Chapter 6

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Translated by Rafligo012


I woke up to the morning sun. When I sat up, I realized I was in an unfamiliar place.


“Where am I…?”


Looking around, I saw several beds lined up. It seemed like I had been placed in some kind of infirmary.


“Why was I sleeping in a place like this…”


I couldn’t remember why I had been in the infirmary. Did I get injured? I checked my body, but there were no injuries or pain. However, my body felt smaller… like that of a child. Wait, how old am I anyway?


As I was trying to remember what happened, I heard voices from outside the room. The voices grew closer, and three boys and a girl entered the room. The girl with blue hair approached me.


“Eddie! You’re awake. We were worried. Do you feel any pain anywhere?”


I was the only one in this room, so they must be talking to me. I decided to respond.


“I think I’m okay…”


“That’s a relief! Everyone was surprised when you suddenly clutched your head and fell during the Blessing Ceremony.”


Eddie… that’s my name, right? And who is this girl? I couldn’t recall their names. Her hair is an intense shade of blue… Is it some sort of cosplay?

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Next, a brown-haired boy with an intense expression spoke up.


“I’m glad you’re awake. Eddie, while you were unconscious, we went ahead and made a decision. Sorry for not consulting you, but you won’t be able to be in a party with us anymore. We’ve decided to form a party with Jürgen from the mayor’s house instead of you. Jürgen received the talent for fire magic during the Blessing Ceremony. He’s amazing, isn’t he? Teaming up with him will create a better balance for the party than with you.”


This boy explained to me.


Party? What kind of party is he talking about? Did he just mention magic? I remember something about the Blessing Ceremony earlier…


As I tried to piece things together, a tall boy with brown hair and a large shield started speaking.


“Isn’t this shield cool? It’s a gift from Jürgen’s father to celebrate the formation of our party. He gave me equipment suited for my shield skills. Allen, who received sword skills, got a sword. Mary, who received water magic, even got a healing magic book!”


“This sword is pretty good too. The equipment we have is something the other orphanage groups would never be able to gather. We owe this to Jürgen.”


“That’s right. Having water magic abilities won’t be of any use without a magic book, so it’s helpful to be able to learn magic from the start.”


What’s with their excitement? I looked closely, and none of them seem to be Japanese. A reddish-brown-haired boy with a grin on his face stood in the back. He must be Jürgen. The boy with a sword is Allen, and the blue-haired girl is Mary. However, I couldn’t recall the name of the shield-bearing boy.


As I was pondering about the shield-bearing boy, Mary started talking again.


“Since you’re skilled in production, Eddie, being an adventurer is dangerous. Allen and Jürgen say it’s impossible. So, Eddie, focus on your production skills and don’t do anything risky!”


What did she just say? My granted ability is… production skills?


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Jürgen, who had been grinning in the background, spoke up.


“I’m sorry it ended up in a way that we had to exclude you, but having someone with production skills become an adventurer would only hinder us or get them killed. It’s for the best for both of us, don’t you think?”


All four of them took turns speaking and then left. However, I was in shock over my granted ability being production skills, so I couldn’t process their conversation after a certain point.


One thing was clear—I had apparently been expelled from the party even before we formed it.


“It’s just like those exiled protagonist novels…”


I murmured and suddenly realized something odd.


What’s a “novel”?


As I thought about it, I realized there were memories that clearly weren’t mine, memories that felt strange. In that moment, my own memories intertwined with those memories.


That’s right! I remember now. After receiving my ability during the Blessing Ceremony, I recall the intense pain… but then I fell unconscious?


“…Was I a reincarnated person?”


My hazy consciousness was gradually awakening.


“I see, so that guy Allen replaced me with Jürgen in the party.”


I had been looking forward to forming a party of four, but now, for some reason, it felt like someone else’s story.

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“Come to think of it, is the thread ability determined for production skills?”


My granted ability isn’t sewing, but rather the ability to control threads. In the reincarnation genre, having thread-related skills is often quite powerful, allowing things like cutting with threads or controlling monsters… 


Curious, I decided to give it a try.


“Threads, come forth!”


I jumped and extended my wrists as if I were some superhero with spider-like abilities, but nothing happened.




I turned toward the source of the noise to find Meg-neechan staring at me with wide eyes… 


I felt incredibly embarrassed… I wish I could just disappear.


“Oh, you seem to be feeling better… Why are you muttering to yourself and making cute poses? I have no idea, but nice job!”


Meg-neechan was talking to me, but I could hardly hear the last part.


“Thank you. Sorry for worrying you.”


“Is there anything wrong with your body?”


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“Wrong? There doesn’t seem to be any problem, really.”


She seemed quite worried as she touched various parts of my body to check. But did she really need to hug me in the process?


“I was really worried, you know. You’ve been asleep for five days.”


“What? I was sleeping for five days?”


I had thought it was just one or two days!


“Yes, Mary told me you woke up and I rushed over. You were asleep for so long, but are you thirsty or hungry?”


“I’m completely fine.”


“In that case, I’m relieved. Since everyone at the orphanage was worried, make sure to show up tomorrow with a bright face.”


“Got it. But is tomorrow okay?”


“Yes, not as a punishment for worrying your big sister, but because we need to talk about your status. Come to my room later today. Even though you’re not hungry, it’s not good to go without eating for so long. Let’s have dinner together just the two of us tonight. I’ll cook.”


“Status? So, there’s more to my abilities than just the thread skill?”


“That’s right. It’s going to be a long conversation, so let’s get going.”


And so, we headed to Meg-neechan’s room together.

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