Zhuang Hao enters the room and finds Qi Shaorong picking up the magic scroll.

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"When are you going to go to the place where God died?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"Five days later." Qi Shaorong didn't lift his head.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "so urgent?"

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and explained: "Master Yoda sent me a message, saying that there are many sea people looking for him to explore the land of the God of death. Master Yoda once left the land of the God of death. Those sea people hired him to be a guide. They are experts looking for Master Yoda, and they come from the sea people. It's hard to refuse."

"Five days later, Master Yoda and these people entered the land of the dead. If they missed this time, they would not know how long they would wait for the next time.

Zhuang Hao said with some dissatisfaction: "that old man, he didn't say that before. Besides, he didn't leave all over! Is it a total retreat to bring a worm out of your head? "

"Sooner or later, it's going to happen. In fact, I want to go as soon as possible." Qi Shaorong doesn't care.

JunShang's defense against him seems to be getting more and more serious. He has to improve his strength as soon as possible so that he can have enough say.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "well, if you want to die in the land of God, you must follow me."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK..."

Bi Liuyun opens the door and comes in.

Qi Shaorong looked at BI Liuyun and said, "Liuyun, how did you come?"

Bi Liuyun looks up at Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao and says, "young master, where you are going, I want to go too!"

Qi Shaorong looked at BI Liuyun and said, "do you think it's ok?"

Bi Liuyun nodded, "there may be a golden Mermaid family in the land of perishing."

Qi Shaorong hears the speech, also no longer obstructed.


Qi Shaorong arrived at the seaside, and Yoda, the night walker who received Qi Shaorong's message, arrived soon.

Yoda looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "Lord, please go now."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes!"

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Qi Shaorong pointed to bi Liuyun and Zhuang Hao and said, "can they join me?"

Yoda nodded to Zhuang Hao, and when she turned her eyes to bi Liuyun, she hesitated a little more. "Little fish, it's not easy for your family to produce a golden Mermaid. You are sure to go."

Qi Shaorong's heart sank. The identity of Bi Liuyun was indeed seen through.

Bi Liuyun looked at Yoda innocently, smiled and said: "what are you talking about, master? I can't understand a word. I'm human, not Fish. " Bi Liuyun wanted to say that it was not seafood, but thinking about the identity of the person in front of him, he changed it into fish.

Yoda stared at BI Liuyun for a long time, sighed, and said, "well, if you want to follow me, you should follow me. I am not the only one who went to the place of God. If you see someone else, you should be more restrained."

Qi Shaoying nodded.

Yoda turned into a sea dragon and said, "come to my back."

Zhuang Hao and others went to Yoda's back, and the black dragon roared into the sea, which was naturally separated by the black dragon.

Black dragon in the sea, flying for a long time, stopped in a sea area.

Through the sea water, Qi Shaorong saw more than ten sea people of different shapes.

Although black dragon has long said that there are other sea people, but at first, he saw more than a dozen sea people with different looks. At first sight, they were not good at stubble. Qi Shaorong felt a little cold.

"Master Yoda, how can you see so many people waiting for you?" A spider with a face saw the way of black dragon.

"Sylar, if you can't wait, you can go ahead yourself."

Spiderman smiled and said, "I'm just going to talk about it casually. Eh, you brought three people here, elder Yoda. Are you going to let everyone have a good meal before you start?"

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Spider man's eyes toward the blue cloud, eyes flashed a bit of coagulation, "this human some strange ah! The breath on my body is a little like our sea people. "

Yoda frowned and said, "that's enough. I brought them here to explore the land of the dead together, not for you."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Yoda looked at Qi Shaofu and said, "after a while, you stay close to me. If I can protect you, I will protect you. If I can't, you will have to ask for more happiness!"

Qi Shaorong nodded to show his understanding.

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A strong man of more than three meters in height lowered his head, came together, and put his huge head in front of Qi Shaorong. "Boy, you are the new Lord.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes!"

"don't you think your mask is too small?" At least, it should be twice as big. " The strong man is a huge whale. He is more than three meters tall and looks very strong.Qi Xiao Rong laughed two times, and said, "yes, I will adopt your suggestion. I will go back to develop the mask of large size immediately."

Hearing Qi Shaorong's reply, Juhan stood up satisfied.

"Cloud." A blue sea dragon swam over and turned into a human.

Qi Shaorong looked at Hailing's transformation, and couldn't help but be stunned. "Hailing Shaodong is here, too!"

Hailing nodded and said, "yes! I guess you'll come, too, so I'll take a count. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."


"Go in!" Yoda said.

Qi Shaorong followed the Black Dragon into a dark whirlpool. After a while, he entered the place where the God died.

Just entering the land of perishing God, Qi Shaorong felt a strong bloody begging.

Zhuang Hao looked at the sand at his feet and found that the sand in the land of the Dead God was red. It looked like it was dyed red by blood.

Qi Shaorong can't help but step back when a strange wind blows.

Zhuang Hao grabbed Qi Shaorong's hand and said, "are you ok?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "it's OK."

Spider man came over and said, "the murderous spirit of this place is very strong. If the strength is not enough, there will be a feeling of body being torn."

Qi Shaorong reluctantly smiled and said, "I see."

Spiderman looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "boy, you are good! I don't feel any pressure. You're very strong! "

"Why? I'm under a lot of pressure. " Zhuang Hao put a white stone in Qi Shaorong's hand, "take it."

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Qi Shaorong holds the stone. The stone soon disappears in Qi Shaorong's palm. At the same time, the heavy pressure disappears a lot.

"What do you give me!" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"The shingle, when activated, forms a protective film on the surface of the body." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you have such a good thing!

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "well, my grandfather left me for self-defense."

"Why didn't I see you take it out?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao took a look at Qi Shaorong and said, "because it's disposable.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Qi Shaorong went towards Bi Liuyun and said, "Liuyun, are you ok?"

Bi Liuyun shook his head and said quietly: "I'm fine!"

Zhuang Hao looked at BI Liuyun and said, "he is really good!" The mermaid's heart seems to protect bilianyun, so bilianyun is not affected.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said: all the experts came in. It's the most important thing for him. In this way, Qi Shaorong felt sad.

An octopus, floating like a ghost.

"Lord, do you feel cold?"

Qi Shaorong looks at the octopus in front of him, grabs Zhuang Hao's hand and says, "OK!"

"Do you want to come to my stomach? It's warm in my stomach!"

Qi Shaorong: "..." To die, he suddenly wanted to eat Octopus legs!

Zhuang Hao stopped Qi Shaorong behind him and said, "you are joking."

The black dragon turned around and looked at a group of sea monsters and said, "be careful, don't take it lightly!"

The ground began to vibrate violently, and a huge sea animal came out from under the sand.

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"Octopus!" Zhuang Hao frowned.

The octopus that came out was huge. The octopus that had been said to swallow Qi Shaorong was huge. However, in front of this octopus in the forbidden area, the octopus seemed to be a cub.

"Be careful, everyone." The place where the gods perished is the place where the ancient saints fell, leaving the blood of the ancient gods.

The monsters here grow very fast, but, in the same way, they are violent. Most of the monsters here are not intelligent, and they are bloodthirsty.

The octopus monster looked at the crowd and suddenly launched an attack.

Yoda took the lead to meet the octopus monster, and Zhuang Hao took Qi Shaorong to one side.

At the beginning, the sea people regarded Qi Shaorong and others as a burden brought by Yoda. Because Bu zhuangheo was in danger and took Qi Shaorong back, they did not cause other people's dissatisfaction.

Zhuang Hao defended Qi Shaorong to one side and joined the battle circle.

The attack methods of Haizu are different, with very strong ethnic characteristics.

The expert of the giant whale family uses the power of the giant whale. Unfortunately, the octopus with eight claws has good elasticity. The power of the giant whale is dispersed to all parts of the octopus.

The expert of the jellyfish family uses the method of injecting toxin. Unfortunately, the skin of the octopus sea demon is very thick. The expert of the jellyfish family can't pierce the skin of the octopus Luo beast, and the toxin attack doesn't work.

The expert of the electric eel family, uses the lightning attack.

The octopus and sea animals wave their tentacles to attack. Against the huge body shape of the octopus and Luo beast in the secret environment, the octopus together with Qi Shaorong and others looks small and tight.Zhuang Hao broke an octopus leg, a master of jellyfish family, and injected the toxin into the octopus.

Injected directly from the wound, the octopus's body suddenly softened and collapsed.

The rest of the sea people took the opportunity to rush in and solve the octopus.

Qi Shaorong went to the octopus and said, "your ancestor is dead."

The octopus sea animal is discontented and says, "little ghost, don't talk about it. It's not my ancestor."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I know, no, I don't think so."

Yoda looked at the crowd and said seriously: in the land of God, there are many monsters like this. Please be careful. "

"Senior, are there many such monsters in the whole place?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Yoda said with a dignified face: "many, very many, so there are so many people, never come back, in fact, sea animals are not the most dangerous place in the God meteor."

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