Secret territory.

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"Shen Yuan, you are here. Come to help. This monster is a little tricky." Zhao he of Shenghuang college was full of excitement when he saw Shen Yuan.

"Shen Yuan" looked at Zhao he and said, "hold on a little longer. I'll come right away."

"Shen Yuan" threw a pile of reels, which were half smashed on the monster and half on Zhao he.

"Where are you going?" Zhao he's in a bad temper.

Shen Yuan attacked Zhao he calmly, and Zhao he was attacked by Shen Yuan.

"Shen Yuan, you bastard, you are crazy."


Outside Phoenix Valley, Shen Yuan looks at Zhao he, who is in a hurry. He takes a deep breath. It's none of his business! He is innocent. Qianmian is such a scum!

"Shen Yuan" captured the colorful stones on Zhao he, activated the transmission talisman on Zhao he, and transmitted people out.

Less than three days after the competition, two students of Shenghuang college were sent out, and their faces were livid with anger.

Zhao he swears as soon as he comes out. When he sees Shen Yuan outside the secret area, he is stunned.

Shen Yuan Dynasty Zhao River embarrassed smile, Zhao River can not help but tighten the brow.

Lu Mingming rushes towards Hu Feng and says, "you Did you direct it? Hu Feng, do you want to be shameless? "

"Yes, I did." Hu Feng held up his head and chest.

"A big husband should be open and aboveboard. You are a son of a bitch." Lu Ming stares at his eyes and looks like he is going to eat Hu Fengsheng.

"You don't need to be deceitful. You know what! Lu Ming, do you think your college will be the first this time? It's so beautiful. Let me tell you, your college will still be the first this time, but it's the last one. Ha ha... " Hu Feng laughed happily.

"Hu Feng, you need to fight!" The way of gnashing teeth.

Hu Feng grinned and said, "just fight! I'm afraid of you! "

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Lu Ming and Hu Feng's battle became a group. The rest of the spectators hid away. Once they were involved in the battle, they didn't know how to die.


Sun Lin breathed out a breath and said, "I really thought that the president was confused for the funds of the college. It turned out that way."

"Yes! I should not object to the headmaster because he has a long-term vision and a keen eye. " Li Hong was both pleased and apologetic.

"How could it be." Zhuang Ling whispered, biting his lips.

Zhuang Hao said that evil medicine is a light magician! How can I become a dark magician? Light magic and dark magic are always opposite! If one practices both light magic and dark magic, one should discard the meridians and burst the body. Don't you guess wrong, evil medicine is evil medicine, Qi Shaorong is Qi Shaorong, they are just friends.

Sun Lin looked at Zhuang Ling and said, "what's wrong with you, Master Zhuang Ling?"

Zhuang Ling shook his head and said, "nothing."

Sun Lin looks at Zhuang Ling and smiles, saying: "Master Zhuang Ling, do you know anything? From the beginning, you seem to be very optimistic about Qi Shaorong!"

"I believe in the principal." Zhuang Ling's light way.

"The four little Qi family is very different from the rumor." Sun Lin said.

Zhuang Ling smiled and said, "yes!"


In less than seven days, four students of Shenghuang college were sent out of the secret place. Lu Ming's face was gloomy and dripped water, but Hu Feng's look was very good.

Hu Feng and Lu Ming have been at loggerheads for many years. In this competition, all felt that Shenghuang college was a safe winner. As a result, Tianlan college suddenly played two tough roles, and the situation changed indescribably.

"Headmaster, Qi Shaorong and Qian Mian did this, which was arranged by you?" Li Hong asked.

Hu Feng nodded and said, "do you still need to say that?"

"Headmaster, you are so good! Such a clever plan can also be worked out. " Li Hongman is admirable.

Hu Feng waved his hand and said, "it's nothing. Who wants me to be the principal?" In fact, Hu Feng knew nothing about Qi Shaorong's plan, but this did not hinder Qi Shaorong's actions, which became Hu Feng's clever plan.

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"Li Hong! Do you know why I am the principal and you are the deputy? Because our headmaster always keeps a clear head, and you will be confused from time to time. "

Li Hong: "..." It's really because of this. Isn't it because the headmaster's fist is hard.


Zhuang Qian stabbed Shen Yuan and asked, "brother Shen, do you know the origin of the student who pretended to be you?"

Shen Yuan frowned and said, "I don't know. It's said that he seems to be a civilian student. He doesn't show the mountain or the water in Tianlan college. He is the trump card of Hu Feng's special snow collection." Shen Yuan bowed his head and prepared carefully for a few months, but he was out on the first day of the game, which made Shen Yuan very depressed.

Zhuang Qian looked at Shen Yuan and said, "brother Shen, don't be too sad. You see a lot of people accompanying you."Shen Yuan: "..." He doesn't feel comforted at all, OK? In less than half of the competition time, there are four people out of Shenghuang college. He has a hunch that Shenghuang college will make a big joke this time.

"Hu Feng is really treacherous! He has two trumps. The old guy can bear it. I can't see it. I thought he was not sure about the war when I saw him in a hurry. " Zhuang Qian couldn't help saying.

Shen Yuan looks in the direction of Hu Feng. Hu Feng grins and has a bright smile on his face, which makes people hate to give him a fist.


Secret territory, Qi Shaorong all the way into the five level area.

For many students, level 7 area is a forbidden area, level 6 area is a high-risk area, as for level 5 area, it is a place to show their skills.

Qi Shaorong looks at the flying vulture.

on the plane of hundreds of meters of Indus trees, there is a black vulture. There are dozens of brilliant multicolored stones in the nest of the black eagle. It is seen that Qi Shaorong's Black Hawk's mouth is threatening.

Qi Shaorong waved his magic wand and shot down the black vulture.

Qilun Rong quickly handled the black eagle, and placed many traps beside the Indus tree.

Secret overseas, Zhuang Qian looked at Shen Yuan and said, "brother Shen, what is Qi Shaorong doing?"

Shen Yuan shook his head and said, "who knows, but this guy's bad foot has long sores and his head is festering. I don't think he's doing anything good."

"Brother Shen, this guy Qi Shaorong is so powerful. My elder brother, it will be ok..." Zhuang Qian's worried way.

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Shen Yuan shook his head and said, "I don't think so."

Shen Yuan is a little hesitant. As long as Zhuang Hao doesn't have a problem, there should be no problem in the first place of Shenghuang college. If Zhuang Hao has a problem, it will happen.

Zhuang Qian pursed his lips and said, "brother Shen, Qi Shaorong said there is a way to deal with my brother. Do you think what he said is true or false?"

Jacket embarrassed smile, said: "I don't know!"

"That bracelet." Shen Yuan's eyebrows jumped.

Zhuang Qian looked at Shen Yuan and said, "brother Shen, do you think of anything?"

Shen Yuan shook his head and said, "nothing!"

Shen Yuan lowered his head. Before the game, Qi Shaorong sent a bracelet to him. At that time, they thought Qi Shaorong was a devil waste, and they didn't take the things he sent seriously.

Shen Yuan's eyebrows jump suddenly. There is absolutely something wrong with the bracelet Qi Shaorong gave Zhuang Hao. I just don't know what's the mystery of the bracelet.

Zhuang Qian looked at Shen Yuan and said, "brother Shen, do you think of anything?"

Shen Yuan shook his head and said, "no, nothing." Shen Yuan bit his teeth and hated that he could not tell Zhuang Hao about the possible problems of the bracelet.


Qi Shaorong sits on a tall tree. All the students who enter the secret place have special instruments that can detect the places where there are abundant colorful stones. Qi Shaorong takes out all the colorful stones harvested in the space ring and piles them on the tree.

The light of the colorful stone soon attracted the competitors from other colleges.

"It's Qi Shaorong."

"Hello, Qi Shao, how are you on it?"

"I was caught by a black vulture. I can't get down now." Qi Shaorong is distressed to the students below.

Secret overseas, Shen Yuan looks at Qi Shaorong's frightened face, with severe toothache.

"This guy is really good at acting." Shen Yuan didn't get angry.

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"It's the English and yellow students. Those guys are going to be unlucky." Zhuang Qian said.

Shen Yuan frowns. Qi Shaorong's name is too much. Few people think that this guy is a terrible poisonous snake.

Secret territory.

Several students of Yinghuang college laughed at Qi Shaorong.

"Qi Shao, you wait there, we will save you."

As soon as several students of Yinghuang college got close, they fell into the trap that Qi Shaorong had arranged in advance. Smoke came out, and several students of Yinghuang college were dizzy.

Qi Shaorong waves his staff, knocks out several players, and takes down the colorful stones and crystal stones of monsters. Qi Shaorong simply sends people out of the secret place and waits for the next batch of prey.

Several students of Yinghuang college were sent out of the secret place in a coma, and the tutor of Yinghuang college took them away with a gloomy face.

Qi Shaorong's reputation is too bad. People who meet Qi Shaorong think they have met fat sheep. But in seven days, more than 60 players have been sent out of the secret place by Qi Shaorong in the same way.

Qiduo College's players are totally unlucky. Ten of the college's players have gathered, and ten of them have taken joint action. Generally speaking, self-protection is more than enough. It's a pity that these guys met Qi Shaorong, and Qi Shaorong was killed in one pot.

Hu Feng rubbed his hands and his mouth burst with laughterMany college presidents look at Hu Feng, one by one blowing beard and staring.

Li Hong looked at Hu Feng and said, "headmaster, it seems that Qi Shaorong's classmates have committed public anger." It seems that Qi Shaorong is not only guilty of public anger, but also the headmaster's complacency.

Hu Feng waved and said, "it's just so-called that it's mediocre not to be envied, just to be envied."

Li Hong sighed and said, "it's a pity that there is another Zhuang Hao in Shenghuang college. Otherwise, our college may be the first."

Hu Feng grinds his teeth, and his heart swells with a little reluctance.

In the secret place, Zhuang Hao is surrounded by ten or so level five monsters and three level six monsters.

Zhuang Hao is a master of animal control. After entering the secret place, he has tamed the beast for his own use. With the help of the beast, he can find the colorful stone. The colorful stone collected by Zhuang Hao alone is worth hundreds of players.

Li Hong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "Zhuang Hao, who will be his opponent if there are so many monsters to help him?"

Hu Feng scratched his head. "Let's have a look first." Hu Feng didn't think that Tianlan college would be the first. However, seeing Qi Shaorong and Qian Mian so fierce, he suddenly had several different ideas.

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