The Return of the Wife

Chapter 14.2

  Zhuang Jinling panted and walked behind the bodyguard to seek shelter. He could attack Beiyin Shuanghua with his mental power just now because he had just raised his mental power level, and he had such luck when he was energetic. It was impossible to use it a second time, let alone his mental power level was not as high as that of Beiyin Shuanghua, so his weak body didn't allow him to do this anymore.

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    Two bodyguards supported Bei Yin Shuanghua.

    Beiyin Shuanghua pushed the two bodyguards away angrily, jumped up quickly, and concentrated his internal force to attack Zhuang Jinling: "Zhuang Jinling, go to hell."


    The bodyguards hurriedly held him up: "Sir, fighting is not allowed in the auction venue, please respect yourself. "

    The bodyguards were either rank 3 warriors or rank 4 warriors, and they easily stopped Beiyin Shuanghua.

    Beiyin Shuanghua pointed at his face with red eyes and said angrily: "I was beaten like this, and you still make me respect myself? This is how you maintain the safety in the auction? What about the injuries on my face?"


    "This..." The bodyguard looked at his miserable face and didn't know how to answer him for a moment.

    At this time, Zheng Ke arrived after hearing the news, and seeing Beiyin Shuanghua's whole face covered with blood, he couldn't help but gasped, the person who injured Beiyin Shuanghua was really a ruthless person.

    He asked: "What's going on?"

    The bodyguard briefly explained the situation.

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    Zheng Ke was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that it was Zhuang Jinling, who looked weak, who injured Beiyin Shuanghua. He looked at Zhuang Jinling: "Mr. Zhuang, you are..."


     Zhuang Jinling breathed out: "It's all because of his good looks, so he looked like he deserved a beating, so I didn't hold back and hit him for a while. Mr. Zheng, I'm really sorry, it's all because of my poor concentration, I will be responsible, and I will pay for the repair of the wall that was smashed by him."

    Zheng Ke: "..." was this about repairing a wall?

    Moreover, he would cooperate with Zhuang Jinling in the future, and it was impossible for Zhuang Jinling to pay for the wall.

    "Zhuang Jinling, you are looking for death." Beiyin Shuanghua rushed over angrily, but was stopped by the bodyguards: "You let me go, I will kill him."


    Zhuang Jinling said to Beiyin Shuanghua: "Beiyin Shuanghua, for the sake of  Mr. Zheng’s face, we will solve it in private."

    Bei Yin Shuanghua said angrily: "I will kill you now."

    "Okay, let's go outside to solve this matter now." Zhuang Jinling wiped the bloodstain on his hands with a paper, "I'll wait for you in the parking lot below."

    Just as the elevator arrived, he turned and walked into the elevator.

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    Yaya ran in with short legs, and then, the elevator door closed.

    The bodyguards released Beiyin Shuanghua.

    Beiyin Shuanghua glared at the bodyguards angrily, took out his mobile phone to call Beiyin Cong and the others, and asked them to take people to the underground parking lot to block them, and then took the elevator downstairs by himself.

    Zheng Ke breathed a sigh of relief and let the bodyguards disperse.

    After they left, two people walked out of the smoking area not far away.

    They were Beiyin Cangmo and Luo Yunyuan who found an excuse to come out to smoke, and they could clearly see what happened before.

    Luo Yunyuan asked: "Who is that Zhuang Jinling? Why did he beat up the Beiyin family for you?"

    Beiyin Cangmo didn't answer him, but lightly exhaled smoke to cover the expression on his face, and then he took a puff of cigarette, crushed half of it, and went back to the banquet to tell Li Sang that he was going to leave.

    Li Sang couldn't stay any longer, and when she heard Beiyin Cangmo wanted to leave, she hurriedly followed him.

    When they took the elevator to the underground parking lot, they saw a group of people looking for someone in the parking lot.

    Li Sang was not a good person, so she directly asked the driver to drive Beiyin Cangmo back first, and then drove home.

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    Beiyin Cangmo returned to his home in Efang City, untied his coat, lay down on the bed, turned over twice, stood up and walked out of the room, looked towards the door leading to the balcony, he hesitated and walked towards the balcony door.

    After he opened the door, he immediately heard giggling sound from the next room: "Dad, I want to hear a bedtime story."

    Zhuang Jinling pulled the quilt up for her: "I'll tell you the story of Black Snow Princess tonight."


    "A long time ago, there was a Snow White..."


     Yaya interrupted him: "Dad, didn't you say you wanted to tell me about Black Snow princess?"

     "She was originally called Snow White, but in order to monopolize all the love of her father, she used tricks to drive away her stepmother. Since then, she has been blackened and turned into Black Snow Princess."


    Yaya got out of the quilt excitedly: "Dad , I want to be Black Snow Princess."

    Zhuang Jinling raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

    "I'm going to use tricks to drive away the bad women around scumbag dad, so that they won't be my stepmother."

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    Beiyin Cangmo, who was eavesdropping on them outside, twitched his lips.

    Zhuang Jinling didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "It's alright, as long as you are happy, puchi—"

    He suddenly laughed.

    Yay was curious: "Dad, what are you laughing at?"

    Zhuang Jinling couldn't help laughing out loud: "I was thinking that Beiyin Shuanghua might still looking for us in the underground parking lot now. He must never thought that I fooled him. In fact, I have already returned home." Beiyin

    Beiyin Shuanghua had a high martial arts rank, and there were still a large number of people under him who could be dispatched, so he wouldn't be foolishly waiting to be beaten by them.

    "Giggle—" Yaya was also happy.

    Zhuang Jinling pulled Yaya back under the quilt: "It's getting late, go to bed quickly, I'll count one, two, three, and see who wil fall asleep first, one, two, three, snore..."

    He pretended to snore.

    Yaya pursed her mouth: "Dad is lying."

    After that, there was no more voice in the room.

    Beiyin Cangmo, who was standing outside the balcony, stood at the door for a long time before turning around and going back to his room to sleep.

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