Chapter 5

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Side Sister Marguerite (Part 2)

Translated by Rafligo012


The day of the Blessing Ceremony had arrived.


Feeling a sense of unease for some reason on that day, I decided to have Eddie receive his blessing last.


“Eddie, can I ask you something?”


“Sure, what is it?”


“Today is the Blessing Ceremony, but after it’s over, could you help with the cleanup? So, could you go last to receive your blessing?”


“Got it. I’ll receive the blessing last, then!”


Eddie smiled and replied. Even at the age of 7, his angelic smile was intact, and he continued to guide me in various ways.


He had become known as the neighborhood’s smiling angel, and we often took him along because people would give us discounts or allow us to buy more when he was present.


And finally, the Blessing Ceremony began.


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It’s an unspoken rule that children from higher-ranking families go first. Today, it seems the ceremony began with Jürgen, the second son of the town’s mayor.


Noble children typically go to the capital city’s church for the ceremony, so they’re not present here. In this town, the mayor is the highest-ranking figure.


As Jürgen offered his prayers, letters appeared on the stone board in front of me called the Status Board.


Name: Jürgen

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 7

LV: 1

HP: 10

MP: 15

ATK: 6

DEF: 10

INT: 8

AGL: 7

Ability: Magic – Fire


Even though he’s not from a noble family, he possesses an affinity for fire magic. Quite rare for a commoner.


“Jürgen has been granted the ability of fire magic. Jürgen, please confirm your Status Board.”


As I announced this,

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Jürgen looked at the Status Board and pumped his fist in excitement.


As the regular townsfolk one by one received their blessings, it was finally the turn of the orphanage children.


At the forefront was Allen, who was granted the ability in swordsmanship. Allen had promised to become an adventurer with Eddie and the others, so his swordsmanship ability will surely come in handy.


The surprise came with Mary, who showed an affinity for water magic.


Being able to use water magic allows her to learn healing magic, making her quite popular among adventurers. While she’s a pest that clings to Eddie, she possesses an essential ability for Eddie’s safe adventurer life.


Finally, it was Eddie’s turn as the last person. He stood before the statue of the goddess and offered his prayers. His form as he prayed was truly picturesque.


The Status Board momentarily lit up, so I checked it.


Name: Edward Valkharen

Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 7

LV: 1

HP: 10

MP: 300

ATK: 10

DEF: 10

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INT: 300

AGL: 10

Ability: Thread

Blessings: Moirai’s Blessing, Minerva’s Blessing



There’s just too much to comment on. Could it be Valkharen, the famous Valkharen family?


Having MP and INT at 300! Adult humans average around 400, so this is quite unusual…


And the ability Thread, I’ve never heard of it. What are these Blessings? I’ve never seen them before!


As I was lost in thought for quite some time, the crowd started to murmur, so I hurriedly made the announcement.


“Eddie’s granted ability is ‘Thread.’ Eddie, please confirm your Status Board.”


Just as Eddie stood up to walk towards the Status Board,


He clutched his head and collapsed.



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Eddie cried out in pain.


“Eddie! Are you okay?”


I rushed over to him and tried to lift him up, but he ended up fainting.


Suppressing my growing panic, I addressed the remaining people.


“The Blessing Ceremony will conclude now. Everyone, please disperse.”


With the ceremony over, I hurriedly took Eddie and the Status Board to the infirmary.


Once he was lying on the infirmary bed, I attempted to heal him.


“Spirits, heal the wounded soul.”


I waited for a while, but there was no change in Eddie. He didn’t have a fever, and there were no external abnormalities.


“It seems he’s simply unconscious…”


Feeling a bit relieved, I left Eddie in the infirmary, instructing the children to keep watch until Eddie woke up. Then, I made my way to the library.

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