Xinduolei looked at Qi Shaorong and asked curiously, "doctor, are you afraid?"

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Qi Shaorong looks at xinduolei puzzled, "afraid? What are you afraid of! "

"Afraid of loga!" Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong full is puzzled way: "why to be afraid!"! That's not a kid. He looks like he's not much older than you. Is he more powerful than your brother? "

Hindley smiled awkwardly and said, "that's not true, but doctor, didn't you find his eyes were red?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "well, I found out. Is there any problem?"

"People with red eyes are said to be cursed by God. If such people appear in any tribe, the tribe will be destroyed." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong asked curiously, "really?"

Hindley shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"It's a little strange, isn't it red eyes?" Qi Shaorong said in secret: he has seen so many monsters in the magic world. A big red eyed fool wants to frighten him and despises him too much.

Qi Shaorong looked at Xin duolei and said, "why, are you afraid?"

Hindley shook his head and said, "no!"

"Really?" Asked Qi Shaorong. He is not afraid, because he is not a person of the world, but xindorei is deeply poisoned by the world thought!

"A little." Cindore said.

"Why help him!" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Hindley smiled and said, "it's nothing. It just feels like me."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "OK, it's almost done. Go and clean it up quickly. Look at the guy's appearance. It seems that he's in a hurry."


Luojia walked in front of him, looked at Qi Shaorong and others from time to time, and said, "it's in front."

Loga's face was a little nervous. He looked back from time to time. He was afraid that Qi Shaorong and others would change their mind and run away!

Qi Shaorong and others followed Luojia to a cave.

There was a weak man in the cave. The man's face was very painful, his legs were black, the wound was festering, and he was a little dead.

Qi Shaorong took a look at Yi Fan and said, "I'm not good at this. Come on."

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Yi Fan nodded and said, "it's OK."

Yi Fan cuts open the man's wound and draws out the poisonous blood. Loga watches nervously. Yi Fan's method is very sophisticated. The poisonous blood is soon forced out and the dark blood flows all over the place.

Yi fan forced out poisonous blood for the man and prescribed a pair of medicine for the man.

Loga was on the side, seeing that Anbo's face had improved, and then he was relieved a little.

Loga came out of the cave. Qi Shaorong waved to loga and said, "haven't eaten yet, do you want some?"

Loga smiled and said, "OK!"

Luo Jia sat down beside Qi Shaorong and said in some confusion, "is doctor not afraid of me?"

Qi Shaorong looked at Luojia and said, "my courage is not as small as you think. You are the only one who wants to scare me. Next life."

Loga: "..."

"Doctor, it's different from ordinary people!" Roga said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "of course, how can ordinary people compare with me?"

Loga: "..."

Yi Fan came out, Qi Shaorong looked at Yi Fan and asked, "how is the situation?"

Yi Fan said lightly: "the poisonous blood has been drawn out. It should be OK."

Qi Shaorong blinked and said, "it's very powerful!"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "it's nothing. You know, I have a deep research on snake venom."

"Thank you." Loga went to Ivan and saluted.

Yi Fan glanced at loga and said, "you're welcome. It's just a trade. You know we're for the sake of the result."

"When my brother recovers, I'll take you right away," he said

Yi Fan nodded and said, "OK."

"Is that place dangerous?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Loga shook his head and said, "well, don't worry. I'll get you the fruit."


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Qi Shaorong follows Luojia to a forest with dense trees. Qi Shaorong hears the monkey "squeaking" from a long distance.

Cindoreman was worried. "Is the fruit in the monkey's territory?"

Roga nodded and said, "yes."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong looked at xinduolei a little puzzled and said, "is monkey very dangerous?"

"Of course, it's dangerous. The monkey's strength is very strong. The monkey king's strength is comparable to that of the totem strong. Moreover, when the monkey fights, they have no scruples at all. They can throw their own excrement." Cindore said.Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and said, "that sounds terrible!"

Hindley nodded solemnly and said, "yes!"

Luojia smiled at Qi Shaorong and others and said: "nothing."

Loga's blood colored eyes were a little frightening, but when he laughed, he felt a little warm and harmless.

There was a roar from loga and several monkeys came out.

Qi Shaorong looked at Luojia and said curiously, "can you control the monkeys?"

"When I was a child, I saved a monkey of the monkey group. Now that monkey has become the monkey king. For so many years, I have been living with the monkey group." Roga said.

Qi Shaorong was stupefied for a moment and said, "I see."

"The monkeys are afraid of people. You can't go in all of them." Roga said.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "let me go in with you."

Roga nodded and said, "OK."

Loga looked at Zhuang Hao and wondered. In general, people with the body shape of Zhuang Hao are underdeveloped in the tribe. However, loga found that among the troops, Zhuang Hao is higher than Fred, a three-star totem warrior. However, Zhuang Hao is not even a totem warrior.

Although there was some doubt in his mind, Roga didn't ask much.

After getting the Heguo, Zhuang Hao and others found a place beside bat cave to stabilize and form an alliance with Dashi tribe.

Because of their gratitude to Ivan for saving his life, the Logan brothers followed him after they had settled down.


Qi Shaorong and others set up a temporary settlement near Dashi tribe.

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Qi Shaorong didn't want to live in the cave before the winter.

People are building houses in full swing. People from Dashi tribe have also sent some people to help.

"Brother, how did you get out?" Loga looks at the anchorage.

Anbo smiled and said, "I'm ready to help."

"It doesn't matter if you take a rest for a while," said Roga, looking at Anbo

Anbo smiled and said, "I'm very happy. You are willing to come out." Luojia and Anbo brothers have always lived with monkeys. Although monkeys are good to their brothers, Anbo always feels that it is better to contact people.

Loga smiled and said, "it's not bad here." The Fred brothers are very interesting. Qi Shaorong and others don't care about his red eyes at all.

Qi Shaorong came to the two men and said, "the sheep are roasted and ready to eat."

"Thank you, doctor," said amberman gratefully

Qi Shaorong waved and said, "you're welcome."

The strength of Luojia and Anbo is not low. With the participation of two people, the strength of Qi Shaorong and others will be stronger.


Dashi tribe.

"The patriarch, the doctor, has lured loga and Anbo to his side." Bill said.

The patriarch of Dashi nodded and said: "loga is a strong totem! The strength of Anbo is not bad. The strength around doctors is really strong now. "

The chief of Dashi clandestine way: there are only one or two totem strongmen in general small tribes, five or six middle-sized tribes, and more than a dozen big tribes. Qi Shaorong's group has few people, but their personal strength is powerful.

"Patriarch, what shall we do?" Asked Bill.

"Try to make good friends with each other. The strength of each other is so strong. Although there are many people in our tribe, the strength is not so good." The head of Dashi clan.

Bill nodded and said, "yes, but the doctor is really brave. It is said that people with red eyes are cursed and will bring bad luck to people around them."

The patriarch of Dashi thought for a moment and said, "the doctor has the ability. Maybe he is not afraid."

"You met the people of the flying tiger tribe at the meeting?" Asked the patriarch of Dashi.

Bill nodded and said, "yes! There should be no turning around for the Fred brothers and the Flying Tigers. "

Big stone clan chief smiled and said, "it's no wonder Fred didn't want to be a big enemy because the flying tiger tribe treated Fred brothers so badly."

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Bill smiled and said, "Fred's former fiancee seemed to have been trying to get back together with him at the tribal meeting."

"I heard that Fred doesn't like females now, isn't it true?" big stone said, squinting his eyes

Bill nodded and said, "I think it's true. I see a lot of females making advances to him, but he didn't pay attention to them."


Qi Shaorong looked at Heguo, looked at xinduolei curiously, and said: "how to use this fruit!"

"If you want to have a child, you should feed the fruit with fresh blood. If you keep feeding it for a month, the bigger the fruit will be, and then there will be a child coming out." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong nodded, smiled and said, "that's it!"Qi Shaorong said in secret: it's like a gourd baby coming out.

Xinduolei looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "doctor, do you and Zhuang Hao want children now?"

Qi Shaorong smiled dryly and said, "yes!"

"Are you sure?" Asked Hindley.

Qi Shaorong looked at Xin duolei's face, smiled and asked, "what do you think is wrong?"

Xindorei shrugged and said: "there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that you and Zhuang Hao look like children. You're sure you can raise children, ah! You are both short, and the children you raise must be short. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Xin duolei looks at Qi Shaorong and scratches his head awkwardly. "Doctor, I just want to talk about it."

Qi Shaorong smiled and looked at the man at the door. "I know," he said

Zhuang Hao holds his arms and stands at the door. He looks at Xin duolei with an ugly face. Xin duolei looks at Zhuang Hao's appearance, and suddenly feels a little bit more bad.

"Ah Hao, you have come back so early!" Cindoregan said with a smile.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "well, I've beaten a mountain pig. I think I have all the rations these days."

Xinduolei smiled and said, "ah Hao, you are so powerful!"

Zhuang Hao grabs xinduolei's clothes and says, "where can I have xinduolei? It's still early. Let's have a competition."

"Ah Hao, I'm joking," said cindory, with a smile on her face

Zhuang Hao took xindorei's clothes and said, "you're kidding. I'm not kidding."

Zhuang Hao said in secret: when Qi Shaorong pretended to be a evil doctor, he always thought he was small. It's not easy. Qi Shaorong didn't mention this. Xin duolei, an idiot, actually said he was small. Why is he small?

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