Mill is crying back to the tiger tribe stall.

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Xin Ya looks at mill and runs back, frowns and says to the soldier: "is mill angry and crying?"

"Maybe, I didn't notice." A soldier on one side said.

Kaifeng, who happened to return to the tribal stall, said: "I heard that she went to find Fred. However, I heard that Fred likes males now and has no interest in females."

Xin Ya squints her eyes and says to her, "he went to find out about Fred before. He also told mill that Fred is not interested in her. Mill, it's still not up to him!"!

Jesse came over and smirked, "mill still can't help finding Fred! Fred got sick and even changed his sexual orientation. It seems that it's impossible for mill to mend with Fred. "

Kaifeng patted Jesse on the shoulder and said, "don't be sad, mill doesn't like you. There are still many females in the tribe who may like you."

Jesse smiled faintly. At the beginning, he would pursue mill, because mill is the person Fred likes. Now Fred doesn't like mill, and he doesn't feel much about mill, so there's no loss.


Qi Shaorong looked at the people coming back, smiled and said: "you are back, what is the harvest?"

Fred shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, doctor, I can't find the mixed fruit and Yin Yang grass."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said: "it seems that these two things are not very easy to find! However, it doesn't matter. It will take a long time. "

Fred smiled and said, "doctor, I'll have a rest first."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK!"

Qi Shaorong looked at xinduolei in confusion and said, "xinduolei, how can I feel that your brother seems to be tired?"

Hindley thought for a moment and said, "maybe because my brother said that he likes males, and then a lot of tribal people pestered him to ask if he really doesn't like females, so he was a little upset."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Fred can be regarded as a tourist now. Ordinary tourists who are expelled from the tribe will be rejected by other tribes. However, Fred is not the same. Fred is a three-star totem warrior. Many of these tribes want to absorb Fred and Hindley into the tribe.

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Whether a tribe is strong or not depends largely on the number of totem fighters.

Qi Shaorong looked at Xin duolei and said, "your brother really doesn't like females?"

Hindley nodded and said, "that's what elder brother said."

Qi Shaorong: "..."


Bill came in, his face a little complicated: "doctor, there's news!"

Qi Shaorong raised his head and said, "really? Some people have Yin and Yang grass, or do they have fruit? "

Bill shook his head and said, "no, but there's a tribe who knows where there's a fruit. They only know where it's and they don't get it."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "it's not bad."

"He needs thirty blood pearls to get the message." Bill said.

Qi Shaorong turned a white eye, "I want to sell 30 blood beads with one message! When I am the wrong leader! " According to Qi Shaorong, he Guo, although he Guo cherished some, should not have cherished it to such a degree.

Bill nodded and said, "yes! This offer is a little high. "

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "wait a little longer."

Bill nodded and said, "OK."

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said: "thirty blood beads, he can't afford it, but the other side's price is so high, he may not really want to trade. Qi Shaorong has a feeling, maybe the other side wants to test how many blood beads they have.

Bill nodded and said, "the price is a little high."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said to himself: anyway, they can't go back for a while. We can take time to do the things about he Guo and Yin Yang grass. The most important thing is to improve our strength. Yin Yang grass and he Guo are said to grow in very dangerous places. Even if we have news, it's useless to fight.

Qi Shaorong and other people temporarily put he Guo and Yin Yang grass aside, but paid attention to some other things.

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There were many good things in the tribal meeting. Fred exchanged many things according to Qi Shaorong's request, and successively sold more than 20 blood beads.

The value of blood spirit beads is amazing. There are many people in need. Fred exchanges blood spirit beads for materials from other tribes. The others are very excited. Wherever Fred goes, there are people who are close to him.


Fred went into the room, looked at Qi Shaorong, and said, "doctor, the tribal meeting is almost over. I think we are ready to go."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK."

"Doctor, the tribal chief who said that he Guo is missing has reduced the price to ten blood spirit beads. Are you still interested?" Asked Bill.Qi Shaorong turned a white eye. Before that, the chief of that tribe opened his mouth to thirty, and Qi Shaorong immediately refused. Although he cherished the fruit, it was not so precious. Besides, the chief only knew the location of the fruit, not the fruit.

"Ten blood beads are still a little expensive." Qi Shaorong said.

Bill nodded and said, "yes!" Although the price has dropped to one-third of the original, it is still a little expensive. Ten blood beads can be replaced by ten females.

Qi Shaorong said to bill, "wait a little longer." When it comes to business, sometimes it depends on each other's patience.

Bill nodded and said, "all right." Bill said in secret: at the beginning, my tribe lost five warriors to get away with six blood beads from bat cave. The big river tribe wanted to exchange a large number of blood beads for a good news, which was a bit unkind.

Hindley was on the way, stopped by Jesse.

Hindley looked at Jesse and asked displeased, "what can I do for you?"

"The tribe wants to trade you for some blood beads." Jesse said with a cold face.

"No," said cindolei

Jesse looked at cindolei and said, "cindolei, you were also a member of the flying tiger tribe. Do you want to do business with so many tribes? Are you not willing to do business with the flying tiger tribe? The tribe has raised you so big! "

Hindley turned his eyes and said to himself: when he was in the tribe, his brother always paid more and got less, but Jesse said that the tribe seemed to have great kindness to them.

"The flying tiger tribe doesn't have what my brother and I want. I can't change it if I want to!" Cindore said.

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"What do you want!"

"He fruit and Yin Yang grass, do you have them?" said Hindley

Jesse said unhappily, "you're a tough guy."

Hindley shrugged and said, "there's no way. You can't let my blood pearl be so precious. Go and get a pile of rags."

Jesse looked at Hindley and said discontentedly, "what do you say?"

Cindolei raised his fist and said, "you know what I'm talking about! Come on, don't play hard with me, Jesse, you're not my match now. " Hindley smiled, revealing his white teeth.

Jesse had a momentary feeling of congestion in her head and redness in her eyes.

"I'll go first." Hindley said with a smile.

Jesse looked at Hindley's back and was filled with rage.

Jesse bit his teeth and said, "30 years of Hedong, 30 years of Hexi!"! Cindolei, this stinky boy, actually has a tough word with him.


Xin duolei came in with a young man. Qi Shaorong looked at the young man Xin duolei brought in and said, "Xin duolei, who is this! Did you get along? It's very spiritual! "

Hindley blushed and said, "doctor, don't be kidding!"

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "well, who is this guy?"

Qi Shaorong's eyes flashed a little bit of interest. Loga looked as big as cindolei, but the breath overflowed from his body was extremely horrible. When loga's eyes looked over, Qi Shaorong couldn't help but counseled him. Loga had a pair of blood red eyes, which seemed a little scary.

"I've met the doctor, I'm loga." The light way of loga.

Cindore snapped: "loga said he knew the news of Heguo."

Qi Shaorong looked at Luojia and said, "Oh, how much blood pearl do you need to pay?"

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"I don't need blood beads," said Roga, frowning

Qi Shaorong full is puzzled way: "do not want blood spirit bead, what do you need?"

"Hindley said, your medical skills are very strong. His brother was dying of illness before. You saved his brother. I want you to help my brother." Roga said.

"Why don't you find sacrifices from other tribes?" Qi Shaorong asked in bewilderment.

Qi Shaorong said in secret: Although he saved some people, it is not a sacrifice. If people from other tribes want to find sacrifice, they should not be the first choice.

Loga's face flashed a bit of embarrassment. In fact, he had already found many people, but no one was willing to help.

"Loga and his brother are tourists." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong full is surprised way: "is it?" The reputation of tourists is relatively poor, and ordinary people will not accept it.

Qi Shaorong didn't know that people with red eyes were cursed by God in the eyes of Shenxue people, so Luojia had been living outside the tribe.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "how is your brother?"

"He was bitten by a viper, his face getting worse and worse." Roga said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said: "it's poisonous! I'm not sure about it. "

"Doctor, would you like to see my brother with me?" Asked Logan, looking forward.

Qi Shaorong looked at loga and said, "yes, but you know, I'm not absolutely sure.""I understand. If the doctor agrees with me, I hope you can visit my brother as soon as possible. He is dying." Roga said.

It has been many days since loga came to the tribal assembly. He paid more than a dozen skins before he was able to enter the city. After entering the city, he visited several sacrifices. However, no one was willing to help him, and loga was in despair.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK!"

Roga nodded and said happily, "thanks a lot for the doctor's help."

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