Qi Shaorong takes a map from Shen Yuan. All the students who enter the secret world are given a map. Qi Shaorong and Shen Yuan basically have the same map. The only difference is that there are nine other moving points on Shen Yuan's map, representing the positions of other students in Shenghuang college.

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Qi Shaorong takes down the map of Shen Yuan and a few pieces of colorful stones. He launches Shen Yuan's transmission talisman and sends Shen Yuan out of the secret place.

Qi Shaorong watched Shen Yuan's figure disappear, and a bright smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. He scolded "idiot"

After a vertigo, Shen Yuan was sent out of the secret place.

Shen Yuan's face turned red when he realized that the eyes of people outside the secret world were focused on him.

Shen Yuan is so ashamed that his face is hot. Shen Yuan's face is not good. Lu Ming's face is not good either. Lu Ming didn't expect that the first one to be eliminated would be Shen Yuan, who he valued. He thought it was Qi Shaorong.

There's a saying: Shen Yuan has a sense of being thunderstruck before he finishes school.

Hu Feng smiled at Shen Yuan and said, "Shen classmate! You should know how to listen to other people's opinions when you are a man. Shaorong told you that you should pay more attention to cultivation. If you don't listen, you will suffer losses. "

Shen Yuan: "..."

Road name: "..."

Lu Ming looks at Hu Feng and says, "Hu Feng, don't be complacent. There are many experts in our Shenghuang college."

Hu Feng nodded and said, "yes! It's a pity that you didn't remind them to be careful when meeting my apprentice. "

Li Hong, the vice principal beside Hu Feng, looked at Hu Feng admiringly and said, "headmaster, you still have a brilliant eye! I thought you were going to sell our college for money. "

Hu Feng snorted and said, "do you think the headmaster is the kind of person who is open to money?"

"Of course you are not, principal." Li Hong said with an embarrassed face.

Shen Yuan is a little frustrated. Zhuang Qian pulls Shen Yuan aside and says, "brother Shen Yuan, is Qi Shaorong very powerful? How can you be killed by him? Is it too easy for you to defeat the enemy? "

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Shen Yuan: "he is very powerful..."

"I said, how can evil doctors see a waste? It turns out that it is hidden! He's so fierce. It's difficult for my brother to pursue evil medicine. " Zhuang Qian's worried way.

Shen Yuan: "..." Shen Yuan looks at Zhuang Qian, who is full of worry, and says to himself: he has been kicked out. Zhuang Qian doesn't worry about him at all. He only knows how to worry about Zhuang Hao's pursuit of his wife. It's really bad for his friends.


Qi Shaorong's sudden rise, secret overseas, countless people's eyes are gathered in Qi Shaorong.

A cultivator dressed in Tian LAN college contestant's clothes appeared behind Qi Shaorong.

"Is it over? I just felt the magic wave here. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "it's over. I just kicked Shen Yuan out."

"Is it? If you lose such a big face, you may not be able to guarantee the number of seven shows in the capital of Shen Yuan. " Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong showed a brilliant smile and went with the flow. "I've seen him go with the flow for a long time. I kicked that guy out, and my heart finally went with the flow."

Shen Yuan, who lives outside the secret country, looks at Qi Shaorong's mouth shape and has a violent convulsion. What evil has he done!

Li Hong was puzzled and said, "president, did you tell the other participants about Qi Shaorong?"

Qi Shaorong said that he kicked Shen Yuan out of the game, and the trainee didn't even doubt it.

Hu Feng shook his head and said, "no!"

Qi Shaorong is his trump card, Hu Feng has always felt that Qi Shaorong's situation, the college in addition to him, no one knows.

"What is the origin of the trainee who spoke with Qi Shaorong?" Asked Hu Feng.

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Hu Feng has been busy training Qi Shaorong during this period of time. He doesn't pay much attention to the college trials.

"It's a civilian student named Qian Mian, who has studied in the college for three years and rarely appeared. He is a loner in his daily life and has a gloomy personality. Many students in the college know him, but they don't have a deep impression on him. When I gave them special training, I was lucky to participate in the selection and made it all the way to the finals. He is a level-5 water magician." Li Hongdao.

Li Hong frowned. Among the nine contestants except Qi Shaorong, Qian Mian was very inconspicuous. Li Hong read the competition record in front of him, only thought that he was lucky. His opponent would make mistakes at the last moment, and let him win. Li Hong could not help suspecting that Qian Mian was hidden.

Li Hong didn't know that Yi fan has two identities in Tianlan college, one is Yi fan, the other is Qian Mian. Qian Mian's identity is forged by Yi fan. With this identity, Yi fan becomes a water magician student of Tianlan college, and can freely access the advanced book area of the college.

Hu Feng frowned and said in secret: Qi Shaorong has many secrets! This guy and Qianmian should be old friends.

In a secret place.

Qi Shaorong took out a box and opened it. Seeing the things in the box, Lu Ming could not help twitching his lips. "Hu Feng, what is your apprentice doing?"In the box, there are ten human skin masks, imitating the ten contestants of emperor college.

Hu Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "I don't know!"

Hu Feng frowned. He knew that Qi Shaorong had placed a heavy bet on Tianlan college first in the major gambling houses. Although Hu Feng hoped that his college would be the first, he thought Qi Shaorong was too radical. The first five bets were almost the same. Now it seems that Qi Shaorong had made full preparations for the bet.

Qi Shaorong takes out a human skin mask and pastes it on Yi Fan's face, which suddenly becomes Shen Yuan's face.

Qi Shaorong gave the map of Shen Yuan to Yi Fan and said: "according to this map, you can find other people in Shenghuang college. If you can kick out a few, you can kick out a few. I've got a million gold coins. I bet Tianlan college is the first. Shenghuang college is really a bit of a prick."

Yi Fan nodded and said, "I know."

"Work hard! If I can't get rid of those guys, I'm going to die. I've borrowed a lot of foreign money for this competition. " Qi Shaorong said.

Yi Fan nodded and said, "I'll do my best."

Yi Fan's eyes are shrunk, his staff is waved, and the ice formula of ice system flies out. The students hiding in the dark are suddenly frozen into ice sculptures by Yi fan.

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Qi Shaorong looked at the distance, eyes shrunk, "someone?"

Yi Fan looked at the distance and said, "it's like Jiao Xing from Feiling college. He has contracted with the driller and has a first-class sneaking ability."

"Throw it out." Qi Shaorong's cold way.

Yi Fan knocks off the ice on Jiao Xing, takes the things that Jiao Xing can use, starts the transmission talisman on Jiao Xing, and sends people out of the secret place.

Qi Shaorong turned his head and looked at Yi Fan and said, "you know a lot about people from other colleges."

"Before you came in, you knew the competitors from other colleges, didn't you?" Yi fan asked Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "I've been studying how to deal with Zhuang Hao."

Yi Fan looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "have you come up with a way?"

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "if everything goes well, it won't be a problem."

Yi Fan smiled and said, "that's good..."

Li Hong opened his eyes wide and said, "president, is this Qianmian student also the trump card of xuezang in our college? Headmaster, you know that Qi Shaorong is a hidden expert. You must know something about this classmate

Hu Feng: "..." Qi Shaorong found his own door, otherwise he would not know that Qi family is such a tough role.

As for this Qianmian, he didn't have any impression at all. However, when the other side made a move, he froze the level 5 students of Feiling college into ice sculptures. It can be seen that the strength of this guy is not much worse than Qi Shaorong.

What's more, if he's right, this guy can also cast magic in a flash. Is that another spirit power of Tianpin?

Hu Feng frowned and said to himself, "I'm confused. I have such a number one talent in my college, but he hasn't found it all the time.".

Qi Shaorong and Yi Fanbing left the spot at the same time.

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Secretly, Shen Yuan looks at the person with his face on his head and shivers.

"Qi Shaokang did me harm!" Shen Yuan hates.

I knew that when I met Qi Shaorong, he would just dodge! Why does he want to pay attention to Qi Shaokang? He wants to kick Qi Shaorong out of the secret place. Well, he has been kicked out, and there are still people pretending to be him.

Zhuang Qian blinked and said, "brother Shen Yuan, that guy is really like you. I can't see what's the difference between you and him."

Lu Ming looked at Hu Feng and said with gnashing teeth, "you teach your students such a shameless way!"

Hu Feng knew nothing about Qi Shaorong's plan, but faced with Lu Ming's question, Hu Feng choked his neck and said, "what is shameless method? This is strategy. Do you understand the strategy?"

Road name: "..."


Several people who came to watch the battle were shocked.

"Is that Qi Shaorong? Is that Qi Shaorong

Qi Shaofu's eyes widened, and he always sympathized with the fourth brother. Especially after the family craftsman was chased out, it's no wonder that Qi Shaorong was expelled from the family. He didn't worry about it at all. The strength of the other side might be that he was happy to be expelled from the Qi family.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "how could this happen?"

"Is the family really confused?" Qi Shaofu's heart unconsciously doubted a little more?

Qi Shaoru pursed her lips and gradually calmed down. No matter how excellent Qi Shaorong was, he had been expelled from his family and Zhuang Hao had already retired.

An elder of the Qi family frowned and said: "Shaofu, when Qi Shaorong comes out, go to him and tell him what happened before. It's a misunderstanding. The Qi family welcomes him back at any time."

Qi Shaoru: "elder, how can we..."

"You also said, how could the family have made such a decision if you hadn't yelled that Qi Shaorong had been adopted by the evil doctor?" The way that the elder of Qi family is unhappy.Originally, the elder of Qi family thought that evil medicine was so good to Qi Shaorong, and there was a kind of improper relationship between them. However, after Qi Shaorong showed his strength, the elder of Qi family didn't think so, and Qi Shaorong and evil medicine mostly shared the same feelings.

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