Qi Shaorong would like to ask Yoda, sea animals are not the most dangerous, what is the most dangerous, Qi Rong has no time to open his mouth, a strange wave came, Qi Shaorong has a sense of space split in a moment.

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When the wave stopped, there was only Zhuang Hao around Qi Shaorong.

"What's the matter!" Qi Shaorong looked around in a daze. This place is far away from where they came in. The scenery is different.

"We should have had a space storm before." Zhuang Hao said.

"Space storm?" Qi Shaorong is confused.

"I've heard that there were frequent space storms in ancient battlefields. Once a space storm blew up, all the people who were within the scope of the space storm were randomly transported to different places." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong grabbed his hair and said regretfully, "I would have expected you to take care of me, but now I can't."

"Master Yoda has too many people to look after, so he could not have expected too many." Zhuang Hao's indifferent way.

"Well, you haven't been sent anywhere else." Qi Shaorong said casually.

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Qi Shaorong touched the contract on his hand. For a while, he hated the contract on his hand. However, as time went on, Qi Shaorong gradually got used to it. Qi Shaorong secretly felt that he and Zhuang Hao could transmit to each other because of the contract.

In this ghost place, if you don't have a familiar person around you, it's really breaking.

Zhuang Hao was stunned for a moment, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qi Shaorong reluctantly smiled, some worried way: "Liuyun do not know where to go."

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "you don't have to worry about him. When the space storm blew up, I saw him and hailing were transported away together. Bilingun is of the sea nationality and protected by the heart of mermaid. His situation should be better than ours."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that's good."

Qi Shaorong suddenly raised his head and said, "I feel something in this direction."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "let's go to this place."


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Zhuang Hao walked along, suddenly stopped, with Qi Shaorong quickly retreated.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "what's the matter?"

A huge scorpion emerges from the sand.

"Ancient scorpion." Qi Shaorong couldn't help but stare.

The appearance of the scorpion is very large. Before the scorpion lurked under the sand and stone, the color is the same as the fine sand. Qi Shaorong did not find it.

The scorpion waves the big AO and rushes towards the two men. Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong leap behind the scorpion.

He pours on an empty scorpion, turns around and chases him angrily.

The roar of the ancient giant scorpion sounds like a death charm in Qi Shaorong's ear.

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Qi Shaorong can't help swallowing saliva. The ancient giant scorpion is extinct. Qi Shaorong didn't expect to see this kind of scorpion in the place where he died. This kind of scorpion is said to be very poisonous. If you bite it, you will die.

Zhuang Hao frowned with Qi Shaorong and said, "isn't this Octopus the one we came with before?"? How come there's only half of it. "

Sylar stared, his eyes flashed a little sad, "because of the storm of space."

Qi Shao killed some confused way: "before the space storm?"

Sylar nodded and said, "when the space storm comes, it will send people to different places, but the octopus's luck is very bad. The space storm divides its body into two parts, and the body is sent to two different places."

Qi Shaorong listened to Sylar's words, and had a kind of creepy feeling. Qi Shaorong suddenly thought of the words of elder Yoda. The most terrible place in the sky is not a monster. Encounter fierce monster, can still escape at least, but, encounter space storm, but can only rely on luck.

"What's coming? We're going to hide. " Zhuang Hao said suddenly.

"Boy, what's coming? How can I feel nothing! Are you mistaken! " Said Sylar.

As soon as Zhuang Hao's foot was chopped, there was a deep pit in the sand and stone depression at his foot. Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao entered the temporary pit.

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After a while, a sharp neighing came, and the sound of thousands of troops galloping past.

"The transit of Yin soldiers." Zhuang Hao felt the empty shadow road rushing by outside.

Saler breathed a sigh of relief and said, "it's good that Zhuang Shao can react quickly. If you encounter Yin soldiers head-on, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"What is a hell soldier?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Seiler shook his head and said, "it's a very strange existence. Some people say it's the anger accumulated by the heroes who died in the battlefield. Others say it's the soul of the dead."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"What if we had a positive encounter?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Sylar frowned and said: "he will be crazy. Three years ago, a saint level expert of Hailong nationality met the transit of Yin soldiers in the secret land. He went crazy soon after he went back. When he got mad, six relatives didn't recognize him and killed his son. When he was hard to wake up, he couldn't bear this kind of attack and committed suicide."Qi Shaorong: "..."

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