[Renée’s POV]

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When I heard it, I pointed to Diwen in surprise and asked, and he put Bradleys on the floor as if he were throwing it away.

Immediately, Horaisha took off her clothes and covered them as if to block the eyes of the general public around her.

“The brother, what was his name? Anyway, it looks like Bradley’s brother could die from excessive blood loss, so please heal only to the extent that he won’t die. Don’t put your arms up. I have something to say to this bastard.”

As if he hadn’t even heard me, I was so frustrated with Diwen’s behavior that I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

His gaze reached me. He didn’t have the annoyed expression he had shown to Horaisha.

“You…Are you really going in? The house is about to collapse! Any wrong move and you’re going to be crushed to death!”

“I can be out in ten minutes.”

“You’re not even sure if there’s anyone in there or not, so why go in! You can’t know for sure whether it’s inside or not, right?”

When I asked Horaisha while arguing with Diwen, she laughed awkwardly.

“There is search magic though.”

“Then use that for me. Wouldn’t it be easier to check if there were people inside and if so where they were!”

“Search magic can tell you where a person is, but there is no one here who can handle such advanced magic in the first place. Above all, the search magic is not “seeing” but “feeling,” so if there are many obstacles inside, it is difficult to determine whether it is a human or an object.”

Horaisha squinted as she spoke, stared at the house, and snapped her fingers.

Then, a purple circle-shaped pattern was engraved under the huge house.

I could tell without anyone explaining. It was magic.

“It’s really going to collapse soon. I cast a stop spell on it, but it’s only 10 minutes on that scale, so please.”

As soon as her words fell, Diwen caught my hand around his shoulder, gently squeezed it and let it drop, and headed back to the doorway of the House.

As I looked at the back that was so far away, I realized a little.

Why did you feel so ominous earlier? Why is it so ominous even now?

‘That’s because I’m afraid Diwen’s gonna die.’

I can’t forget the mission that appeared mockingly in the morning. Is it a coincidence that the mission to kill Diwen appeared today?

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It’s true that I don’t remember the specifics of this novel I possessed, but there is one thing I can be sure of.

That I, who should have died, didn’t die, so the story was completely different from the original.

But the fact that a person who should die can live without dying… …

Doesn’t that mean that a person who shouldn’t die can suddenly die?

It’s an imagination that would normally be absurd, but the house that was about to collapse and the back of Diwen entering the house were all scattered in my head.

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‘Ah, he’s the one who killed me, so why am I… …’

The thought was long, but the conclusion was short. I turned my head to Horaisha, and met eyes with Horaisha, who happened to be looking this way.

It felt like the pale, light purple eyes were strangely piercing me, but that wasn’t the problem now.

“Anastasia fainted.”

“Yes, Anastasia is a little weak against heat. She’ll get her energy up in a minute.”

“I must have hurt my feet a little while dragging them.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll treat you.”


After saying a lot of different things, I was about to get to the point now, but my mouth didn’t fall open.

Horaisha briefly took the fainted Anastasia away and tilted her head saying, um.

“I think there’s only one section left.  Please come out in nine minutes, with good news.”

A light breeze blew her long, purple hair lightly.

Like that wind, I slowly realized why she was looking at me with a penetrating gaze and moved on.

Even though I feel so stupid myself.

Yeah, straight to the House.


[Horaisha’s POV]

As soon as she confirmed that she, who looked just like her boss, had entered the house, Horaisha looked to the side with a nonchalant nod.

Just in time, the head of the First Knights of the Royal Family and the knights were coming this way. Even with a boy who is crying.

Gorgeous short silver hair and golden eyes like honey. The captain of the knights ordered the knight beside him to take the child to the guardian and stood in front of Horaisha.

It was arrogance to cross his arms crookedly and look down at her.

“I think the two below are Bradley brothers, and the other two haven’t come out yet?”

“Huhu. Doesn’t it bother you that your sister passed out?”

The leader of the knights stared silently at Horaisha with a relaxed smile on his face, and then answered coldly.

“I think you’re mistaken. All of my younger siblings are knights…”

He twisted his lips.

“There is no garbage like wizards.”

The sun was already setting, and the sky was dressed in red.

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The knight commander’s short silver hair, like the moonlight, was dyed red, just like the hair of Anastasia that Horaisha was supporting.

The golden eyes shining brightly under the hair too.

“Yes, I understand.”

Regardless of the glaring eyes on her, Horaisha answered roughly and split the air with her empty hands.

Then, light purple particles gathered along her fingertips and formed the shape of an angular paper crane.

Horaisha breathed into the crane. Then, the crane, which had been moving wildly, floated into the air and flew away.

Right into the house.

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean. I’m contacting the two people who went in to find the missing child inside. Well, the great knight doesn’t know trashy magic.”

Horaisha laughed haha, as if it was really funny, and turned around. It seemed to be headed for the barracks.

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At that cheeky attitude, the captain was upset and was about to say something.

Horaisha let out a low sigh and turned her head to point down. To be precise, it was the Bradley brothers covered by her clothes.

“I’m sorry, but if your hands are playing, could you bring them with you? As a trashy wizard, it’s a little too much for me to pick up three.”


The captain of the knights wanted to swear right away, but he barely held back and lifted Bradley brothers up as if carrying a burden and put him on his side.

“Rather than that, does that mean that the knight from Hugo and the lady of the Blair family entered the house again to look for the child?”

Choosing questions instead of swearing, the head of the knights narrowed his eyebrows and looked at the house, which looked like it would collapse at any moment. Immediately, the answer flowed from Horeisha.


“You’re out of your mind, aren’t you. What if the House collapses immediately, what are we going to do?”

“A captain of knights who is not happy that the Hugo Knights, which were just ordinary knights, suddenly became the royal knights. If there is a child in the house and things get bigger, I’m afraid they’ll accuse the leader of the 7th Knights of not exploring the inside. They didn’t like it so much that even now, they still call them Hugo, not the Royal Knights.”

“… …”

“Can’t you imagine? What are you going to say when the worst happens? It’s fortunate that you found the child well.”

The knight commander’s eyes sunk to the fullest.

It wasn’t that Horaisha hadn’t noticed the calm rage that flowed from him, but she had no intention of quelling it.

“According to what you said, I think we should have at least stopped that woman from the Blair family from entering. Isn’t that woman a normal person?”

“I don’t understand. Since when do you say you cared about them.…. Is that because it’s going to be trouble when things get bigger?”

Horaisha asked without looking back.

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Looking at the back of her head, the head of the knights silently frowned, and Horaisha slightly closed her eyes from the strong wind. and whispered

“They don’t die.”

For some reason, the captain of the knights glanced at Horaisha, then hesitated.

Horaisha’s eyes, who stopped walking and was looking at the house, were shining strangely, so he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

“They’re not characters that are going to die here. Do you understand?”


“So stop nitpicking.”

As she concluded her words, Horaisha met the golden eyes of the knight commander and headed for the barracks.


[Renée’s POV]

As soon as I entered, I lost my strength and my knees were bent, and my knees were cut by the broken marble.

It was only a sting, but there was quite a bit of blood.

Damn, I clicked my tongue briefly and looked around to find him, but Diwen was nowhere to be seen.

How fast your feet are that they’re not in the hall.

To be honest, it seemed difficult to search this large house for ten minutes, no, not even nine minutes to find the child.

It’d be great if the kid wasn’t in the house, but if he was and we couldn’t find it in time…….

Shaking off my worst imagination, I looked around. It was true that I came in because I was worried that Diwen would die, but finding the child was more important.

The ceiling was slanted and the marble floor was cracked as if it had been a drought.

But I could tell. There are certainly no children in the hallway.

Then, the hall?

No, there was no one in the venue when Diwen and I came out.

If so, is it on the second floor?

Following the flow of my thoughts, I naturally turned my head and looked at the stairs at the edge of the hall.

Then, suddenly, something purple came into view. Surprised, I stepped back, then stared at it blankly, realizing that it was shaped like a paper crane.

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The origami crane, which looked like a lump of light, spun in front of me as if it were a living bird, and exploded when I inadvertently reached out my hand. And it turned into paper and came into my hands.

[We found the child, so get out of here quickly]

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It’s the first time I saw this handwriting on paper, so I don’t know who sent it.

Nevertheless, knowing what this means, I crumpled the paper and turned my head quickly.

“Diwen! They found the child!”

I had to find Diwen, who was searching the house without knowing this news.

I headed for the stairs at the edge of the hall, shouting his name and hoping he was on the second floor. The soles of my feet hurt from the occasional stepping on marble.

When I reached the second floor by climbing the stairs of the messy red cafe, all the doors on the second floor were open.

It was probably a trace of Diwen wandering in search of a child.

I quickly rolled my eyes and ran through the hallways, and the ground shook with a tremendous explosion sound that made my bones ring.

Perhaps because of Horaisha’s magic, the ceiling did not collapse, but the ceiling cracked and the shape of a net was etched as if it were obvious that it would collapse when her magic was released.

I’m scared to death.

Why do I always have to linger in front of death like this?

I felt sorry for my situation, but I couldn’t blame anyone for coming here because it was my will, not anyone else’s.

Just quickly, I hope Diwen will magically appear in front of me… …

Just as I was desperately hoping for Diwen to appear, I really saw someone in the distance on the second-floor hallway like magic.


When I called his name without thinking, his black hair turned around.

As expected, it was Diwen.

As soon as he saw me, he paused and was as stupid as a person facing an unbelievable reality, and then strode towards this place.

“Why are you coming in here so recklessly!”

Tch, who did I come in for.

I couldn’t say that I had stepped in because of the mission, so I shook the paper in my hand so that he could see it.

“They found the child outside! There’s no one here, so hurry up and get out, huh?



He approached me without asking further with a doubtful face, as if he didn’t hear me completely or if he didn’t believe me even though he heard me.

It was at this time that a greater relief than I thought spread through my whole body at the sight of his fine appearance.


There was a roar so intense that the sound of the explosion earlier seemed like nothing.


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