[Renée’s POV]

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The floor continued to vibrate without stopping from the roar.

It wasn’t just shaking, it was vibrating so strongly that it made me sick, so I quickly clung to the wall, almost losing my balance.

The floor of the corridor on the second floor, where the red carpet was laid, cracked and collapsed. Some parts of the carpet were dented and raised unevenly.

At the same time, the railing at the edge of the corridor crumbled and fell.

The second floor, which had become a cliff in an instant, seemed like we could fall off with a little carelessness.

“Renée! Are you okay?”


Diwen’s urgent voice was heard between the shaky vision and the constant noise in my ears.

He disappeared from view because I clung to the wall, but he seemed to be nearby.

“It’s okay!”

Somehow the crackling voice was swallowed up by the surrounding noise.

Did you hear my answer? If I dropped my body from the wall, I felt like I would stumble and collapse at any moment, but I couldn’t just sit still, so I carefully pulled my body away.

Diwen came into sight. As soon as Diwen, who was looking around, found me, he quickly came to me without stumbling in the vibration.

The floor must have been broken.

As if he had the same thought as me, he only stepped on the bumpy parts. And when there’s not much distance left.



The floor trembled noticeably at the sound of the collapse, and it finally broke down.

Of all things, between Diwen and me.

Not only that, but the floor on the side of Diwen was severely tilted.

If you keep going like that, you’re going to fall!

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With a frustrated face on his face, as if trying to stop himself from slipping and falling, he grabbed the protruding part, the weakened bridge could not withstand his weight and broke.

There was no time to think twice. Still shaking space, disorderly situation.

In all this chaos, there was only one thought running through my head.

You have to catch it.

At that thought, at that echo, I ran as if I had never stumbled.

The moment I grabbed his hand as if he was about to fall down on the edge of it.



The weight of an adult male approached heavily, and immediately the sound of bloody bones was heard.

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My mind went blank. Intense pain quickly attacked my shoulder.

Just like that, my hands lost strength. I couldn’t even lift a hand. When Diwen’s hand slipped and almost missed, I reached out the other hand without realizing it and managed to hold his hand.

I was dizzy at the thought that I would have missed him if I hadn’t, and sweat broke out on my forehead.

I let out a long breath and gritted my teeth. My shoulder hurt so much.

A groaning sound came from my teeth.

I wanted to hold onto my shoulders and cry or pass out in pain.

“You now… Shoulders…”

“Keep, quiet. Just think about how you’re gonna come up…….”

I cut off his words as he questioned me in a bewildered tone, as if he was surprised by the sudden situation, and glanced down.

Sweat pooled in the corners of my eyes, but at a cursory glance, there were many sharp-looking fragments underneath. There was also a jagged steel frame among them.

When I checked it, it gave me goosebumps, as if all my blood had drained.

If I missed his hand…

Diwen may be dead.

I quickly thought about it, leaving behind my heart that was pounding enough to come out of my mouth.

How do I get him up? It was fortunate that I caught his hand, but it seemed difficult to raise him. My shoulder hurts even if I stay still, but how much it would hurt if I move even a little.

At that time, Diwen spoke nonsense.

“Renée, just let go of me.”


“Let go of my hand.”

“Are you crazy? Is that what you say to someone who barely saved you?”

I got angry and yelled at him.

However, Diwen smiled, inappropriate for the situation, and immediately put on a serious face.

“Listen. The place where you are right now is also cracked. I can go up if I want to go up there, but it could also collapse because of my weight or the impact of the climb.”

“… …”

“Then we’ll fall together. I don’t mind falling from this height, but you…”

Diwen frowned.

“Are you listening? So let go of me, and no matter what you do, get out of there carefully and come down to the first floor. It’s only two stories high. You know I jumped well from the venue earlier, right?”

“And then…”

As soon as I opened my mouth to him, who was only saying things that I couldn’t listen to, I heard a cracking sound from behind and the center of gravity leaned forward.

His gaze moved hastily. You’re probably looking at the cracks.

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He opened his mouth hastily.

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“Renée, come on…….”

“Come on what come on. Listen to me!”

“… …”

“Don’t you know what’s down there? Do you want to be stuck in an iron rod? How are you going to avoid it while falling!”

“Then what are you going to do? Are you saying we should all fall together? That’s not gonna kill me…”

“Die, you’re going to die, you damn bastard!”

My voice echoed, and Diwen fell silent.

I gripped his hand tightly in the palm of my hand. It was because I was already relaxing.

Cold sweat broke out from the pain that began in my shoulder, and my jaw trembled, but I didn’t care and started to lift him up.

My arms trembled. I couldn’t hold him with my other arm that was supporting the floor, so I had to lift him solely with one arm.

Damn, as if time was running out, there was a cracking sound from behind and the floor tilted. As he said, it seemed that it was only a matter of time before this side collapsed.

But I will not let go of Diwen’s hand even if I die. If I let go of this hand, Diwen may die, and it may become an ‘accidental death’.

Then, wouldn’t it be completely played by the mission to kill Diwen by disguising it as an accident?

More than anything…

“Don’t die, don’t sacrifice for me, I’m sick of that.”

After muttering as if possessed and inhaling, I pulled him up with a gulp and lifted him up. As soon as I realized that Diwen had risen up, my whole body felt weak.

Then there was the sound of something breaking. At the same time, the floor I was on slanted.

It was a time when I thought I was going to fall like this because my messy hair was leaning forward and my body was also leaning forward.

Something hard wrapped around my waist. Soon after, the feeling of falling disappeared completely and my body was dragged away.

It was Diwen. He grabbed me by the waist where I wasn’t supported and hugged me cautiously but impatiently.

I was grateful, but my shoulder hurt. When I made a sound of pain, he sighed and hugged me.

I couldn’t ask to come down. First of all, I wanted to lean on something because it hurt so much, and I wanted to close my eyes right away.

More than anything else, unlike his usual leisurely manners, the arms supporting my thighs were trembling so it was difficult to speak carelessly.

Is this, just shaking because it’s hard……. Or is it because you’re surprised?

It doesn’t matter. As long as this damn guy doesn’t die.

Kuung, Kuung, I started to hear something big falling.

Thinking that it might have been 10 minutes, I leaned my forehead against his shoulder in sweat.

“Let’s get out…… I don’t intend to die here.”

“……I’m still thinking about it.”

He moved quickly. My body, which leaned on him, also shook, and every time my shoulder screamed that it was hurt as if for me to be aware of it, but I didn’t have the strength to whine about the pain.

I just groaned helplessly.

“Tell me you don’t intend to die, either.”

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What’s the mission.

I muttered once more what I had said countless times since I possessed Renée Blair.

If you didn’t want to be played by the mission, you literally had to not follow the mission.

If you didn’t want to kill people, then whether or not Diwen was destined to die, you just had to get involved.

Nevertheless, my gaze landed on his back, and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Diwen, who was going to the extremity, so I got caught up in my heart and eventually followed him in. Thanks to you, my shoulders look like this.

Why? What’s pretty about Diwen? No, he has a pretty face, but…

He doesn’t like me.

No, he said he doesn’t hate me.

But he was the one who killed me.

No, he didn’t kill me in the end.

When the complex thoughts that made me feel nauseated were overflowing, Diwen’s movement gradually slowed down and a cool breeze was felt on my back.

I could tell that he came out without raising my head from his shoulder.

The thought that Diwen was no longer in danger of dying eased the tension that had been crawling through my skin.

In addition, the mind that was barely holding on became distant. I really wanted to rest.

“Tell you I don’t want to die?”

It was the moment when the mind was sinking like the sun sinking into the sea. His voice, somehow weak, flowed into my ears.

“You should ask for something else than that, you.”

Something else? What did you say?

Rather, why is your voice so weak?

There were many things I wanted to say, but I couldn’t overcome my heavy eyelids and closed my eyes.


[Renée’s POV]

“I am neither a doctor nor a healing wizard.”

“But you are a paladin with divine power. That’s also because you treated Renée’s wound with divine power last time.”

“… So, did you catch me on my way home to treat Lady Blair again?”

“I don’t want to bother you either. There are only one or two injuries on the knee, neck, and back of the head, but strangely, the healing magic doesn’t work. Maybe she has high magic resistance… “

The mind always comes out of the blue.

Even though I haven’t lost my mind that many times, I whispered in my mouth as if I had realized the logic of the world, and listened to the conversation between the two without opening my eyes.

For some reason, I felt like I shouldn’t open my eyes now.

“The divine power of the general medical priest doesn’t work either. But as I said before, the duke healed Miss Renée with divine power the other day.”


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“The Duke’s divine power seems to work, so please.”

I didn’t open my eyes, but I could quickly tell who the two people were talking nearby.

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First of all, one is the royal magician Horaisha who said she came to the House to support.

And one is…….

“Lady Blair, I know you’re awake.”

I was startled by the sudden blunt tone towards me and opened my eyes.

I reflexively tried to cover my eyes from the stinging glare from the lights, but my arms couldn’t move, so I blinked quickly.

Throat- and neck, shoulders, back… … . No, the whole body complained of pain as if it had muscle pain.

Wh, What?

It wasn’t like I couldn’t remember what happened.

The Bradley brothers, who became half-dragons, caused a stir in the house, and I wondered how to solve it, and then the House collapsed.

I heard that a child was missing, so I went into the house I barely escaped from, and saved Diwen, who almost died…

My whole body was screaming that it hurts.

But why can’t my arm move?

Then I rolled my eyes and checked my arms. And without realizing it, I opened my mouth wide.

The sleeves of the dress that was supposed to cover my shoulders had been ripped, and a white bandage was wrapped tightly around me.

“What’s wrong with my arm!”

The last person to talk to Horaisha, who said he knew I was awake.

When I asked Aiden in surprise, a man with blond hair shining brightly in the lighting and cold red eyes that contrast with it, let out a light breath.

But it was the other side, Horaisha, who answered.

“Don’t be surprised because your shoulder is dislocated. Your muscles and ligaments aren’t damaged, but… I fixed it just in case. For the time being, you shouldn’t do strenuous exercise or eat heavy food.”

“Dislocated shoulder? It fell out?”

There was a scene that passed through my mind for a moment.

When I saved Diwen from almost dying.

Ududuk, I could hear a bloody bone sound, but I didn’t know it was a dislocation.

That’s why it hurt so much.

Slightly, I looked down at my right arm, which was firmly fixed, and only moved my fingers, which was all I could do, and suddenly turned my head. My throat was sore, but it wasn’t the time to worry about that.

As I raised my upper body, supporting the bed with my free arm, Aiden crossed his arms.

“What is it. You must not move now.”


TL/N: We hit the big 5! Weeeee!!!!

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