Chapter 3 Kill the scumbag

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    Yaya, when she almost cried out of breath, she said while crying, "My system is called anti-protagonist system." 


    Zhuang Jinling was afraid to make her cry, so he knelt down and asked cautiously: "The anti-protagonist means..." 


    Honestly, he kept saying he didn’t quite understand what is system, and he didn’t know about the system when he was reading "The Legend Of Martial Arts", but he had read articles about system written by other authors, saying that the system was similar to that in the online games. the server will post tasks to the protagonist. If the protagonist completes the task, they can upgrade their training level or get special rewards, similar to the main god or artificial intelligence with independent intelligence and thinking, but the system generally only exists in the protagonist’s mind. Few systems will materialize, and he had never seen a child system, even the numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all taught by him. 


    For the past four years, Zhuang Jinling always felt that he was not a system, but a newborn baby. He had to not only taught her to learn, but also took care of her daily life. He really became a dad. 


    Yaya sobbing and saying: "Just let you kill the protagonist, and you will be the protagonist." 


    "That's good." In the past four years, the thing Zhuang Jinling wanted to do the most was to kill the male protagonist. 


    Yaya, she was stunned, and she cried even more sadly. 


    "..." Zhuang Jinling knew why she was crying. From the time they met, she regarded him as her own father. In her view, he was both her father and the male protagonist's male wife, the male protagonist could be regarded as her other father, so she specially made her appearance similar to the male protagonist, and she also had the same surname as the male protagonist, because in the human world, children are named after their father. 


    In addition, she had never met with the man, worrying that the man woukd not like her after seeing her, and turned herself into a girl, because the man would have a harem in the future and would like many women, so he would definitely like her. It could be seen that she really regarded the male protagonist as another father, plus she had always thought that following Zhuang Jinling to this world was to help the male protagonist, and she was more concerned about the male protagonist. now suddenly let her father kill another father, how could she not be sad.


    Zhuang Jinling comforted the child, rubbing her little head and said: "Don't cry, crying won't solve the problem." 


    Yaya cried and said, "I don't want my father to die." 


    Zhuang Jinling laughed: "I'm not dead again. What are you crying for?" 


    "I'm talking about another dad." 


    "..." Zhuang Jinling was speechless, thinking for a while and saying: "You should be very clear that the original owner of my body has a very bad attitude towards the male protagonist, and wanted to kill him. The male protagonist also hates the original owner. When the original owner fell down the mountain, it was a masterpiece of the male protagonist. although I used the original owner’s body later, it represented that the original owner was alive. The original body had changed the core, so the male protagonist will continue to hate me like he used to hate the original owner. If the male protagonist knows that I'm not dead, he will definitely find a way to kill me in the future, Yaya, you don't want your father to have trouble right, right?" 


    Yaya, red eyes and shook his head: "I don't want to." 

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    "There is also that the male protagonist will like many women in the future, he will bring me a lot of green hats (cuckold), and find you a lot of stepmothers to abuse you. are you not  afraid?" 


    Yaya was afraid and nodded her head. 


    The more Zhuang Jinling talked about it, the more he hated the male protagonist, and he didn't want the final fate to die in the hands of the male protagonist. After half a minute of silence, he asked, "my baby, what do you say we are going to do?" 


    She was silent. half a minute later: "I will do what daddy says." 


    Zhuang Jinling who hated men who commit polygamy to the core: "I want to kill this slag husband" 


    Yaya leart from him, with milk voice fiercely said: "okay," 


    Zhuang Jinling felt funny, asked: "stop crying?" 


    Yaya embarrassedly unable to hold her legs, raised her head and gave him a cute smile. 


    Zhuang Jinling smiled, squatted down and asked: "Then you still call the male protagonist father?" 


    Yaya blinked her eyes and said, "don't call father then what?" 


    Zhuang Jinling thought for a while and hummed, "called scumbag."


    " Scumbag ?" 


Zhuang Jinling smiled and nodded: "yes, scumbag, scumbag ."


" scumbag, scumbag..." Yaya, she thought this name was very interesting, and she called out several times. 


    Zhuang Jinling waited until she was happy before asking: "Didn't you say that the system function will only be opened when you meet the male protagonist? how did you open it now? did you see the male protagonist?"

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The male protagonist must be there.


    When he called the male protagonist just now, the male protagonist said that he was at the west gate. he also said that as long as he entered the west gate and turned a hundred meters to the right, he would be able to see people. In the end, he came to the women’s toilet, indicating that the male protagonist actually was in the west gate. After all, he spoke very loudly when he called before, and he must have attracted the attention of the male protagonist before he (BYCM) lied to him to come to the toilet. 


    Isn't the male protagonist the young man standing at the door just now? 


    Judging from his age and appearance, he does not look like a male protagonist. 


    Yaya shook his head: "I didn't see it." 


    Zhuang Jinling asked again: "Then what function do you have now? did you give me tasks? did you know what should I do to return to my own world?" 


    Yaya thinking of the functions that just activated very happily: "I can store more things now." 


    Zhuang Jinling was speechless: "That's your function?" 


    "You have to upgrade to have more functions." 


    "Is there a task?" 


    "The task is for dad to get rid of the scum dad, be the male protagonist." 


    "The male protagonist is the protagonist of this world. he has all kinds of luck. It is so easy to kill him?"


Zhuang Jinling twisted his eyebrows: "If there is no special condition, it is fundamentally impossible to kill him. I can't kill him." 


    Yaya, giggling: "No." 


Zhuang Jinling was startled, and said excitedly: "Really? what special condition is that?"

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    "As long as dad and scum dad hold hands for five minutes, you can modify a punctuation mark, hug dad scum for ten minutes can modify a word, kiss dad scum's face can modify a word, kiss dad scum's lip can modify a sentence, make love with dad scumbag and a paragraph can be changed. If you put the scumbag on the bed for seven days and seven nights, you can edit the full text." 


   After hearing this, Zhuang Jinling not only got lumps all over his body, but also almost vomited: "Fuck, are you sure that this is the method to kill him? not a way you came up with to kill me? as far as the relationship between me and the male protagonist, let alone holding hands, it is possible to fight with the male protagonist just after meeting. And let me kiss the male protagonist’s face and then kiss the male protagonist's lip. what's going on? we are all men, so how can we do such a thing? what I transmigrated into is a normal male story, not gay story. wouldn't your system want to use this method to disgust the male protagonist? then make me take the job, right?" 


    He became more and more loud as he talked about it. the only thing he was grateful for was that this task was not mandatory. 


    Yaya blinked her big innocent eyes, not knowing how to answer him. 


    Zhuang Jinling waited halfway down, and then asked: "Yaya, what did you mean by changing the  punctuation mark and changing the word?" 


    Yaya took out a pencil and a book, the title of the book was "The Legend Of Martial Arts". It was the book written by a friend of Zhuang Jinling. Then, as if there was a wind blowing the pages of the book, the book quickly flipped and made a clattering sound, and the last page stopped at page one hundred and fifty: "now the plot is on the page one hundred and fifty. There are three free opportunities to modify words as an experience." 


    She handed the pencil to Zhuang Jinling and said, "Dad can use the rubber on the pencil tip to erase the words you want to change, and then fill in the words you want to write. the words filled in must keep the entire sentence fluent, and the content of the pages can only be modified at most three words, and the rest will not work." 


Zhuang Jinling looked at her intently, thinking that she finally looked a little like system now: "Then I will change the plot after the word is changed?" 


    Yaya nodded. 


    Zhuang Jinling became interested in changing the plot and said excitedly: "For example, if I get the permission to change a sentence, can I directly change the protagonist to die?" 


If he could change it like this, it was worth kissing the male protagonist.




    Zhuang Jinling rolled his eyes: "I know that the male protagonist won't die so easily. If I change a certain sentence to make use thunder, is this okay ?" 




Zhuang Jinling said happily: "Then, am I similar to a God? In this way, there is still a great hope that the male protagonist will be killed." 

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    Seeing that he was happy, she also chuckled happily. 


    Zhuang Jinling asked again: "Then how can Ireturn to my world?" 


    "As long as my dad becomes the male protagonist , you can return to your original world."


 Zhuang Jinling knew the way to back, and finally could let go the stone in his heart, he read the content of the novel carefully to see if there was anything that could be changed. 


    According to the book, during lunch time, when Bei Yin Sen, the youngest son of the head of the Bei Yin branch in He Cheng, was returning to the city, he deliberately provoked Bei yin Cangmo, and then the two groups fought. 


    Zhuang Jinling saw the description of the battle in the book, his eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth sneered: "Bei yin Cangmo, even if I can't kill you, I will crush you." 


    Yaya looked at him and blinked her beautiful and big eyes innocently. 


    Zhuang Jinling held her little hand: "Go, take you to see how I made a mess your scumbag dad." 




Zhuang Jinling returned to the gate of the city and heard some noise coming from outside the gate, he pulled the child and hid by the door and took a peek, and saw the guardian soldiers fighting with a group of people. One of the handsome men looked very similar to Yaya. If he didn't guess wrong, that person should be Bei Yin Cangmo. 


    He hummed: "The male protagonist is the male protagonist. Not only he is capable, he is also tall and handsome, no wonder he can attract so many women to like him." 


    Zhuang Jinling quickly opened the book and checked the contents of the book without any changes in his face. Then, he saw one sentence about the battle stating that one of Bei Yin Sen's subordinates did not join the battle, but secretly hid in the crowd of onlookers to find a chance to shoot Bei Yin Cangmo.


    He saw this, his gaze brightened, and he continued to look down. A few of them describe the situation like this: Bei Yin Cangmo's subordinates took advantage of Bei Yin Cangmo to concentrate on dealing with his family's young master, and quickly raised his hand to aim at Bei Yin Cangmo. At the same time, Bei Yin Cangmo who had discovered his existence early, had a terrifying expression and quickly threw the lighter in his hand and hit him in the arm. Bei Yin Sen's arm was tilted, and he squeezed the trigger. With a bang, the bullet shot towards Bei Yin Cangmo at a speed invisible to the naked eye. 


    Zhuang Jinling hooked his lips and used the pencil rubber to erase the word that had been shot towards Bei Yin Cangmo, and changed it to another words: "hey, let's see if you die." 


    Two minutes later, this scene happened.

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