still fighting?

By the way… … why is it so humid?

The air was sticky, as if it were going to rain any minute. It seems that something happened outside the railing, so I walked toward it.

Something hit my foot and I looked down reflexively.

Below was Bradley, who passed out after being elbowed by me earlier. It was a very unsightly appearance.

Just for a moment, I looked down at him and kicked him, and headed for the railing.

TL/N: oh wow what an intense fight between Renée and Bradley???!

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