[Renée’s POV]

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Diwen was definitely a knight with outstanding skills. He threatened Bradley and cut off his arm shortly after.

However, if I had to point out one bad thing about him, it was that he was too easy on Bradley. I thought Bradley would pass out from the pain of having his arm cut off, but contrary to my expectations, he didn’t faint.

Rather, while screaming in pain, Bradley pushed Diwen away with his body.

Diwen, slightly pushed back by the adult male weight, laughed at what happened next.

Bradley immediately straightened up and picked up the fallen sword with his free arm. Then the arm that had been severed grew out again.

[Diwen’s POV]

Diwen murmured in a tone of admiration.

“I thought you were just a gentleman*.”

TL/N: ‘A term referring to a person who is quiet and classy in a mocking tone.’

“I underestimated you too. To think that you would cut off my arm this soon.”

“Yes. Stay alert. I’ll cut it again.”

Contrary to what he boasted, Diwen could not cut off his arm. Because of the damn heat and sparks flying from all sides. He was very sensitive to the heat.

It was only then that Diwen remembered that it took longer than any other dragon to defeat the flame dragon. And of all things, Bradley had the bones of a Flame Dragon.

‘Damn it, damn it, damn……. I wish I could just kill him. Since the main body is human, I can’t even kill him, damn it… …’

Finally, the biggest reason was the legs. As if the condition was getting worse, the throbbing in the cracked leg intensified. Still, Diwen consciously brainwashed himself that it wasn’t his legs’ fault.

TL/N: Oh no!!!!!

If you’re so sluggish because of your legs, it’s all her fault.

Having thought that far, Diwen laughed at himself without realizing it.

“Crazy, you’re crazy. How did you even come up with this idea?….”

He murmured while wiping his sweat and avoided the flames flying right next to him without even looking at them. Then, focusing on the situation ahead of him, he stared at Bradley with sharp eyes.

‘That’s strange. If you become half-dragon, it’s only natural that your body is taken over by the dragon spirit… … . Why are you using dragon-attribute magic with a sane mind?’

It was a strange thing, but I didn’t have the energy to think deeply. I shouted, dodging the flying sparks once again.

“Anastasia! Can you stop using ice magic? It’s humid! I’m dying of the heat!”

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It was as he said. Every time Bradley’s blazing fire attack and Anastasia’s ice attack collided, the air became humid and sticky. Two-thirds of the reason why sweat flows like rain is probably because of this.

However, no matter how much he shouted earlier, Anastasia showed no signs of stopping her ice magic. Diwen, who could not stand it, exploded and finally moved his gaze away from Bradley and looked at Anastasia.

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And hesitated.

Anastasia’s white cheeks and silver hair were dyed red from the flames that almost reached the ceiling. Still, Diwen thought she looked pale somehow.

The unfocused eyes, the sweat dripping more seriously than mine, the hand desperately holding the long staff as if it were for life, she was literally a mess as if she could barely stand.

Why so, all of a sudden. You were fine before.

“Anastasia, you…….”

It was when Diwen called her unconsciously. The humid air instantly cooled, and an ice barrier rose in front of Diwen. At the same time, with a pop, a red-bladed sword came out through the barrier.

Anastasia blocked Bradley’s attack on Diwen with her magic.

“Don’t meddle……. I’m thinking of cutting his arm straight. As I said earlier, I won’t save you even if it becomes dangerous.”


When Anastasia spoke annoyedly with a face that looked like she was about to collapse at any moment, Diwen laughed.

Then what did you save me now?

The words jumped out of his tongue, but Diwen stopped talking and calmly lowered his body as soon as the ice barrier disappeared. Bradley, who had been attacking for an opening, had already widened his distance.

If you drag the time, it will only bother you. Diwen jumped at Bradley straight away without weighing the situation.

As if waiting, the flames blocked Diwen’s vision, but he easily avoided them.

After a few hits, the movement of the flame felt monotonous.

But, to his annoyance, Bradley blocked Diwen’s sword. Huuk, hot heat hit Diwen.

Bradley grinned.

“You’re much slower than before?”

“I’m having fun playing with you at the current level.”

“Is that so? I’m starting to lose interest in playing with you…….”

“I guess so. People who get tired first get tired of playing quickly.”

Diwen, who did not lose in words until the end, followed Bradley with a smirk.

At the same time, he pushed the sword forward with all his might, and Bradley immediately crumpled his face and attacked Diwen with flames.

Although it was futile because the ice had blocked the flames from earlier, Bradley tried nonetheless. The reason was simple. Whenever that happened, Diwen avoided the flames as if he couldn’t believe in Anastasia’s ice.


But this time, Diwen didn’t move at all and continued to push the sword. Bradley was taken aback by his unexpected behavior.

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And saw. Those purple eyes that shine with the spirit of victory, with the strangeness of Diwen.

Seeing those eyes, Bradley realized a little.

‘This man… It’s not that he didn’t believe in her magic and avoided it.’

“You, are you fighting with the resolve to get hit by fire?”

When Bradley asked in an absurd tone, Diwen laughed mischievously.

“Since you say it’s not fun, I’m going to try and finish it quickly. I’m a bit of a gentleman.”


“More than anything, it’s not because the second floor is irritating me. I need to finish it quickly.”

Diwen muttered unexpected words and twisted the knife to push Bradley away. At the same time, he hit him in the face with a pommel.

Bradley, who let out a pained sound and lost his posture, hurriedly dodged the sword blade that flew straight away and sensed it. Even if he dragged out time, he was at a disadvantage.

So he tried to summon the dragon spirit sleeping inside him. He tried not to wake up the dragon’s spirit as much as possible because it seemed like it was eating everything in him, but he couldn’t help it.

‘I have no choice but to carry out the Muse’s orders… …’

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It was then. Bradley, who was trying to catch Diwen’s gap, felt as if the transparent string that was tightly connected to him had snapped and stopped.

It was the same with Diwen. The disgusting energy pouring out from the second floor completely disappeared, and he, too, immediately stopped his actions in surprise and looked at the second floor as if possessed.


Diwen muttered in a bewildered tone.

No, at the time it was me and Zion, but……. Now, how can she alone……?

Or someone else killed him? Didn’t she meet another half-dragon in the first place?

The thoughts didn’t last long. No, there was no room for that.

Feeling unfamiliar with the relief that spread throughout his body, the relief that she might be safe, Diwen quickly lowered his gaze. His opponent was still looking up with a face of disbelief.

‘The speed is much slower than before?’

Putting those words to shame, Diwen was quick. After moving quickly, pouring sword energy into the blade, he drew a trajectory in the air.

The sound of cutting through the air and the sound of something being cut resonated at once.

The dark red color that fills the field of vision, the arm holding the flying sword.

The eyes that were looking at the second floor widened in pain. For a moment, he stretched out another arm toward the one that fell straight away.

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But Diwen wasn’t stupid, and he wasn’t in the mood to let him do the same thing.

Diwen immediately reversed the direction of the sword and cut the pommel of the sword that Bradley had missed.

As despair flooded Bradley’s eyes, Diwen clenched his fist and punched Bradley hard in the pit of the stomach.

Immediately after, Bradley’s body slumped in Diwen’s arms.

He didn’t feel the slightest pity for such an opponent and immediately threw him to the floor. And I turned my back.

The flame that seemed to burn the skin like a lie was gone.

Instead, above it, a visible railing.

There was a person there. For some reason, she was clinging to the railing in a tattered dress and barefooted.

She was looking down at me with her intensely colored hair, like fireworks rising up to the ceiling.

“I’m going crazy, really…….”

Diwen murmured.

The heavy shock I felt when I realized that one of the twins had tricked me into going up to the second floor, the useless thoughts I wished would have escaped during the fight, and the overwhelming sense of relief I felt when the dragon energy disappeared.

It all seemed to drive me crazy.

After returning from the subjugation this time, until he attended the celebration banquet, Diwen never dreamed that he would feel such positive feelings for her.

How can the disgust disappear like this?

How the hell?

‘You’re not Renée Blair, are you? Otherwise, there’s no way you wouldn’t be angry…….’

What I said jokingly on the stairs was actually not a joke.

The disgust that I used to feel every time I saw her, the feeling that was the same as the hatred that I felt from the dragon.

Because there was no other explanation for this change. At least that’s how he felt.

“It’s really driving me crazy… ….”

Diwen muttered once more.

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Strangely, I couldn’t take my eyes off her eyes looking at me. It was the same when she pushed me down the stairs a while ago and looked down.

Maybe I…

“Do I prefer a woman looking down on me?”

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If anyone heard it, it would have looked like crazy, but Diwen was serious.


[Renée’s POV]

What I saw when I stood in front of the railing was a pillar of fire that rose to the ceiling. It was so hot that I couldn’t help but falter back without realizing it.

What’s this? Magic? That’s why the air was so hot.

Hesitantly, I grabbed the railing and leaned my upper body in order to take a closer look.

At that moment, the pillar of fire disappeared like a lie.

Ack, there was no time to do it. No time to wonder why the pillar of fire disappeared.

I just had no choice but to stupidly look beyond the stupid disappearance of the pillar of fire. And…


My eyes met with Diwen’s eyes by chance. Diwen was looking this way from beyond that was not visible due to the pillar of fire.

Sweating from the heat, he stared blankly at me as if he was captivated.

His hair, which was fine until the breakup, is now messy, and his purple eyes shine brightly under it.

It was also strangely difficult to face. I don’t know…….

‘An itchy feeling again.’

I blinked for no reason, but I narrowed my brows when I saw the blood splattered at his feet. It wasn’t just blood.

There was a chunk of flesh and a fallen man, Bradley.

You must have fought really violently.

Where did he get it from, whether he really got it from the fleeing spectators, he was holding a sword dripping with blood.

Slowly, the tickling feeling from earlier had gone, and the fact that he was a dangerous man came flooding back.

I searched for Anastasia, trying hard to hide my turbulent feelings.


Fortunately, it was not difficult to find because it was located a few steps away from Diwen. Standing holding on to something like a stick, she somehow didn’t answer.

Just as I was about to call Anastasia once more because it was strange, Diwen threw the sword he was holding onto the floor as if throwing away garbage and came this way.

TL/N: Welp welp cliffhanger, guess I’m gonna have to TL another chapter today LOL

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