Zhuang Qian and Zhuang Hao had a talk. When they came out, they announced their way.

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Cloud tiger heard to go, immediately full of excitement, men always have a desire to see the world, cloud tiger is the same.

Cloud tiger sits beside Qi Heng who drives, elder brother two good keep asking.

"Where are we going?"

"Is there any robbery on the way?"

"What kind of business do you do? How much can I earn? "

"How much do you pay? Now I have twenty gold coins a month. When can I get a raise? "


Qi Heng turned his head and looked at cloud tiger. He said impatiently, "boy, can you shut up?"

Cloud tiger embarrassed smile, way: "don't say, don't say!"

Cloud tiger didn't shut up much, and couldn't help saying, "boy, you are so thin, don't you usually have enough to eat? I've heard that pork is very expensive in big cities and towns. I don't have enough money to eat in big cities and towns.

Qi Heng closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, "yes! Pork is very expensive in big cities and towns. When you get to big cities, you don't want to eat meat. Eat bran and eat vegetables. You will soon become thin like me! "

Cloud tiger surprised to shout a, way: "ah! Not enough! Is the boss in charge of food? "

Qi Heng glanced at the frightened cloud tiger and said, "no matter."

Cloud tiger widens a pair of eyes, way: "all do not care rice!"! It's not very kind. "

Qi Heng lowered his head and said in secret: it's not easy, young master! Young master has been under such an idiot for more than ten days, but he is not crazy. Young master deserves to be young master.

Qi Heng frightens cloud tiger, but cloud tiger becomes silent a lot. Qi Heng finally gets a moment's peace.


The team galloped for two hours, and a black clad repairman stopped in front of the team.

"Enemy attack!" Cloud tiger takes the lead and rushes out with a machete.

Qi Heng looks at the back of cloud tiger and scolds: "idiot".

"Little thief, let me alone. You are going to be unlucky to have grandpa Hu here today!"

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The man in black waved and a water dragon came to the cloud tiger.

Cloud tiger is full of enthusiasm. It is cooled by the water dragon. Cloud tiger is rushed out by the water dragon and rolls on the ground for several times. His clothes are soaked.

Cloud tiger is full of guard looking at the man in black, Qi Heng looks at the person, but says: "you don't tease him, get on the car."

Cloud tiger heard Qiheng's words, can't help but be stunned.

Yi Fan glanced at cloud tiger and got into the carriage.

Cloud tiger some dazed looking at this scene, sat to Qi Heng side, asked: "how to return a responsibility?"

Qi Heng glanced at the cloud tiger and said lightly: "it's OK, my man. The cloud tiger frowned and said:" my man dressed like that? " A black body, how to look like what decent people.

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes! He likes to dress like that. "

Cloud Tiger: "..."

"He seems to be very good. His salary should be very high."

Qi Heng glanced at cloud tiger and said: "yes! It's very high. You can't imagine how high it is. His salary is enough for his shark fin and abalone every day

"He's so powerful. Can I take him as my teacher?" Asked cloud tiger.

"No way!"


"He only accepts smart people. You are too stupid to meet his standards." Qiheng road.

Cloud tiger frowned and said, "I'm not stupid at all. I killed a boar that big some time ago."

Qi Heng looked at cloud tiger and said to him, "I can't stop this guy's mouth. I don't know how young master and Zhuang Hao survived. When we get to cloud forest, I don't know if we can shut up.".


In the carriage, Qi Shaorong looks at Yi fan, smiles, and says, "I'm glad you can come, Ting Xuan?"

"He is still in Li kingdom. Young master, you and Zhuang Hao have moved to this area. However, it is speculated that someone should be watching over there." Yi Fan explained.

Looking at Yi fan, Qi Shaorong said, "if Ting Xuan stays alone in Li country, how can I do it..." Although, before he left, the power of the Mu family was not as strong as before, however, if the hundred foot insect died without rigidity, it would be bad if the Mu Yueshan dog jumped the wall.

"The place of adoration!" Yifan road.

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"He's there!" Muxing is a nine level cultivator with excellent strength. Muting Xuan has muxing around her, so safety can be guaranteed.

"Their father and son have let it go?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Yi Fan shook his head and said, "not yet, but it seems that the pavilion is a little loose."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "although the man of Moxing used to be pedantic, he is not incurable."

Yi Fan nodded and said, "yes!" Compared with easy to find, admiring is much better."How is the Mu family doing?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"Muyue mountain has been deprived of its power. Originally, Tingxuan wanted to completely destroy Mu's family. However, Mu Huai took out the hearts of the two wood spirits and gave them back to Tingxuan. He begged for a net to open up the pavilion, and the pavilion was relieved." Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong sighed and said, "two?"

Yi Fan nodded and said, "yes!"

"A guy like Mu Yueshan can have a son like Mu Huai." Qi Shaorong could not help sighing.

After all, it's just for the sake of admiring locust trees. It's a pity

Yi Fan looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "don't say that, young master, how are you doing this time?"? Qi Heng, the messenger told me that you have a very colorful life during this period. "

Qi Shaorong, with a black face, said, "it's OK."


The carriage penetrated the forest.

Cloud tiger looked at Qi Heng, frowning, and said: "is it wrong?"

Qi Heng shook his head and said without hesitation, "no..."


Looking at the scene in front of him, the cloud tiger said uncertainly, "but this forest, this is the cloud forest?"

Qi Heng looked at the cloud tiger, smiled and said, "yes, we are going to the cloud forest."

Cloud tiger Ya Guan looks at Qi Heng and says: "you You're kidding. "

Qi Heng smiled, put up the reins and got off the carriage. The mountain road is rugged, and the carriage can't pass at all. Next, we have to rely on it.

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"There is no way. Go and call people out. Next, you can only walk.

Cloud Tiger: "..."

The people in the team came out one after another. Qi Heng took a move and several carriages entered Qi Heng's space ring.

Cloud tiger can't help but stare, saying: "you You You are a space ring. You have a space ring. "

The heart of cloud tiger is pounding. The space ring is something cloud tiger has only heard of but never seen. As a result, it appears on a driver. Cloud tiger is surprised.

Qi Heng glanced at cloud tiger and said, "yes!"

Cloud tiger is full of envy to look at Qi Heng's hand, "where did you come from this ring?"

"My young master gave it."

"Your young master is so good! How rich and powerful it is to send a space ring! "

Qi Heng looked at cloud tiger and said impatiently: "what is a space ring? It's a long time, you know. My young master is very generous.

Cloud tiger looks at Qi Heng and says: "boy, what strength are you? I'm a level 3 fighter. You seem to be better than me! There are four levels. You see, I want to mix a space ring like you. How long does it take! "

"Next life." Qiheng road.

Cloud tiger looked at Qi Heng, frowned and said: "ah! What are you talking about! "

Qi Heng looked at cloud tiger and said: "I You want to mix a space ring, next life

Cloud tiger looks at Qi Heng and says wrongly: "you Don't be so direct when you talk! "


Cloud tiger follows Qi Heng and others to the deep forest.

Cloud tiger is a chatter, but no one is willing to talk to him, cloud tiger can not help being bored.

Cloud tiger turned around and saw Zhuang Hao carrying Qi Shaorong. The speed was not slow.

Cloud tiger cowardly walked to Zhuang Hao's side, said: "thief, how do you carry a Rong? Is he hurt? "

"No." Zhuang Hao simply replied.

Cloud tiger stared big eyes, way: "no, then what do you do to carry him?"

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"He doesn't like walking." There is one in the pre engagement agreement. If Qi Shaorong can't walk in the deep forest, Zhuang Hao will be responsible for his back.

Cloud tiger looked at Zhuang Hao's back Qi Shaorong, who closed the sun and raised his spirits. He couldn't help saying: "you are too used to him!"

Zhuang Hao glanced at cloud tiger and said, "it's nothing!"

"You know, thief, where is it?" Asked cloud tiger.

"Cloud forest." Zhuang Hao said.

Cloud tiger looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you know!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "of course I know!"

"What do you think of your cousin! It's an immortal choice to take this road. Isn't he tired of living and hastening to give birth? " Cloud tiger is full of complaints.

"You misunderstood."

"What did I misunderstand?"

"I decided to go this way, not him."

Cloud tiger looks at Zhuang Hao and says: "you You're going to kill people, you know? Cloud forest this place, it eats people, you know? "

Zhuang Hao looked at cloud tiger and said, "you think too much. Cloud forest is just a forest. How can you eat people?"

Cloud tiger looks at Zhuang Hao with twisted face, "you You You lunatic. "Zhuang Hao glanced at cloud tiger and said, "it's too late for you to go back."

Cloud Tiger: "..."

"Don't say that. There's a space ring in that man's hand. Is that guy your cousin's man? Your cousin's men have space rings! " Cloud tiger is full of envy.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Heng and said, "that's not my cousin's subordinate. That's my cousin's partner."

Cloud tiger if have thought of nodded, way: "it is a partner originally." Cloud tiger secretly estimates that Qi Heng has a bigger background.

"I said, a worker, so angry!"

Qi Shaorong looked at cloud tiger and said, "ah tiger! It's great to be a guard. "

"It's very good. The boss is very generous. The boss has a soft ear. He even listened to the thief and walked in the cloud forest. Isn't he looking for death? I haven't married a daughter-in-law yet. I don't want to die! " Cloud tiger cried.

Qi Shaorong looked at cloud tiger and said: "ah tiger! To be a man, you need to have the spirit of adventure. What's the big deal? "

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