In the morning, Yunping comes with Yunhu.

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Zhuang Hao changed his clothes and welcomed them.

Although Zhuang Hao's face is easy to look like a normal one, the whole person's temperament is quite different after changing his clothes. Cloud tiger looks at Zhuang Hao curiously for several times.

"Cloud old, how come?"

Looking at Zhuang Hao, Yun Ping said with some embarrassment, "I've come to have an unexpected request!"

Maybe it's the people in small towns who are naturally awed by the power, and Yunping's attitude is very low.

Zhuang Hao said generously, "please tell me, Mr. cloud."

Yunping pulls Yunhu and says, "I'm a grandson! In fact, I have good qualifications. I can't afford a famous teacher or a classic book. I've delayed him. I hope my grandson can follow you and see the world. I heard that your cousin is a businessman. I don't know if I can get a guard job for my grandson. "

Zhuang Qian came out this time with only four guards. Although the number of guards was smaller, they were all good hands.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "of course, it's just that you want to be a mercenary and marry the leader, aren't you

Cloud tiger blushed and said with some shame: "the recruitment of flying tiger mercenary team ended a month ago. Moreover, people should have experience, and the first level 3 fighter is not needed. Those who want to enter level 3 for more than two years, I am not strong enough and lack of experience!"

Qi Shaorong sat on the left carriage, shaking his legs, and said to himself: it's not easy to find an iron rice bowl in the past life, so it is in this life!

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "if Mr. cloud believes me, he will stay here. I'll let him be my cousin's guard for a while, and then I'll find a master for him when I have a chance in the future."

Yun pingman said gratefully, "in this way, I'm so grateful to you, Yun Hu. You'll stay in the convoy and obey me, you know?"

Cloud tiger nodded and said, "I know."

With Zhuang Hao's promise, Yun Ping left contentedly.


Seeing Yunping leave, Yunhu is relieved.

Yun Hu glanced at Zhuang Qian and touched Zhuang Hao with his elbow. He said mysteriously, "your cousin seems to be very skilled. Do you just leave me here? Would you like to ask him for instructions? "

Zhuang Hao said with indifference: " Don't worry, I'll do it for you. "

Cloud tiger blinked and said: "although I'm very happy that you said that, I think you're also relying on others now. It's better to be a little bit more restrained. If you're also driven out because of me, it's not very good.

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Zhuang Hao rolled his eyes and said, "you think too much."

Cloud Tiger: "..."

Looking at Zhuang Hao, cloud tiger asked uneasily, "how is your cousin's temper?"

"Very good. "Zhuang Hao said.

"Can he pay me if I stay?" Asked cloud tiger.

"Yes." Zhuang Hao said.

"Do you have ten gold coins?" Cloud tiger is extending two hands to ask a way.

Zhuang Hao glances at cloud tiger impatiently.

Cloud tiger looks at Zhuang Hao awkwardly, retracts one hand, way: "a month, five, five gold coins, can't be less."

Zhuang Hao: "..."


"What are you talking about?" Zhuang Qian came up and asked.

Zhuang Hao pointed to cloud tiger and said, "he will stay as a guard."

Cloud tiger heard Zhuang Hao's words, immediately stood up straight, like a primary school student waiting for the teacher's review.

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "I'll arrange it."

In front of Zhuang Hao, Yunhu is careless, but in front of Zhuang Qian, he is respectful.

However, cloud tiger was called by Zhuang Qian and talked with him for a while, which soon revealed itself.

"You said my cousin, cook in your house, boil water, cut wood, pick vegetables, kill pigs, catch fish?" Zhuang Qian said.

Cloud tiger nodded and said: "yes! Your brother's learning ability is very strong! A lot of things, he just started to do clumsy, after getting used to it, he did it quickly and well! "

Zhuang Qian twitches his lips and roars in his heart. Elder brother, you have suffered! Brother, I'm sorry for you!

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"You said, my cousin ran to your house to steal clothes?"

Cloud tiger nodded and said seriously: "yes! It's not easy for everyone to go out. Although his behavior is wrong, it's understandable. "

Zhuang Qian said stiffly, "it's true, it's true!"

Cloud tiger looks at Zhuang Qian, don't understand way: "what is true?"

Zhuang Qian shook his head and said, "nothing."

Cloud tiger looked at Zhuang Qian and said cautiously, "will you really pay me twenty gold coins a month?"

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "yes, if you are not sure, I can pay half a year's deposit in advance." Zhuang Qian takes out a purse and gives it to cloud tiger.Cloud tiger carefully caught the purse, excited eyes shine.

Zhuang Qianman looked at Yunhu uneasily and said: "this little brother, there's a way to say that you can't make a fool of yourself. In the future, don't tell me about my cousin." If you let the people of Huangdu know about elder brother's affairs, he may be able to occupy the first place in the topic list of Huangdu for at least one month.

Cloud tiger looked at Zhuang Qian and said, "don't worry, I will not talk about it in the future."


Cloud tiger came to Zhuang Hao's side and slapped him on the back.

"Thief, your cousin, is very generous! Look at the people who do great things. How can you have such a powerful cousin! You're lucky. After that, you'll follow your cousin and do a good job. You'll have a future. "

Qi Heng looked at cloud tiger with great interest, and said to Qi Shaorong, "young master, where is this stupid man from! It's funny. He seems to appreciate Zhuang Qian very much! "

Qi Shaorong smiled and said to himself, "cloud tiger is such a silly creature. He totally worshipped the wrong Bodhisattva.".

"This guy's sister is smart." It's a brother-in-law! So much for the brain!

"My cousin is very generous. You can do well with him. Otherwise, it's OK to eat pork every day!" Zhuang Hao said.

Cloud tiger patted Zhuang Hao on the shoulder and said gratefully: "brother, thank you. When I get out later, I will take you with me."

Zhuang Hao looked at cloud tiger and said, "I'll thank you first."

"Easy to say, easy to say." Cloud tiger's straightforward way.

Zhuang Qian sits in front of Zhuang Hao, quietly watching Zhuang Hao, Qi Shaorong holding his chin, sitting on one side of the play.

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Zhuang Hao glanced at him and said, "what are you doing, talking?"

Chuang Qian, with a sad face, said: "elder brother, the Millennium reputation of the banker will be destroyed in your hands."

Qi Shaorong laughs and says: "the reputation of the year when the dealer worked was destroyed early." If Zhuang Hao didn't cheat in the last moment of the hundred school war, he could have won more beautiful.

Zhuang Qian shook his head and said, "that's not the same. Last time, it was resourceful and resourceful. However, it's disgraceful to steal clothes. Even if you steal clothes that look better, they are still rags."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Qi Shaoying: "..." What's the matter? Zhuang Hao is a liar. He is resourceful!


Yunjia courtyard.

The skylark mended his clothes, and some worried said: "Grandpa, you will send your brother to be a guard, OK?"

Yun Ping smiled bitterly and said, "your brother can't make any progress in his life if he stays at home. It's good for him to go out and break."

Yuncui frowned and said, "but we don't know, the person's details!"

Looking at the lark, Yunping said: "to be successful, we should always take some risks. Those two in the family before are not simple people at first sight. Maybe your brother's achievements in the future will scare you. "

The lark smiled and said, "I hope so."


Zhuang Qian picked it in the morning and saw cloud tiger fighting.

Seeing Zhuang Qian coming out, cloud tiger politely approached him, "young master, you wake up!"

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "yes!"

"Young master, would you like something to eat? Do you want me to hunt a mountain pig for you? I once hunted a mountain pig that big. It's delicious! " Cloud tiger claps chest way.

Zhuang Hao walked out of the carriage, looked at cloud tiger, and said, "OK, when you were hunting mountain pigs, didn't you almost get killed? Don't be a stranger. "

Cloud tiger blushed, walked over, caught Zhuang Hao to one side, and said, "little white face, don't talk about it in front of your cousin!"

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"Why?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"Why? Your cousin is my boss now! I also expect him to raise my salary. If you say so, it will affect my image in his mind. " Cloud tiger way.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Cloud tiger turns to Zhuang Hao, who is vicious. When he faces Zhuang Qian, he smiles.

Zhuang Qian looks at cloud tiger's actions and has a strange feeling in his heart. He has met many people who despise him for his big brother's subservience. He is the first time to meet people who are kind to him and give orders to his brother. It's really a feeling Strange!


"Ah Qian, come here. I have something to say to you." Zhuang Hao said.

Cloud tiger looked at Zhuang Hao and said seriously, "don't speak ill of me."

Zhuang Hao glanced at cloud tiger and said, "don't worry, I have no time to talk about you."

Zhuang Qian nodded and walked towards Zhuang Hao.

Qi Heng looked at Qi Shaorong and whispered, "young master, where did Zhuang Hao get such a big living treasure?"

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "don't look down on him, that boy is very powerful."Qi Heng smiled and said, "the man who can make Master Zhuang Hao eat and hurt naturally is very powerful."

"Big brother, what's up!" Asked Zhuang Qian.

Zhuang Hao looked at Zhuang Qian and said, "we don't wait. Go straight to the cloud forest and avoid the blockade."

"Big brother, there are many poisonous things in the forest. It's not very safe!" Zhuang Qian said.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "I know that, but it's more dangerous to stay here. My whereabouts seem to have been revealed. I have a hunch that it's more auspicious to wait."

"But, elder brother, you and Qi Shao can't use their strength. I may not be able to protect you two." Zhuang Qian said.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "I didn't dare to count on you. Just protect yourself. Yi fan is nearby. Qi Heng contacted him and joined him in the cloud forest. Yi fan is proficient in poisons. With him, I don't have to worry about the fog in the cloud forest. My strength has begun to recover."

"Eh, isn't it going to take a month?" Zhuang Qian couldn't help but stare.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "it was so, but I have some recent encounters. The confinement of the forbidden ring seems to have loosened ahead of time."

Zhuang Qian took a sigh of relief and said, "that would be great. I'll inform them and prepare to open up."

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