The Return of the Wife

Chapter 14.1

    Zhuang Jinling turned around and saw a handsome young man walking towards him.

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    He didn't receive the original owner's memory, so naturally he didn't know who the other party was.

    Yaya whispered to him considerately: " Dad, he is Beiyin Shuanghua."

    Zhuang Jinling narrowed his eyes when he heard the name.

    In the early stage of the novel, Beiyin Shuanghua didn’t appear many times, but he was deeply impressed by Beiyin Shuanghua. He was one of the most hated characters among all the characters in the novel. Delivered himself to the door, hehe...

    Zhuang Jinling said in a low voice: "I remember that the current Beiyin Shuanghua is a warrior who has just advanced to the fourth rank."



    Zhuang Jinling smiled with his lips curled up: "Very good."

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    Bei Yin Shuanghua came to Zhuang Jinling, looked at Zhuang Jinling's appearance, and asked in a questioning tone: "Are you really Zhuang Jinling? Zhuang Jinling, the son of Zhuang Xingju, the capital's Zhuang family?"


    The Zhuang Jinling he knew had a fat head and big ears, a greasy face, no temperament, and always had a wretched and flattering smile on his face. It was annoying to see, and gave people a feeling that they wanted to beat him up.

    But the young man in front of him was not only good-looking, but his aura was like that of the nobleman in the painting. His expression was calm, his waist was straight, and his breath was sharp. Except for the small mole around the corner of his eye, he looked nothing like the Zhuang Jinling he knew. Because other than that, there was no other similarity.

    Zhuang Jinling replied: "Yes."

    "You have changed a lot." Beiyin Shuanghua's eyes were complicated, and he was not happy that the other party had changed so much, because he felt that the current Zhuang Jinling and Beiyin Cangmo were damn right for each other, even if they were both man, but they couldn't make people feel disgusted. Instead, he found them pleasing to the eye: "It's still pleasing to the eye before."

    Zhuang Jinling sneered: "Speaking so slyly against your own will, do you think I don't know that you used to call me a fat pig behind my back and in your heart?"

    Beiyin Shuanghua was dissatisfied with his attitude towards him, and suddenly darkened his face: "Zhuang Jinling, are you impatient to die? How dare you talk to me like that?"

    "Oh, I not only dare to say that to you, but also..." Zhuang Jinling put his hands in his pockets as he spoke, and then said with a serious expression, "Hit you."

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     As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand from his pocket and swung his fist towards Beiyin Shuanghua with lightning speed.

    Bei Yin Shuanghua didn’t take Zhuang Jinling's offensive in his eyes, on the contrary, it was the first time he saw him so tough, he was surprised, angry and disdainful: "Do you want to hit me? this piece of trash?"


    Zhuang Jinling was only a first rank warrior before. Even in the past four years, he had been promoted to the second rank at most due to his extremely poor foundation.

    Beiyin Shuanghua calmly raised his inner strength, ready to shake the opponent away. Suddenly there was a stabbing pain in his head, as if several needles had been pierced into his brain, and the pain caused all the internal energy he had just gathered to dissipate.


    He was shocked, and then, the opponent's fist landed heavily on his face, and he staggered and fell against the wall.

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    While Beiyin Shuanghua was in pain, he was also stunned. He didn't expect that one day he would be slapped in the face by someone who everyone thought was trash.

    "Beiyin Shuanghua, I want to beat you up a long time ago."


     When Zhuang Jinling watched "The Legend of Martial Arts" for the first time, he really liked the male protagonist, and he liked him very, very much. He was a bit similar with himself, he was a child raised by his grand Dad without the love of his parents since he was a child, and the male protagonist’s experience was similar to him, even if his bones were not good, he worked hard everyday, he was very self-motivated, and never relied on his own status to bully the weak, but some people were just used to the behavior of the male protagonist, jealous that he was favored by those in power and got all good resources.

    Beiyin Shuanghua was one of the people who was jealous of the male protagonist. After Beiyin Cangmo's grandfather, Beiyin Zhi abdicated, he tried his best to torture Beiyin Cangmo, he asked Beiyin Cangmo to kneel and kowtow for him, drilled his crotch, made him a horse rider, etc., the worst thing was to force Beiyin Cangmo to eat shit.

    When Zhuang Jinling saw this description, he overturned the table angrily, and called his good friend Tang Yunqi to scold him, and even wished to get into the book and beat Beiyin Shuanghua for the male protagonist.

    It was all right now, the opportunity had come to your door, how could you vent your previous anger if you didn't give him a beating?

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    "Let you dare to ask Beiyin Cangmo to drill your crotch... Let you dare to ask Beiyin Cangmo to kneel... Let you dare to make Beiyin Cangmo kowtow... Let you bully Beiyin Cangmo...Damn it, you a bastard, I'll beat you to death, you disgusting villain." Zhuang Jinling took advantage of his loss of consciousness in pain to kill him, and beat his temples, bridge of nose and other vulnerable places.

    He knew that a warrior of the first rank couldn’t seriously injure a warrior of the higher rank, so he put his hands in his pockets to put on the punches he had prepared early in the morning. He could stab the opponent without hurting him, and the punching was at the vital point, so he was not afraid at all that he would kill him.

    "Big villain, let you bully the scumbag dad." Yaya punched Beiyin Shuanghua's thigh with her small fist a few times, then ran away laughing and giggling, like a little rabbit stealing carrots, not to mention how cute she was .


    After being punched a few times, Bei Yin Shuanghua finally regained his sanity, he roared and raised his fist to Zhuang Jinling’s face.

    Zhuang Jinling reacted quickly, didn’t meet the opponent’s fist, and quickly retracted to dodge.

    "Boom -" Beiyin Shuanghua punched the wall, although his fist didn't touch the wall, but the internal force hit the wall and made a big hole in the wall.

    "..." Zhuang Jinling was glad that he hid quickly, otherwise his life would be ended here.

    When the bodyguards at the auction heard the noise, they all rushed over with internal force.

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